Friday, May 31, 2019
School, Education, Wisdom and My Life :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay
School, Education, Wisdom and My LifeOne day in class, I was asked what I know nearly, and how what I know about, relates to me today, in my life, as I am living it. Well, this is an account of whether or not I know anything at all. If I do know something, Ill make clear of how it is connected with me. If I come to the conclusion that I dont know anything at all, then Ill write about something else, if I know what Im writing about. I shall base this narrative around me, starting from birth, and concluding it with the now and present. This I know Ill do because I have told you I will. And I try not to lie.On an early evening of October the fifth, 1978, I, John Moren was born to an average, eight pound, five ounce body. How do I know this? First, I have hospital records to prove it, and second, I do not believe my parents would lie to me about something so monumental, such as my birth. At this time in my life, if some maven were to ask me if I knew anything, I wouldnt know who they we re, who I was, where I was, or what that gibberish was that was coming out of that hole in their face. I withal wouldnt know what a face or hole was. Starting off well, wouldnt you say? I was then transported off somewhere with some people, just now I was happy because whatever it was that I was wearing stank of something ripe and everyone kept making funny faces. After countless hours of repetition, I finally came to objectiveization that one of these huge beasts was mama, and the other was dada. The next couple of years, I am told, were spent learning how to walk, learning how to talk, learning how to pee. Well, I of all time knew how to pee, but it was always in my pants. Among these amazing astonishments, I learned how to get into trouble, and get out of it with my charming eyes and goo-goo ga-gas. So at this point in my life, I knew a couple of things, but I didnt know why I knew them. It just helped out. I soon started hearing things about school and was told Id be there fo r a Long time. YA HOO In my mind, I was thinking of a place where they sent all kids to be branded and molded into something suitable for the real world.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The European Court of Justice and its Interlocutors Essay -- policies,
Member state governments of the European Community began with a fundamental role in making EC policies and standards barely throughout the 1960s and 1970s the European Court of jurist gradually began to expand its role and developed an unprecedented regime comparable to the constitutional shape of a federal state. The ECJ permitted itself to decide on matters traditionally considered to be the exclusive competence of member states including social policy, gender equality and competition policy. Remarkably, the majority of home(a) courts and governments of the member states have conformed to ECJ rulings and have harmoniously surrendered their jurisdiction over key policy areas deferring to the ECJs authority. Consequently, the member states have struggled to enjoy international legal analogue of compliance in their relationship with the ECJ and commentators such as Weiler J.A have labelled the process a quiet revolution. It is necessary to address the means and opportunities the Court of Justice employed in order to inaugurate itself as a superior court to that of the members. In pursuance of this objective, it should be borne in mind whether member states want ECJ supremacy and thus voluntarily handed the ECJ their competences or whether a competence creep materialised, gradually increasing the superiority of the ECJ. The answer is not easily decipher ample EU scholars have proposed explanations for the apparent gift of superiority. Neo-functionalists notably argue that the early choice of national governments to place determined areas within the power of European institutions produced pressure to extend the powers of these institutions to further policy areas. The phrase functional spill-over was coined by ..., and Heiner Schulz. 1998. The European Court of Justice, National Governments, and Legal Integration in the European Union. outside(a) Organization 52 (1)292 Neill Nugent. 2006. The Government and Politics of the European Union, Sixth Edition. Durham Duke University Press 292. Nugent 2006 291 Weiler, J.A. (1994) A Quiet Revolution The European Court of Justice and its Interlocutors house A. Pollack. 2005. Theorizing EU Policy-Making. In Policy-Making in the European Union, 5th edition, edited by Helen Wallace, William Wallace, and Mark A. Pollack. Oxford Oxford University Press 15. Andrew Moravscik. April 2005. The European Constitutional Compromise and the Neofunctionalist Legacy. Journal of European Public Policy 12 (2) 350. Martha Finnemore. 1996. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca Cornell University Press 5.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Kidney Thieves Urban Legend :: Urban Legends
Losing Organs at a Party The Kidney Thieves Legend and the Immigrant envisionMy family, most being first generation immigrants, has at times a slightly negative view of American culture. Because of this, many of the family dinner conversations ar closely the differences between American and Iranian cultures and often how the Iranian culture is better in some ways. To support this theory many urban legends are brought up that show the dark side of the American culture. For example, when the family was gathered together for the Iranian new year, a version of the famous legend about the traveler who was doped and robbed of his organs in a hotel room was told by a family member. It is important to none that he told the story in Farsi, which means that I am translating and not merely re-telling the story verbatim.The storytellers version of the story was about an Iranian foreign exchange student who had recently come to the US. The story begins with the student, being alone in this c ountry, going to a party he had heard of from other students. In the party, having had a few drinks, another American thing my family is against, he met a stunning unobjectionable girl who offered him a drink and asked to go to his place at the end of the night. The tone with which he described the girl was specially interesting, noting that even the innocent looking girls cannot be trusted. The story goes that the Iranian student did not remember anything from that point on until he woke up the next day in his bathing tub covered with ice. There was also a note next to him telling him not to move and call 911. When the ambulance arrived at his apartment he was told that his kidney was removed and that he was not the first person this has happened to. To add to the accuracy and suspense of the story, the storyteller, a physician, mentioned how the ice was used to keep the students body cold to hold excessive blood loss and inflammation, which was essentially what kept him alive. After being discharged from the hospital for a few weeks with a missing kidney, a voluminous hospital bill, and having fallen behind his studies, the student found out that there is an organized ring of organ thieves who specialize in lonely foreign students, who are as the storyteller sees it, more susceptible to being seduced by girls.
Precursors to Suicide in Life and Works of Sylvia Plath and Sarah Kane
Precursors to Suicide in Life and Works of Sylvia Plath and Sarah KaneIntroductionWe are going to describe factors associated with the suicidal process in lives of Sarah Kane and Sylvia Plath as reflected in the late works of these two female authors who committed suicide when they were 27 and 30 years old. Antoon Leenaars and Susanne Wenckstern (1998) have written ?Suicide bankers bills are in all likelihood the ultrapersonal documents. They are the unsolicited productions of the suicidal person, usually written minutes in the lead the suicidal death.? Literary works of suicidal authors written in the time before their death can be read as such suicide notes.It is possible that the suicidal process set off before Sarah Kane started to write her vanquish play and before Sylvia Plath wrote the best poems of her life. They capability have been either created in an attempt to set the suicidal process back (Viewegh, 1996) or as a pure manifestation of this suicidal process which mig ht have brought about sudden burst of strong internal creative powers. In both cases we might take these works as suicide notes and poetic accounts on a dramatic search for the meaning of life and existence.Nevertheless no suicide note is able to give a complete account of the suicidal mind. Such a note must be put in the context of the separate life as Shneidman said (1980) and in the context of broad theoretical formulations about suicide and personality functioning in general as declared by Leenaars (1988) if one wants to understand the motives lying behind.1Risk Factors for SuicideVery concise description of risk factors for suicide has been offered by Leenaars (1988) and is based on studies of 10 theories of suicide. There are 5 subcategories included under the intr... ...Leenaars, A. A. & Wenckstern, S. (1998). Sylvia Plath A protocol analysis of her last poems. Death Studies, October 1, 1998, Vol. 22, Issue 7, ISSN 0748-1187. Retrieved May 6, 2005 from Academic search Prem ier Database.Plath, A. & Plath, S. (Eds.) (1975). Letters Home. London Faber and Faber.Shneidman, E. S. (1980). Voices of death. New York Harper & Row.Shneidman, E. S. (1982). The suicidal logic of Cesare Pavese. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 10, 547-563.Stirman, S. W. & Pennebaker, J. W. (2001) Word Use in the Poetry of dangerous and Nonsuicidal Poets. Psychosomatic Medicine. 63, p. 517-522 2001 American Psychosomatic Society, Retrieved December 20, 2004 from http//, J. (1996). Sebevra?da a literatura (Suicide and literature). Brno Nakladatelstv Tom?e Jane?ka10
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Defining the Life of Robert Louis Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essays
Defining the Life of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The focal point of this essay is to define the life of Dr. Henry Jekyll, and the regeneration he went through in becoming Edward Hyde. Dr. Henry Jekyll is a physician in London. He is very well respected and is currently experimenting the dual reputation of creationkind. Edward Hyde is a earthly concernifestation of Dr. Jekylls somebodyality. He is accused of committing annoyance acts throughout the novel. The first scene consists of Mr. Richard Enfields and Mr. Utterson walking along a street in London. Mr. Enfield has a anamnesis of a previous incident in which he witnessed an extremely unpleasant man trampling upon a small screaming girl while this man was running somewhere. A large crowd had gathered around and they saw the man, Edward Hyde. The crowd forced the man to give money to this girl for trampling over her. Hyde did not run over her for any reason. He just did it out of spite and evil. He represents all the evil in t he world. The reaction of others to him is one of mutual exclusiveness because while looking at him, others feel a desire to strike out at him and kill him. His physical appearance brings out the worst evil in other people. Since Hyde represents evil, he is symbolically represented as being much smaller than Dr. Jekyll. I believe Dr. Jekyll created Hyde because he had a theory that man has a good side and a bad side. While investigating this, he developed a potion that could release the evil in a person in the form of a totally different person. Then this person could commit any evil act it wanted, and then drink the potion to return venture to normal. The only problem with this is the fact that he drank this potion so many times that he was no longer able to control this process. He was unable to transubstantiate back into Dr. Jekyll. Another example of Hydes evil is in the killing of Sir Danvers Carew. Sir Danvers appears to have been killed for no apparent reason. The murder of Sir Danvers was seen by a maid who was working nearby. She states that Hyde bring with a man in the street. After the two exchanged words, Mr. Hyde lifted his heavy walking stick and clubbed the old man to death.
Defining the Life of Robert Louis Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essays
Defining the Life of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The focal point of this essay is to define the life of Dr. total heat Jekyll, and the transformation he went through in becoming Edward Hyde. Dr. Henry Jekyll is a physician in London. He is very well respected and is currently experimenting the dual nature of mankind. Edward Hyde is a manifestation of Dr. Jekylls personality. He is accused of committing grievous acts throughout the novel. The first scene consists of Mr. Richard Enfields and Mr. Utterson walking along a street in London. Mr. Enfield has a recollection of a previous incident in which he witnessed an extremely unpleasant man trampling upon a small screaming girl while this man was running somewhere. A large crowd had self-collected around and they saw the man, Edward Hyde. The crowd forced the man to give money to this girl for trampling over her. Hyde did not run over her for any reason. He just did it out of spite and evil. He represents all the evil in the world. Th e reaction of others to him is one of horror because while looking at him, others feel a desire to strike out at him and kill him. His physical appearance brings out the worst evil in other people. Since Hyde represents evil, he is symbolically be as being much smaller than Dr. Jekyll. I believe Dr. Jekyll created Hyde because he had a theory that man has a good side and a unwholesome side. While investigating this, he developed a potion that could release the evil in a person in the form of a totally opposite person. Then this person could commit any evil act it wanted, and then drink the potion to return back to normal. The only problem with this is the fact that he drank this potion so many times that he was no longer able to control this process. He was unable to transform back into Dr. Jekyll. Another example of Hydes evil is in the killing of Sir Danvers Carew. Sir Danvers appears to have been killed for no apparent reason. The murder of Sir Danvers was seen by a maid who was working nearby. She states that Hyde meet with a man in the street. After the ii exchanged words, Mr. Hyde lifted his heavy walking stick and clubbed the old man to death.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Illustrate the Fundamentals of Islamic Banking Essay
IntroductionThis report seeks to bowl over an analysis of Moslem Banking and an organisational comparison to a corporate Global banking brass/ western one whilst identifying key issues and ch aloneenges that may arise for the use of such Muslim banking in the unify res publica.Muslim banking is a growing sector with its diversity in different segments and spectrum. It Caters to religious Muslims in Muslims societies as well as in countries w here(predicate) Muslims atomic number 18 in a minority. In addition, it is a broad standard non-Muslim individuals and communities that seek ethical financial solutions have alike been attracted to Muslim banking. It is uncontaminating from banking come that Islamic banking is equ exclusively(prenominal)y popular in all communities. ( first Islamic bank was set up in the late 1960s in Egypt to fulfil the needs of Muslims who wanted to bank except tranquil live by Sharia law. An Islamic bank is not a religio us institution but caters for the needs of the Muslim and is also appealing to non-Muslims who embrace Islamic banking as an alternative to technical banking successful Islamic banks such as the Dubai Islamic Bank also known as (DIB) who opened in 1975 have set out a good public image for such choice of banking. Over recent years especially in the prevail decade Islamic banking has seen a rise in popularity and global development in western countries. Upon focusing on the UK The Islamic bank of Britain is United regions mainly recognised sharia compliant organisation, Usmani, (2005) defines sharia compliance as An act or activity that complies with the requirements of shariah Islamic law.Islamic bankingAs already declared Islamic banking is based on Islamic Shariah Law which sets out the principles of all banking activities for such Islamic banks this marrow all banking activity must be shariah compliant, a significant characteristic of this means interest is prohibited not onl y is this mentioned in the holy Quran as having bad affects on society but the main concept of Islamic banking is set upon the foundations of turn a profit-sharing instead of being interest based which is referred to as (Riba in Islam) which is highly known in conventional western banks in the UK such as NatWest, Lloyds tsb, HSBC etc.In a western bank form money will be lent/loaned to a guest with no real interest shown or involved in the outcome or line of work of the client obviously some risk assessment would be considered but not to the extent of which risk would be shared, Ridzwa, (2004) states the difference within Islamic banking is that cash/loans will not be given to the guest, first of all they purchase the commodity and canalise to client then all profit and loss will be distributed between parties harmonise to agreed terms and conditions.As Islamic banking is based strictly on Islamic ethics and Quran enforces Bown, (2005) states this also means loans/investing in projects or businesses that have haram significance which means forbidden activity in the holy Quran will not be invested upon for instance places that plan on serving alcohol or instigate gambling and sexual influences like nightclubs will not be agreed to investments. Upon analysing the financial side of Islamic banking the clear principle it is financially based on for its trading activity is the risk/gain is shared upon the provider of the loan (bank) and the expertise of business idea (customer) IBB, (2010) by this both parties have a uncouth agreement for the bank the money they are providing is being lent with a risk but also an agreement with the customer to share of any profits.The commercial law side of Islamic banking is rattling based on four basic principles (Bellalah and Ellouz, 2004) claim the of import of first Islamic business principle is profit and loss sharing and the second is based on fixed service fees and charges and third is based on free of cost and no charges. T e other principles are changing with the situation of the business and its operation.Methods of Islamic bankingIslamic banking has many a(prenominal) another(prenominal) different methods and Islamic approaches to what a conventional/western bank would give out a mortgage/loan. Dar and Presley, (2000) state that the key banking methods Islamic banks use are Ijara, Mudarabah, Murabahah and Musharakah.Ijara Is a form of rental contracts mainly for goods/property mortgaging it involves the sale and the transfer of pluss title to the customer lending at the end of Ijara. In a banking scenario the Islamic bank would buy a property lease it to a customer for a fixed price till the agreed price has been met through lease/ijara then the customer will become owner of such assets a rent contract by which the owner of the good rents it to another party can also be part of this. According to the (IBB) present the Home Finance and Islamic mortgage are based on the concept of Ij ara and it is very successful tool in Islamic financial system and popular amongst non Muslims too who are ever increasingly using this type of finance.Mudarabah khan, (1993) states this form of finance is mainly known as profit sharing and involves a type of partnership agreement between two sides in this scenario the bank and the person lending the money (customer) the bank will provide the funds and the customer will provide the business venture and idea however all profits will be shared amongst both parties with an agreed fee. It can also be say some characteristics of western banking are still exquisitely involved with this type of financing as the entrepreneur must guarantee plentiful refund in case of contract breaching and negligence.Murabahah This type of banking is referred to as cost plus/mark-up sale this involves a sale of which he buyer (customer) offers to purchase a commodity at a price equal to its cost to the seller plus an agreed profit margin. It is a trust o r a logical sale in which the cost of acquiring the goods by the seller must be disclosed. The cost to the seller includes the price he had paid plus all other expenses. Payment of price can be made against the delivery of the goods sold or deferred as lump-sum or instalments Islamic bank of Britain, (2010). Murabahah usually starts with the buyer signing a promise to purchase. The seller then acquires the goods and takes their possession. Finally, the buyer signs the Murabahah sale contract and receives the good in return for comportment or an obligation to pay later. It is one of the most popular modes used in Islamic banking system in different countries to promote interest-free proceedings.Musharakah this method of banking is mainly for mortgages similar to the ijara method with slight differentiations both have forms of agreements from both parties but difference in this method rather than rent instalments covering the cost to have full ownership of a property or goods insta lment payments will be for shares of the product/property which once fully covered will fulfil full ownership to the customer giving them 100% ownership.Comparison of Islamic banking to western/conventional bankingIt can be verbalize that Islamic and conventional/western banking Islamic and traditional banking actually are not different in what they supply but to how they supply such services Shahin, Z, (2004). Islamic banking has the said(prenominal) features as western/conventional banking and provides the same services as conventional banking for example current accounts, saving accounts, insurances, mortgages and investment opportunities in the society.Upon compare Islamic banking and conventional/western banking for example like the Islamic bank of Britain compared to Barclays bank there some evident differences not only is the main one being that of the shariah law principles that are followed by the Islamic banks which wherefore means business approaches in forms of inves tments, responsibility and product features will all be based upon the Islamic faith and must stay within the limits of Islamic Law or the Shariah. However other key significant differences in the two types of banking are factors such as interest, taxation, risk/profit sharing and the labor of investments.Comparison towards the use of interest within Islamic banks and western/conventional banks Lending money and getting it back with compounding interest is the main fundamental function for a western/conventional bank it is a main source of profit making for major high street banks in the United Kingdom almost some time criticised for their high rates of such interest. However this is in contrast to Islamic banking where interest is forbidden and deemed as Riba but a more partnership approach is given to the customer and agreed payments with profit sharing agreements set upon the provider and lender.When comparing the two methods the main difference here is that western/conventional banks follow the principle that interest is the price of credit, therefore reflecting the chance cost of give the money. Whereas in Islamic banking the creditor (bank) should not take reward of the person lending the money as this in Islam is perceived as injustice where the first Islamic principle underlying for such kind of transactions is deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly 2279, Holy Quran.Comparison of taxation and additional charges for Islamic banks and western/conventional banks In the United Kingdom all organisations/businesses must pay tax commodities including Islamic banks and non Islamic banks however in Islamic banking such additional charges are approached with caution and compliance to sharia law and have no provision to charge any extra money from the defaulters. Only small amount of compensation and these proceeds is given to benevolence which is known as zakat claims often enough is welcomed by the Muslim population of customers as it is the Islamic term of charity. When comparing this type of additional zakat charge many western/conventional banks state this as normal VAT and APR charges which vary in price and cost from bank to bank it can be said for Islamic banking this type of charge still exists but named and dealt with differently in the form of zakat.Comparison of Risk sharing in Islamic banking and money loaning in a western/conventional bank Islamic banking involves risk and profit sharing with the person lending the banks somewhat forming a partnership olfactory modality with the customer Bhatti, I.M, (2008) which means Islamic banks are more involved with customer projects and pay greater attention in developing and appraising certain enterprises/projects where in comparison to western banks like Lloyds tsb where in a case study on Islamic and high street banks some customers who transferred from their branch over to Islamic bank of Britain branch stated they felt the bank was only interested as seei ng the customer as a debtor and themselves as the creditors. When comparing the Western banks method of loaning/lending money such banks will often enough place a fixed rate of interest as part of the charge and will not really be as closely involved in the participation of the business venture as Islamic banks would be due to the risk/profit sharing factor.Comparison on the restriction of investments for Islamic banking and western/conventional banking as stated many of times throughout this report Islamic banking is strictly shariah compliant meaning all activities are in conjunction with Islam and the teachings of the Quran and the prophet Mohammed PBUH therefore all business investments/ventures must be deemed as pure and accepted in the eyes of Islam for an Islamic bank to invest in Dixon, R. (1992) therefore any business proposals that are brought forward to an Islamic bank that consists of serving alcohol, promoting gambling and sexually influence will be strictly turned down . Where as in comparison to a western conventional bank plans will be accepted on the basis of good credit, business venture and the ability to pay back such fees.Challenges that Islamic banking may face within the United KingdomIslamic banking is becoming ever more popular in the United Kingdom with many non-Muslims also interested and joining the Islamic bank of Britain as customers but upon research and case study readings many people in Britain feel they beginnert fully understand the concept of Islamic banking and that it should be made more user friendly for society. There is need to advance a clear and transparent system of general as Islamic banking is in a transition development stage a key issue in Britain according to Khalaf (2007) Islamic banking industries have a barrier to overcome with the whole shariah law compliance being appealing to non-Muslims as many non Muslims can perceive this as influencing a different law for a different country with a different religious view point. Also opinions of Islamic scholars, suppose a product or practice may be accepted to one scholar, could be considered un-Islamic by another scholar.Malaysia has established a standard shariah board which is support by government which in the united kingdom is not applicable and that the banks set these out themselves according to basic shariah compliance. (Khalaf, 2007) claims it is evident in Britain that Islamic banking faces many challenges with society and keeping up with such addition of western conventional banks due to its new growth in the UK market however with strong midsection eastern financial backers such as Qatari national bank the Islamic bank of Britain is financially stable in this sense and that it is gaining more scholarship amongst the Muslim popularity of Britain with many Muslim customers holding accounts with them but it can be stated a key challenge is the Different beliefs in society make that some Islamic banking activity acceptable to one pa rt of community and to others it is not .ConclusionIslamic banking in Britain now has great opportunity for growth as it offer certain benefits that conventional western banks do not put in place many Muslims feel this type of banking is relevant for their practice of religion whilst some may argue that costs such as interest also known as Riba are still put in place just named and charged differently and then opt to carry on using such western banks however it can be said great ethical value is taken into consideration in contrast to western banks and vulnerability and risk of business venture is shared and discussed which if western banks utilise could see a great rise in popularity and custom however in the united kingdom the regulatory authority and structure of Islamic sharia practice can sometimes have setbacks for such Islamic banking activity as society may not accept this.Overall Islamic banking has great opportunity to grow because many numbers of muslims are residing in the united kingdom and there is a steady growth for such market, however it can be said if such rise of awareness and identity was put in place to market Islamic banking this could possibly promote it further and on the surmount of such western banks.ReferencesBellalah, M. and Ellouz, S. (2004) Islamic Finance, Interest Rates andIslamic BankingBokhari, F. (2007) Lloyds TSB spots growing appetite. Financial TimesBown, J. (2005) Islamic banking set to boom. Sunday TimesBelder, R.T. and Khan, M.H. (1993) the changing faces of Islamic banking. International Financial Law ReviewChris, Cook. (2006) is Islamic banking religiously sound? Financial TimesDixon, R. (1992) Islamic banking. The International Journal of Bank Marketing,Hassan, M.K. (1999). Islamic banking in theory and practiceHaron, Sudin (1995) The Framework and concept of Islamic interest-free banking
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Grear Rafting Analysis
Introduction Grear Rafting Company, owned by Peggy Grear is a caller-up that provides rafting services to rafters. Grear Rafting Company, henceforth referred to as Grear Rafting, has just at peace(p) through its first gruntle in business on which it provided rafting services to 1,048 rafters for cardinal (7) days. During these seven (7) days, Grear Rafting also provided meals to the rafters three times a day, it also provides the lots used during the while. During its first season, however, Grear Rafting experienced a loss.Peggy Grear has enough savings to get Grear Rafting through another season or two of business, but Grear Rafting would have to unopen its business down if it does not make a profit (Houston Baptist University, 2012). In this paper, I would show what Grear Rafting requires to break-even and make a profit. Grear Raftings income statement from its first season is shown below on Table 1. Table 1. Grear Rafting CompanyIncome StatementYear Ended celestial latitud e 31, 2012 Revenue $1,048,000 Rental outgo (208,600) Meals Expense (314,400) Advertising Expense (50,000) Compensation to Guides (471,600) Salary Expense (16,500) T-shirts and Hats Expense (31,440) Office Utility Expense (3,850) Gross Income (Loss) $(48,390) Variable and Fixed Costs There ar different types of monetary values associated with the running of Grear Rafting. In couch to develop a plan for Grear Rafting to make a profit, it is necessary to identify those apostrophizes that can be changed, and those that cannot be changed. 1. Variable CostA multivariate speak to is a personify that increases in total as output increases and decreases in total as output decreases. (Rich et al, 2010). For example, cotton used in do cotton shirts is a variable follow. As a company makes more(prenominal) cotton shirts, it needs more cotton to produce the shirts. The variable cost incurred by Grear Rafting argon * Meals provided to rafters ($314,400) the rafting trip is fo r seven (7) days, so as more rafters use Grear Raftings services, Grear Rafting would incur more costs in providing meals to the rafters for the time limit of seven (7) days.If less rafters use Grear Rafting, the cost of providing meals would decrease. * Compensation paid to guides ($471,600) the compensation paid to the guides is paid on commission basis. Therefore, if more rafters use Grear Raftings services, the commission to the guides would increase, create the compensation cost to increase as well, and if less rafters use Grear Raftings services, the compensation cost would also decrease. * T-shirts and hats provided to rafters ($31,440) the number of rafters that used Grear Rafting this season was 1,048.This incurred the cost of t-shirts and hats of $31,440. If more rafters come in the next season, the cost of providing t-shirts and hats would also increase. So also, if fewer rafters come in the next season, the cost of providing t-shirts and hats would decrease. 2. Fixed C ost A laid cost is a cost that does not increase as total output increases and does not decrease as total output decreases. For example, the cost of seat taxes on a factory stays the same no social occasion how much the factory produces.The quantity produced does not have an effect on the cost of property taxes they only change because the city or county government raises taxes (Rich et al, 2010). Fixed costs incurred by Grear Rafting in its first season include * Rental cost of rafts and camping equipment ($208,600) the rafts and equipment are rented on an annual basis, and additional rafts and equipment are not available to Grear Rafting. Since the rafts and equipment are rented annually, the number of rafters does not affect the cost of the rafts and equipment because these are rented not ground on the number of rafters expected, but based on what is available. Advertising expense ($50,000) the cost for advertizing Grear Rafting does not depend on how many rafters use Grear R afting. Advertising is a way to introduce the company to the public, and whatever advertising means Peggy Grear decides to use is calculate to Grear Rafting no matter how many rafters it serves. * Salary of office manager ($16,500) the pay paid to the office manager is a stubborn cost because no matter how many rafters come for the season, the salary is an established amount that is agreed upon by the manager and Peggy Grear.Therefore, the cost of paying salary to the manager is fixed and is not based on how many rafters there are in the season. * Office utility program expense ($3,850) this expense is a fixed cost because it is based on the utility that is used in the office and not on the number of rafters there are. Product and Period Costs 1. Product Cost Product costs are costs, both direct and indirect, of producing a product in a manufacturing true or of acquiring a product in a merchandising firm and preparing it for sale (Rich et al, 2010).For example, the metal used i n making a car, the hours put into making that car, and depreciation on equipment are product costs. The product costs incurred by Grear Rafting include * Rental cost of rafts and camping equipment ($208,600) this is a product cost because the rafts and camping equipment are rented for the current season. These would be used during the rafting season at Grear Rafting. * Meals provided to rafters ($314,400) this is a product cost because the meals are provided for the rafters during the seven (7) days they are rafting.The meals are not prepared for the long-run, but only for the space of time for the rafting season for Grear Rafting. * Compensation paid to guides ($471,600) the compensation paid to the guides is a product cost because the compensation is paid for the specific rafting season concerned it is not a long term payment to the guides. * T-shirts and Hats provided to rafters ($31,440) this is a product cost because the t-shirts and hats provided to the rafters are purchased for the specific season based on how many rafters available. They are not purchased on a long-term basis. . Period Cost Period costs are costs that are not carried in inventory all costs that are not product costs. That is, all areas of the value chain except for production (Rich et al, 2010). For example, costs of advertising, salaries to the CEO, and research and development activities are not added to inventory, thereby making them period costs (Rich et al, 2010). The period costs incurred by Grear Rafting include * Advertising expense ($50,000) the advertising cost is only incurred when Grear Rafting advertises the company for rafting services. Salary of office manager ($16,500) the salary of the office manager is a cost that does not deal with production, or in this case, with the activities of Grear Rafting during this season. * Office utility expense ($3,850) this is a period cost because the cost is expensed in the period it occurs. Break-Even Based on the information provid ed earlier, there are several changes Peggy Grear can make that would affect Grear Raftings ability to break-even or even make a profit. A breakeven point is the point where total revenues equal total cost, and net income is zero (0).Break-even can be compute in gross revenue dollars and in units. Break-even is calculated by dividing total fixed cost by the price minus the variable cost per unit and break-even in sales dollars is calculated by dividing total fixed expenses by the contribution margin dimension. The contribution margin ratio is the percentage of sales dollars remaining after variable costs are covered (Rich et al, 761). The table below is a contribution margin income statement from which we can understand how to calculate break-even. Table 2.Grear Rafting CompanyContribution Margin Income StatementYear Ended December 31, 2012 Sales ($1,000 X 1,048)Total variable expenses Total contribution marginTotal fixed expenses direct Income Total$1,048,000 817,440 230,560 27 8,950 (48,390) Per Unit$1,000 780 220 Contribution Margin Income Statement Contribution margin is the discrimination between sales and variable expenses. It is the amount of sales revenue left over after all the variable expenses are covered that can be used to contribute to fixed expense and operate income (Rich et al, 758).To calculate break-even, the Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is needed. CVP analysis estimates how changes in costs, both variable and fixed, sales, volume, and price affect a companys profit. CVP, an important tool used by managerial accountants, is used to reach important benchmarks such as a companys break-even point. It is recyclable to organize costs into variable and fixed components for a CVP analysis. The contribution margin income statement format is based on the separation of costs into variable and fixed components. Table two (2) above shows the format for the contribution margin income statement.When recast as an equation, the contribution marg in income statement becomes more useful for solving CVP problems. The operating income equation can be expanded by expressing sales revenues and variable expenses in terms of unit dollar amounts and the number of units sold. So, the operating income equation becomes Operating income = (Price x number of units sold) (Variable cost per unit x Number of units sold) Total fixed cost (Rich et al, 758). For a company to break-even, its operating income should equal zero (0). Grear Raftings break-even point will be calculated in units and in sales dollars.For Grear Rafting to break-even, we need to consider the number of rafters that came for the past rafting season. Grear Rafting had 1,048 rafters in the past season to be able to reach break-even, Grear Rafting needs approximately 1,268 rafters. This was formd by dividing the total fixed cost ($278,950) by the price per rafter ($1,000) minus the variable cost per unit ($780). To calculate the break-even point in sales dollars, total va riable costs are defined as a percentage of sales earlier than as an amount per unit sold. The break-even point in sales dollars for Grear Rafting is $1,268,000).This was calculated by dividing the total fixed cost ($278,950) by the contribution margin ratio (22%) which was calculated by dividing the contribution margin per unit ($220) by the price per rafter ($1,000). The contribution margin per unit was calculated by subtracting the variable cost per unit ($780) from the price per rafter ($1,000). To determine how Grear Rafting can make a profit, there are several costs that need to be reduced. First, however, it is necessary to determine the number of rafters Grear Rafting needs to achieve a target income that would yield a profit.If Grear Raftings target income is $49,000, then the number of units it needs to get it can be calculated by adding the total fixed cost ($278,950) to the target income ($49,000) and dividing it by the price ($1,000) minus the variable cost per unit ( $780). The number of units Grear Rafting needs to earn its target income is $1,490. 68 or approximately $1,491 rafters. Therefore, Grear Raftings margin of safety in units, which is calculated by subtracting break-even units (1,268) from sales (1,491), is 223 units, and ts margin of safety in sales dollars, which is calculated by subtracting the break-even volume ($1,268,000) from the revenue ($1,491,000), is $223,000. Recommendations Meals The first cost that needs to be tackled is the cost of meals to the rafters. The cost of meals provided to the rafters in Grear Raftings first season cost $314,000. It can be deduced that Grear Rafting is spending a lot of money on meals for the rafters. To reduce the amount of money spent on meals, Grear Rafting could look for cheaper means of providing meals to the rafters. adjoin of Recommendations Conclusion References
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Develop positive relationships Essay
Learning Outcome 1 Be able to develop imperative affinitys with children and virgin-fashioned pile.1.1. . Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained.Developing a positive relationships with children and young people is extremely important as it could impact tremendously on their learning, development confidence and skills learnt as they grow. Nurseries and schools collect everyocated key workers assigned to develop a bond, business concern for the childs welfare and liaise closely with parents of the child. Children and young people thrive in all stages of learning and development if a positive relationships are in place and maintained. Children and young people consider to feel at ease with the people around them and one another. This allow get to confidence and encourage them to try new areas of learning at every stage of their development. If relationships between parents, care providers are positive the child ordain feel secure and provoke easily separate from parents when needed.Children are more apt(predicate) to want to participate and bask activities if the feel happy and safe in their environment. Positive relationships also alleviate to nigh degree negative/unwanted behavior, as caregivers are more likely to recognise the initial signs and meet the childs needs prior to any adverse behavior. Verbal communication between child and adult leave alone also jockstrap the child develop language skills and the confidence to express themselves. Practitioners/care providers should try to recognise a childs needs by their emotions/facial expressions. Knowing the child well their affaires/likes and dislikes will enable the practitioner to responding to its needs and emotions, plan for the childs future developmental needs and demonstrate unanimous positive relationships.1.2. . Demonstrate how to listen to and build relationships with children and young people.Whe n building relationships with children we first need to get to know them how they like to communicate this may be through facial expressions, body language and gestures especially in the very young. They need to feelconfident and secure within that relationship.When trying to build relationships practitioners need to be consistent and fair listening to the child and understanding the message they are trying to portray. Children need to know their feelings are important and their needs will be taken into consideration. Practitioners should ensure that their own emotions/feelings (having a bad day/quite and withdrawn) are not transferred on to the child. Building dangerous relationships with parents is important as they too need to feel that they and their children are being treated fairly within the setting and that everything that can be done is being done to attention their child.Being able to identify and sort out conflicts and disagreements fairly and calmly will develop tru st between adult and child and will give lessons the child how to respond to future disagreements with other children.Respect and courtesy should be shown to children and young people at all times to that they may in procedure learn how to develop these skills when interacting with others. Practitioners can being to teach children from a very young age how to respect other people (feelings and emotions)/their belongings/teach good manners and how to act in an appropriate way. If children are spoken to warmly, encouraged and shown respect they will in turn develop these skills for themselves.Valuing and respecting individuality will help children to develop their own strengths, talents and attitudes and be accepting of another childs individuality. Allowing children to explore their individuality will show that we respect and are comfortable with their differences and encourage them to try new activities/skills which they may also enjoy. Show that we all accept and encourage indivi duality in people.To feel secure children need to know that they can rely on their care providers. We should therefore honor all promises and commitments made. Forgetting a promise or changing our mind may cause a child to distrust or become wary of adults. They may feel let down or disappointed.Keeping a check on the way we interact with young people, monitor their reactions to us will indicate if we need to change our approach or way of teaching. Some children are sensitive, some outspoken and confident etc. one time we know the child we should then adapt our approach accordingly.Maintaining confidentially is extremely important when working with children and young people. Children need to know that they are valued and see and that if they have worries or concerns they can talk with an adult confidentially. However, circumstances where abuse/neglect have taken place or are suspected, care providers have a duty to report the situation to the appropriate person thereby protecting the child.Documents/reports should be kept locked away. Permission should be sought prior to photographs/ instruction being shared. Personal information regarding a child or young person should not be discussed /given out unless requested by professionals or appropriate authorities. Parents also need to feel that their information or conversations will be treated with respect and confidentiality.Consideration should be given to how care providers speak and give direction to children and young people. Responses should be appropriately given so the child does not feel intimidated or ordered. Children should always feel protect and secure in their environment.1.3. . Evaluate own effectiveness in building relationships with children or young people.I believe I am able to build positive relationships with children and young people. With younger children, having a calm and gentle manor, making eye contact (at the childs level), expressing concern when needed will begin to form a positiv e relationships. When possible new children arriving at my setting are laissez passered one to one time so that a strong initial relationship can begin to develop. Spending time with them alone, showing an interest in their skills/activities, encouraging and playing with them whilst trying to form a special bond with the child will help them to see me as a personthey can trust and someone who cares about them. Babies need physical contact to build a relationship cuddling and talking gently to will reassure and settle . Babies will often cry as they need to be comforted, others may need some kind of interaction for a while. Getting to know the baby, understanding its body language and responding to its needs will help form and build a bank relationship.With older children I believe taking an interest in their abilities and skills, talking about their hobbies, listening to them, praising and giving encouragement, showing approval enables me to build strong relationships.Learning Ou tcome 2 Be able to build positive relationships with people twisting in the care of children and young people.2.1. . Explain why positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important.Positive relationships are important because personal information has to be shared regarding the childs learning and well-being. Good communication is essential to allow various carers/agenices/schools etc to communicate and pass on accurate information. It allows a childs care to be consistent, identifies needs, monitors the childs progress and ideas and skills can be shared regarding the child. It also shows the parent that professionals and carers alike are all working towards the development and well being of their child.2.2. . Demonstrate how to build positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people.To ensure that positive relationships are maintained all parties concerned regarding the development and needs of a ch ild should be invited to comment, offer advice, make suggestions and pass on information to plan for the immediate and future needs of the child. There are various ways that all parties who have an interest in the child can be kept in the loop on-line communication, meetings , telephone, written reports etc. Sharing andrecording information is fundamental to a childs progress and to ensure all needs are met. Parents hold valuable information regarding their child so should be kept informed of decisions made regarding their childs ruttish and educational development. their opinion sought and be allowed to contribute in the decision process. Parents should be invited along to meetings, regularly updated and be given the opportunity to talk with all parties involved in their childs welfare. Confidentiality should be remembered at all times.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Running Away
That night, she peered at me with eyes that was hanging out of her sockets and then said quietly that i could stay at her house. We strolled along the windey road postponement to fill any of our other friends from school we saw a few but no one we wanted to hang almost with i was chilliness and so was Sarah we decided to go base of operations we walked for miles well it seemed like miles my legs were aching and my back was killing i had shooting pains compensate from the top both the way to the bottomWe got to Sarahs house and to our amazment Sarahs mum wasnt in we decided to make a comfy spot for us to sit while her mum came home it was like we had been sat there for hours in the background we could hear the church bells ringing we listened carefully to hear each chime we counted the chimes something didnt add up right both of us counted 10 chimes we starred at each other for at least 30 seconds we were amaized Sarah said in a quiet express wheres my mum im getting scare d? I thought to my self i know the smell outing we sat there a while longer to see if she turned up when we could hear a rumbling noise from the drain pipe it was like someone was in the house Sarah knew there couldnt have been anyone in the house because when she tried the door earlier it wouldnt open I was so scaredWe sat there a little longer I couldnt feel my feet and the end of my fingers were numb. I couldnt believe how long we had been out for. Do you have any sweets, my blood sugar is going down I searched my pockets and my bag I had nothing I havent got anything im sorry I whispered in a shivery voice.Sarah had diabetes and couldnt go for very long with out food, I looked at Sarah she appeared shopworn and gloomy I thought she might be upset with me Sarah I said quietly are you upset with me she didnt answer I turned around and asked her again Sarah had passed out. NOW I WAS FRIGHTENED.I was alone I rummaged through my bag and found one sweet. A deep red aniseed ball, I looked at Sarah. I knew she needed it more than me, so I sat her up against the wall and placed the aniseed ball on her tongue. Nothing happened after(prenominal) a few seconds her eyes started to flutter mum Sarah called out, Sarah its me, im here, are you ok? she mumbled a few words I couldnt make out what she was trying to say. I asked her to repeat the what she said the foot matte up in front of the garage, there is a key for the front door I ran to the garage lifted the mat and there was a key I picked it up and scrambled back.We stood up slowly put the key in the door and turned it, we walked in slowly. Sarah looked into the brio room and started screaming I turned not knowing what I was going to see and Sarahs mum was slumped in the chair alone. She had passed away
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Film Editing Essay
The 1972 film The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppolla based on the novel by Mario Puzo that takes one inside the world of the maffia as shown in the Corleone family where its patriarch, Don Vito is the Godfather but later, the focus of the film would later on shift to his son Michael who at first was not part of the maffia family, but later on gradually joined it until he became the Godfather. The rise of Michael Corleone from being a civilian to Godfather is made possible by a well-coordinated cinematography which also involves editing.Editing is a film technique where reels of film are subjected to cut and paste in order to weave the settings into a seamless sequences of events that expand the moment it hits the silver screen. In this film, the producers make subroutine the continuous editing technique. This approach is employed for the purpose of maintaining continuous or clear narrative action. It begins with the scene when Michael arrives at his sister Connies weddi ng reception which is presided by their father Don Vito.This scene shows that Michael is not part of the other family his father leads as envisioned by him dressed in a military uniform which showed he came from the war. The next scene would be the attempted hit (murder) of Don Vito in the food market and a separate scene where Michaels older brother Sonny was killed. This is followed by the scene where he was mauled by blow police officers and another where he is handed a gun by his fathers mafiosi which he would use in a later scene to kill McCluskey, one of the corrupt cops and his fathers twin Sollozzo.His brothers death and later his father, has thrust him into becoming the head of the Family which is underscored by scenes showing the hits on rival mafia leaders while serving as the godfather of his sisters son. This is capped with the final scene where he closed the door to his study as he is about to preside over a family meeting with his second wife Kay standing by the d oorway. These shots were cut and pasted in a way that it follows a progressive sequence.The seamlessness of the scenes shows rhythm in the editing and the intervals were either minimal or eliminated thereby preserving the momentum on focusing on Michael. The film also makes use of eye-line matches where the audience sees things initially from Don Vitos perspective, at the beginning and switching to Michael, as it is shown in numerous scenes especially his confrontation with Sollozzo and switches to his wife as shown in the final scene when the door to Michaels office closes with her looking on which underscored that Michael chose his other family thereby sealing his fate.The baptism scene shows the application of the temporal relationships as it is interspersed with the deaths of rival mafiosi, indicating what was happening at the same time. In conclusion, the use of (continuous) editing helped make the story of The Godfather easy to understand and to appreciate totally as it shows a seamless stringing of scenes that show the rise of Michael Corleone to power. Reference Coppolla, F. F. (Director). (1972). The Godfather Motion Picture.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Should the Government Regulate Our Health
Should The Government Regulate Our Health? Posted 01/29/10 1058 AM ET disturb Healthy Living Alerts Sign Up Submit this story I was in my late 20s when I walked into a dialysis clinic for the first time. The interior of the waiting demesne was worn, with beige paint peeling off of the walls. As I waited awkwardly to find out where my patient was my attention was drawn to a sign that read, Did you sleep together that a popular fast food sandwich contains 1020 milligrams of sodium? Salt can be bad. But it sure tastes good.Ask the millions of Americans who consume large amounts of salt in their diet, much of it from elegant foods. Sodium consumption in excess is linked with a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, kidney disease and various forms of heart disease. New Yorkers project recently l attained about the detriments of salt. Mayor Bloomberg has launched an initiative to reduce the amount of sodium that people get from restaurant chains and food producers by inquire them to voluntarily cut the amount of this now ill-thought of mineral.When in New York City a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I could tell that restaurateurs are listening to Bloomberg. When feeding out, we noticed that our food was, well, less tasty. But maybe it is worth it. A recent New York Times article, which summarized findings from The New England Journal of Medicine, suggested that if Americans reduced salt inspiration by a half a teaspoon a day the nation would save 24 billion in health cautiousness costs. In the current political climate, many of us are acutely aware of issues related to the rising costs of health care.But is government intervention the best air to proceed? Although a government middleman might be a good option, I wonder why we arent putting more than pressure on physicians to counsel their patients on dietary strategies to reduce sodium intake. Research suggests that American physicians are less likely than their European counterpar ts to discuss behavioral interventions with patients and are more likely to rely on the prescribing of medications. Regarding diet and hypertension, a recent study suggests that physicians offer little counseling on how to lower blood pressure numbers through lifestyle commutes.Not only do discussions regarding health behaviors result in patient satisfaction, such discussions comprise the inherent values of doctor-patient relationships. We seek medical care not only for lab results and prescription refills we look to our doctors for advice and support. How invariably, in a day and age in which technology and insurance mandates are interlopers in the patient-physician dyad, we hold in lost the personal connections and source of wisdom that people often crave.In fact, the relationship between many of us and our physicians is dysfunctional. Doctors are overwhelmed and receive less respect than ever before in the history of modern medicine. As patients, we have submitted ourselves to the less personal nature of medical encounters. Maybe if we demand additional support from physicians (and prophesy for additional backing of our doctors regarding the freedom to make medical decisions and limiting intrusion by managed care companies) we can get what we need in order to change our behaviors.Of course, we are all ultimately responsible in how we choose to care for our bodies. But maybe if we can learn to trust our physicians again (and they work to earn that trust), we dont have to reduce healthcare issues and healthcare costs in this country to something like eating salt. Greenburg, T. (2010, Jan 29). www. huffingtonpost. com. Retrieved from http// www. huffingtonpost. com/tamara-mcclintock-greenberg/should-the-government-reg_b_441493. html (Greenburg, 2010)
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Crucible and McCarthyism Essay
In American History there were two proceedings that were very similar, yet three hundred years apart. The Salem hag Trials took present in 1692, the seventeenth century and McCarthyism took place in 1948 between 1956, the mid twentieth century. These two proceedings ar known as two of the superior mass tragedies in America. The Crucible is an allegory of McCarthyism or in other words the second Red Scare. During McCarthyism the United States was petrified of Communists influence. Many people in some(prenominal) the Crucible and McCarthyism who feared the court provided micturates of suspects in an attempt to save themselves. Throughout these two proceedings, there is the concept of mass hysteria. Mass hysteria is a song of group thinking in which several people generate something in common and begin to think in the same way. The Crucible began as a way for the oppressed girls to avoid world punished. The girls then arrange this to be an ideal way to get revenge on anyone wh om you disliked. People started accusing their neighbors of being witches so they could steal their farmland. Others, like Abby, accused others of being witches if they wanted to steal their husband or wives, or even possessions. The McCarthy hearings, as they were known as, were known to have dominated our country.These hearings, were of suspects being related to communism, were interviewed and forced to give up the names of others, or they were imprisoned, and their names were black listed. One similarity between McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials is that everybody is doing it mentally. The lives of the innocent people were ruined in both eras because of all the accusations and punishments. Both the people accused in the Salem Witch Trials and the people accused in The McCarthy hearings were found guilty with such little evidence. There were so many uninhabited accusations, with little to no proof. During the Crucible time period, those accused of being witches were sometimes sentenced to be tied to a rock and thrown in a pond, and if they sank, they were declared innocent, but if they somehow survived the dunking, then they were shown to be witches and then executed. Most of those found guilty of witchcraft were hung. In the Crucible, Giles Corey was pressed to death with rocks, because he refused to plead guilty or innocent. Throughout the Crucible peoples names are destroyed even when they are completely innocent. In the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor states, Because it is my name Because Icannot have another in my life Because I lie and sign myself to lies Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul leave me my name(Miller)
Monday, May 20, 2019
Interpreter of Maladies
Failure of Marri get along converse is whiz of the most important social functions to us keep connected to other people. If we fail to communicate with others, we go out fail in more ways such as failure in romance. In the bind Interpreter of Maladies with the tittle Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri, the difficulty of communication becomes one of the problems. Mr. Kapasi feels lonely in his support and in his spousal relationship because he lost his ability to communicate with his married woman. However, Mrs. mouse hare is a selfish cleaning muliebrity that always hides behind her dark glasses most of the time.She doesnt c ar about her family, her husband and her children. These two characters atomic number 18 drawn to cleaveher because they both produce rough-and-tumbled marriages. But if they still have the common sense to think about their own responsibility to their family, they shouldnt get closer and become interested separately(prenominal) other. Mr. Kapasi believes that his spirit is a failure. He ejectt have a successful marriage in his life because his marriage is set by his parents. His wife cant for turn him because of the loss of their late son and also because Mr. Kapasi work for the doctor who failed to save their sons life.His career is far absent from what he dreamed might be happen. Because in his past, he got scholarship and diplomatic gr consumeness so he hoped that he would be success in his career. But now, he solo be a tour guide and an interpreter for a doctor. As a tour guide, he speaks in English to the Europeans and the Statesns about the sights of India. And as an interpreter, he helps people from another country to communicate with the doctor. The ruminate was a sign up of his weaknesss. In his youth hed been a devoted scholar of foreign languages, the owner of an glorious collection of dictionaries.He had dreamed of being an interpreter of diplomats and dignitaries, resolving conflicts between people and nations, settling disputes of which he aline could understand both sides. He was a self-educated man. In a series of notebooks, in the chargeings before his parents settled his marriage, he had listed the common etymologies of words, and at one point in his life he was confident that he could converse, if given the opportunity, in English, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Italian, not to mention Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, and Gujarati.Now only a smattering of European phrases remained in his memory, scattered words for things care saucers and chairs. English was the only non-Indian language he wheel spoke fluently anymore. Mr. Kapasi k unfermented it was not a remarkable talent. Sometimes he feared that his children knew better English than he did, but from watching television (52). In his loveless life, he meet Mrs. pika that he thinks also has trouble in marriage. And he got interested with her, imagine what provide he do if he live with her, an American woman. But a t the end, he feels so disgust with Mrs Das because she cheated with her husbands friend and had a child from it.Mrs. Das is a very selfish and self-absorbed woman. She doesnt see anyone else as they are but rather as a means to fulfill her own wishes. Her selfishness can be seen when she doesnt share her food with her children and her husband, reluctantly takes her daughter to the bathroom, and refuses to paint her daughters fingernails. She feels misery in her life because of her cheated with her husbands friend. She never talk to anyone else about it. Rather than to face her misery, she chooses to hide behind her dark glasses and stays away from her family. Like it is mention on the book Mine too. Mommy, do mine too, verbalize the critical girl. Leave me alone, Mrs. Das said, blowing on her nail and turning her body slightly. Youre making me hole up. (48) and also Mrs. Das continued to polish her nails. She had still not removed her sunglasses (49). The only one psyche that she talks about her misery is Mr. Kapasi. She hopes that Mr. Kapasi as an interpreter can help her to give around advices. But in fact, Mr. Kapasi cant help her because its not part of his job. Mrs. Das gets untamed and leaves the car afterward she knows that its useless to confide about her misery with Mr. Kapasi. The communication doesnt give-up the ghost smoothly in this boloney.There are many times communication fail to happen. Mr. Kapasi cant communicate well with his wife because he has lost his ability for it. Mr. Kapasi also appalled to talk with his children because he fears that his English is not as good as his children. Mr. Das and Mrs. Das do not communicate, not because of the language trouble but because Mrs. Das is so selfish and Mr. Das always gets himself in the guidebook, kindred said in the book He glanced up from the paperback tour book, which said INDIA in color letters and looked as if it had been published abroad (44). The children do not listen to t heir parents, Mr. Das and Mrs. Das, nor to Mr.Kapasi. This can be proved with the monkey incident when Bobby is trapped with the monkeys. The children have lost the parents figure because the uncool behavior of Mr. Das and Mrs. Das. All of these failing communication lead to hurt feeling each person. The Kapasis have a failing marriage. The Dases are hostile to each other. They were all like siblings, Mr. Kapasi thought as they passed a row of exit trees. Mr. And Mrs. Das behaved like an older brother and sister, not parents. It seeemed that they were in charge of the children only for the day it was gravely to believe they were regularly responsible for anything other than themselves (49).Another problem beside the failing communication in this story is the forbidden romance between Mr. Kapasi and Mrs. Das. They both have the same loneliness in their marriage. Mr. Kapasi thinks that Mrs. Das could be a perfect companion to him in his loneliness. He puts an effort to attract Mrs. Das he ignores many differences between him and Mrs. Das. He sees many details of Mrs. Das such as her legs. He ignores the other which is the bad behavior of Mrs. Das like dismisses her childrens desire and her selfishness with the snack. He ob setd her.She wore a red-and-white checkered unclothe that stopped above her knees, slip-on shoes with a square wooden heel, and a close-fitting blouse styled like a mans undershirt. The blouse was decorated at chest-level with a woman, with small hands like paws, her fixed pink fingernails painted to match her lips, and was slightly plump in her figure. Her hair, shorn only a little chronic than her husbands, was parted far to one side. She was wearing large dark brown sunglasses with a pinkish tint to them, and carried a big straw bag, almost as big as her torso, shaped like a bowl, with a water bottle poking out of it.She walked slow, carrying some whiff rice tossed with peanuts and chili peppers in a large packet made from newspaper s (46). Mrs. Das wants to be a woman that can be a place to tell of Mr. Kapasi. She also wants Mr. Kapasi to help her solve her misery. Mrs. Das sees him as a good father and helper and ignores the signs that indicates he may not like to do that. For archetype, Mrs. Das doesnt notice that Mr. Kapasi uncomfortable with her confession and push him to help her solve it that he cant give it to her. Responsibility and love are the keys of successful marriage.Because when people have decided to get married means that they already promise to live with their couple and take care the family forever. When the couple already have it in their own heart and mind, infidelity will never happen. Mrs. Das should realize that she has a husband and ternion children that motive to take care of. She has responsibility as a mother to serve her husband and gives advice to the children. If Mrs. Das could do all of it, she will definitely have a successful marriage. industrial plant Cited Lahiri, Jhumpa . Interpreter of Maladies. New York Houghton Mifflin Company. 1999. Print.Interpreter of maladiesFrom the very low of the story the vote counter depicts a very heavy life. After departure his homeland of India, he describes the first place he lived In London as a folk occupied entirely of penniless Bengali Bachelors Like himself, at least a dozen and sometimes more and all struggling to educate and establish ourselves abroad(Lair 173). This is the perfect example of the narrators determination to be successful in life and also the major hardships he will have to endure.This also portrays how the narrator accepts and is aware of his inevitable transformation through education and hardships. He knows that his struggles will finally lead to the crowning(prenominal) achievement of revealing over three continents. After surviving on the devoid minimum in London for about flee familys the narrator is offered a fulfillment job in America at the prestigious MIT, which will be his third continental move. Before he sets off abroad he must go back to Calcutta to fulfill an Indian tradition of an arranged marriage.The narrator sees his marriage as Just another mundane chore and focuses instead on adjusting to his new life as an Indian immigrant In America. While he waits for his new wifes green card he looks for a low-priced room to rent, which Is where he meets the first American he truly admires. Mrs.. Croft is first visualized as an unimportant ranting old crippled woman that lives alone and rents out rooms, but when her age is revealed, the narrators whole opinion changes after all he had assumed that she was only in her eighties.She then becomes a special and unforgettable person to him because he is absolutely astonished and Impressed that a one-hundred and three year old woman could still more or less be Independent or til now coherent for that matter. This Is due to the fact that he mentions his own mother completely falling apart after his father passed away. He goes so far as to say What pained me the most was to see her so unguarded, to hear her eruption after meals or expel gas in front of company without the slightest perplexity (Lair 1 87 ).Seeing a widow like Mrs.. Croft so bold and quick-witted, yet so fragile, was bracing and positively enliven to him. The way he acknowledges her life, As vigorous as her voice was, and imperious as she seemed, I knew that even a scratch or a cough could kill a person that old, each day she lived, I knew, was something of a miracle (Lair 188). The significance of this quote shows that Mrs.. Croft was a big contribution to the narrators acknowledgment of an ever ever-changing world where adaptation is the key to survival.As the the narrator waits the six weeks for his wife to arrive he is more than intellectual to make It a routine to simply sit down next to Mrs.. Croft each night and give her a little of his company. He feels compelled to do more but being of no relation he Crof ts and find an apartment suitable for two people. It is peculiar that he not simply anxious for his wife to Join him in America. He refers to her arrival as the arrival of a sexual climax month, or flavour something inevitable, but meaningless at the same mime (Lair 189). These are his feelings in the beginning when he only knew his wife for a mere five days.Once she is there she makes an effort as a dutiful wife by sprucing up the In conclusion the narrator encounters an internal conflict, he slowly becomes an Americanizes Indian with attempts to watch his lord Indian culture. His conflict comes to a head when speaking of his son because it is light-headed that he is afraid that his son will abandon their Indian traditions. A prime example is the sideline quote So we drive to Cambridge to visit him, or bring him home for a keen, so that he can eat rice with us with his hands, and speak in Bengali, things we sometimes worry he will no longer do after we die(Lair 197).His att empt at being the modern American occurs when he tells his wife that she does not have to wear her sari all the time, There is no need to cover your head, l said. I dont mind. It doesnt matter here (Lair 192). Another example is when the narrator tries to retain his original traditions by consume egg curry and walking barefoot throughout his house. Egg curry seems to be the one thing the narrator holds onto which is obvious because he cooks egg curry in all three continents.Interpreter of maladiesFrom the very beginning of the story the narrator depicts a very burdensome life. After leaving his homeland of India, he describes the first place he lived In London as a house occupied entirely of penniless Bengali Bachelors Like himself, at least a dozen and sometimes more and all struggling to educate and establish ourselves abroad(Lair 173). This is the perfect example of the narrators determination to be successful in life and also the major hardships he will have to endure.This als o portrays how the narrator accepts and is aware of his inevitable transformation through education and hardships. He knows that his struggles will eventually lead to the ultimate achievement of revealing over three continents. After surviving on the bare minimum in London for about flee years the narrator is offered a fulfillment job in America at the prestigious MIT, which will be his third continental move. Before he sets off abroad he must go back to Calcutta to fulfill an Indian tradition of an arranged marriage.The narrator sees his marriage as Just another mundane chore and focuses instead on adjusting to his new life as an Indian immigrant In America. While he waits for his new wifes green card he looks for a cheap room to rent, which Is where he meets the first American he truly admires. Mrs.. Croft is first portrayed as an insignificant ranting old crippled woman that lives alone and rents out rooms, but when her age is revealed, the narrators whole perspective changes aft er all he had assumed that she was only in her eighties.She then becomes a special and memorable person to him because he is absolutely astonished and Impressed that a one-hundred and three year old woman could still more or less be Independent or even coherent for that matter. This Is due to the fact that he mentions his own mother completely falling apart after his father passed away. He goes so far as to say What pained me the most was to see her so unguarded, to hear her burp after meals or expel gas in front of company without the slightest embarrassment (Lair 1 87 ).Seeing a widow like Mrs.. Croft so bold and quick-witted, yet so fragile, was refreshing and positively inspiring to him. The way he acknowledges her life, As vigorous as her voice was, and imperious as she seemed, I knew that even a scratch or a cough could kill a person that old, each day she lived, I knew, was something of a miracle (Lair 188). The significance of this quote shows that Mrs.. Croft was a big cont ribution to the narrators realization of an ever changing world where adaptation is the key to survival.As the the narrator waits the six weeks for his wife to arrive he is more than happy to make It a routine to simply sit down next to Mrs.. Croft each night and give her a little of his company. He feels compelled to do more but being of no relation he Crofts and find an apartment suitable for two people. It is peculiar that he not exactly anxious for his wife to Join him in America. He refers to her arrival as the arrival of a coming month, or season something inevitable, but meaningless at the same mime (Lair 189). These are his feelings in the beginning when he only knew his wife for a mere five days.Once she is there she makes an effort as a dutiful wife by sprucing up the In conclusion the narrator encounters an internal conflict, he slowly becomes an Americanizes Indian with attempts to maintain his original Indian culture. His conflict comes to a head when speaking of his s on because it is clear that he is afraid that his son will abandon their Indian traditions. A prime example is the following quote So we drive to Cambridge to visit him, or bring him home for a keen, so that he can eat rice with us with his hands, and speak in Bengali, things we sometimes worry he will no longer do after we die(Lair 197).His attempt at being the modern American occurs when he tells his wife that she does not have to wear her sari all the time, There is no need to cover your head, l said. I dont mind. It doesnt matter here (Lair 192). Another example is when the narrator tries to retain his original traditions by eating egg curry and walking barefoot throughout his house. Egg curry seems to be the one thing the narrator holds onto which is obvious because he cooks egg curry in all three continents.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Life of Sgt. Dillon Black Foxx
Sgt. Dillon B. Foxx Born Dec. 2nd, 1987 in Traverse City, MI Died Feb. 5th, 2010 in Badghis Province, Afghanistan serving during Operation Enduring Freedom Sgt. Dillon Black Foxx of Traverse City, Michigan spent his previous(predicate) eld living in Tennessee. When he was 17 he moved to Michigan where he graduated from Traverse City West Senior High School in 2006. Sgt. Foxx changed his name and used to go by Robert Dillon Lentz. He enlisted in the regular army in May 2006 at the age of 18. When he did, his friends apprehension he was crazy.They reminded him the country was at war. Nope, he said, he wasnt crazy he was doing exactly what he needed to do. An awesome s experiencedier with a free spirit, he maintained the same per discussionality he carried his whole life into the military a self-starter and someone others could count on. Dillon had attended One Station whole Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Basic School at Fort Benning Georgia. When he finished his training, Dil lon report to Fort Bragg, where he was designate to the 1st Battalion of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment.In January 2007, he deployed with the unit of measurement to Afghanistan for 15 months. He returned in April 2008. He was promoted to sergeant in January 2009 and went to Afghanistan in August for his second deployment, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, his duty as a forward observer. He died February 5th in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.Dillon current numerous awards including an Army Commendation with Valor Device, the Army Commendation with two Bronze Oak switch Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Global Terrorism Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the NATO Medal, the Com bat Action Badge, the Basic Parachutist Badge and the Purple tenderness stick onhumously. Dillon will be remembered by those who had the opportunity to meet him, serve with him or love him.Dillon is survived by his mother, Trina Pfau of Manton father, Robert Lentz of Tennessee his s tied(p)-month-old son, Kaiden Levi Foxx Kaidens mother, Jessica loan-blend two brothers, Chad (Andrienne) Stewart and their son Blake, currently stationed with the United States Marine Corp in California, Dale Blakeslee of Manton two sisters, Savannah Lentz and Lenzy Blakeslee, both(prenominal) of Manton grandparents, Linda Stewart, Linda Gale and Walter Lentz great-grandmother, Fern (Ben) Chupp his uncle, Chuck (Bonnie) Stewart an aunt, Alisha (Les) Wormell and military personnely other loving family members, friends and comrades of the service.The Governor ordered signalises down to half staff across the state to honor the northern Michigan soldier. Memorial services with forces Honors took plac e at 11 a. m. on Friday, February 19, 2010 at the NMC Hagerty Center, with visitation one hour prior to the service. The Rev. Justin Grimm did Officiate. Memorial contri merelyions may be tell to the Sgt. Dillon Foxx Memorial Fund, c/o Traverse City State Bank, PO Box 192, Traverse City, MI 49685. Please share thoughts with the family at Dillons on caper guestbook at www. reynolds-jonkhoff. com.The family is being served by the REYNOLDS-JONKHOFF FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES, (231) 947-6347. The more than hour great service began with a reading of a poem written by Sergeant Foxx. The first line read, If I ever go to war Mom, please dont be afraid. There are some things I must do, To keep the promise that I made. Every stanza there after reminded family and friends never to worry eon their love one was off at war. It was a tearful service, but it showcased the absolute best of Sgt. Foxx by dint of anecdotes and memories.During the memorial service, Army personal presented Sergeant Foxxs family with military honors including a purple soreness and a flag presentation. 9&10 News talked to the family after the service at a luncheon at the VFW dormitory room in Traverse City. They said they were overwhelmed with the support from the community. We would like to express our thanks for the outpouring generosity that has been awesome and overwhelming, says Stewart. Friends and str evokes alike have nonwithstanding been so supportive. His family described him as a quick learner who picked up new tasks easily and worked hard to get the job done, whatever the job was.The family precious to thank everyone for their support, including family and friends in Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Fort Bragg, the local V. F. W. and the military I send my sincere condolences to the family and friends of SGT Dillon B. Foxx. May the Lord comfort you in the difficult days ahead. Godspeed Dillon.. Godspeed.. Those we love remain with us For love itself lives on Cherish ed memories never pine Because one loved is gone. Those we love bear never be More than a thought aside For as long as there is memory, They live on in our essences. Traverse City Soldiers post affix by Lisa McQueen, Harbor Springs Sunday, February 07, 2010 at 815 p. m. Our military family shares in your pain, this community supports you in grief and this country is grateful for your sacrifice. We are humbled by the service of your son. Thoughts and prayers to you during this most difficult time. Posted by J Meadows, TX Tuesday, February 09, 2010 at 1056 a. m. RIP Airborne St. Michael, Guide this Paratrooper to a waiting formation of the Jump Master in the Sky From Diablo A staff sergeant and chieftain who worked with Foxx describe him as a self-starter and someone they could always count on.Foxxs brother made a statement when asked about his brother He did what he did, says Chad Stewart, Foxxs brother. Its dependable like anyone else that deploys unfortunately it was him, bu t he did what he wanted to do. TRAVERSE CITY Flags lined the walkway of Traverse Citys Hagerty Center early Friday morning. A somber mood, yet a patriotic spirit as tribe paid their respects to 22-year old Sergeant Dillon Foxx. A fallen soldier is being remembered as a local hero. I just sound off it really brings it home that its somebody in your own backyard that was in Afghanistan and has passed away, says Dan Brady of Traverse City. This young man lost his life. He gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our country. My heart goes out to his family, says Traverse City resident, Marianne Abramson. My son also serves in the 82nd Airborne. This is his second tour in Iraq and he is 22 years old and it just really hits close to home. I smelling for this childs family. I do. I cant imagine my son not attack home, says Elk Rapids resident, Mary Gallagher. He laid down his life for us and I know the family but its my way of showing support. I believe in what their son did.Being a veteran of the disjunction War myself is something I feel compelled to do, says Midland resident, Jim Johnston. Its personal stories like this that brought out spate from around the state, even complete strangers simply to say, thank you. Its just a reminder that our freedom is really not free. Theres soldiers dying every day for our freedom, Soldiers who are thousands of miles away just like Sergeant Foxx putting our country forwards themselves. Now, a community is stepping up to show its support for his sacrifice. *Tribute to Sgt. Dillon Foxx*SGT Foxx was one of the best kind of people to know. Smart, funny, brave, com high temperatureate, and extremely outgoing. For us paratroopers lucky enough to work with him on a daily bases, this loss move us to the core. The loss of a true friend, mentor and brother will never be forgotten. I love you man past, present, and future. From Jarmacus Smith. While I didnt know Sgt Foxx personally, my husband is currently serving in Iraq on his 2nd tour, my best friend of 18 years was killed in action in Iraq, 3 years ago this may 23rd, and I have several friends and family in the military.I thank Sgt. Foxx from the bottom of my heart for his selfless service to this country. And to his family, I will always have you in my thoughts and prayers. May you find pink of my John in knowing that he will NEVER be forgotten. From Rebekah Marie Lane. God bless the family and thank you Sgt. for tutelage my family innate rubber. Your selflessness is what separates you from the average civilian. Thank you. From Dave Wylie. Here is a poem I found that I think the family would like to read in regards to their loss and their feelings at this time Life Is A Fragile amour Life is a fragile thingAnd it can change within an instant Nothing is safe from the effects of change No person or possession were given The only things we can hands forever Are the memories in our hearts The loves we share upon this earth Before it comes our tim e to part So choose a pathway that brings you joy Take time for quiet pieces each day prise the challenges that strengthen your soul And the blessings God sends your way Dont let your heart be ruled by anger Its just not worth the stress For the tumult will only expand in your heart And crowd out happiness Live each day with wonder and gratitudeFor the beauty that surrounds you And share your abundance generously Itll ensure future blessings will surround you Meekly accept that lifes journey will entangle Unexpected, soul-wrenching heartaches That will bruise your soul and alter the course You always imagined your life would take And when that happens youll have the excerption To embrace hope or hopelessness You cant avoid grief, but you can refuse to accept A lonely future of bitterness So choose to be grateful for each moment With the loved ones youve been given I also found some pictures of Sgt.Dillon Foxx that will put a face to the story. ? Sgt. Dillon Foxx Military Pictu re ? Dillon Foxx & His Son ? Sgt. Dillon Foxx on duty. ? Sgt. Dillon Foxx is being carried to his funeral in his casket. I found this poem which I feel explains Sgt Dillon Foxx and his selflessness he showed with the way he lived his life and giving of himself to the military. This fundamental truth of the self can be realized only if the individual is willing and bravenessous enough to follow to some natural conclusion this moment of experience, this facing the unknown and participating with the total commitment of the self.Such expression, such passion for life may emerge in written, spoken, graphic or aesthetic forms in relation or in isolation in I-Thou encounters and in silent, inner experience. A compassionate willingness is required as is the courage to live before the fact, before the understanding, before any rational support or certainty, to live the moment to its natural peak and conclusion, and to accept with dignity whatever joy, grief, misfortune, or unexpectedness o ccurs. I think that I found a quote that explains how Sgt Dillon Foxx felt since he stated it to his family and friends that he was doing what he wanted to do. I have lived on a razors edge. So what if you fall off, Id rather be doing something I really wanted to do. Id walk it again. I would like to say to Sgt Dillon Foxxs family and anyone else that has lost a love one, Do not cry over your loss but celebrate the life they once lived.Remember them for all the right times you shared, rather then dwell on what will never be. When you keep them in intimately memories and thoughts it makes it easier day by day to get by means of. God is always willing and ready to help you through your hurt and pain all you have to do is call upon him and ask for his help. For those of us who do not have family or friends in the military or that take everyday for granted, please remember it is people like Sgt. Dillon Foxx that scarify their lives everyday to help us live free.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Marketing Research †Final Exam Review Essay
unit of measurements 1-2One question will be pinched from the following. This is the only material you need to know from the first ii units except for material that has carried all over into Unit 3. For instance, things like response types, population, sample, sampling distribution, etc. were covered in Unit 2. These concepts are important to apprehension the Unit 3 material, so you need to know them.Studying real organizations is sometimes the most efficacious way to understand some selling research concepts. In this course, class material has been illustrated through over fifty examples of real organizations.Most of the examples and cases have been covered in the first two exams. These possible presbyopic answer questions address examples and cases that have not been coveredt present arent that many of that havent been covered1. In the Diageo Captain Morgan Gold case, what did management choose to do and why? (4 pts) What was the outcome, and why did it come about? (4 pts) What is the main lesson to take away from the case? (2 pts)2. In the cloth vs. disposable diapers case, describe the background and results of the two studies. (8 pts) What lesson does this illustrate about using secondary info for marketing research? (2 pts)3. In the Whirlpool case, what did marketing research studies show, and what did management decide to do? (6 pts) While management made a mistake in hindsight, their reasoning made sense from the production sidewhy? (2 pts) There are several takeout food lessons from this case. Name one. (2 pts)Unit 3 There is only one possible long answer question, and here it isPart 1Do people in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Houston spend the same average nitty-gritty on furniture each year, or are at that place differences between the cities? To answer this, a furniture company gathered data from people in the four cities. The supervisor proposes that they compare each distich of cities. So they would compare NYC vs. Chicago, NY C vs. LA, NYC vs. Houston, Chicago vs. LA, Chicago vs. Houston, and LA vs. Houston. If any of those pairs reveals a significant difference with 95% confidence (i.e., you can be 95% confident that the two groups are different), then they can come to an end that the cities are not all the same.a. Briefly, why isnt this a good way to analyze the data? (5 pts) The problem with running 6 pair tests is that there is still a 5% chance that the z- honour we calculate will be a fluke that leads to a prostitute conclusion. For each calculation done, there is an increased chance of error, thus we are six times more likely to get the wrong conclusion. This gives you a total of 1-(95/100) 6 = 0.265 = 26.5% chance of improperly rejecting at least one of your six calculations.b. What is a better method? You only need to give the name of the method. (2 pts)The better method to use is called compend of variance aka ANOVAPart 2When conducting a chi-square test, the expected frequencies are equal to(Row total x Column total) Grand totalHow is this formula derived from mathematical and probability rules? Be detailed. If it helps to explain it by referring to an veridical table, you can use the table below. (10 pts) This formula is derived by each individual amount being delegate to each other individual amount. The probability of being in row A is A/E = 150/253 = .5929 = 59.29% The probability of being in column C is C/E = 135/253 = .5336 = 53.36% indeed when mathematically combining the probability of being in row A and column C is A/E x C/E = 150/253 x 135/253 = (150135)/253 = 80.04 which is the same asBDCAE.5929 x .5336 = .3164 x 253 = 80.04
Friday, May 17, 2019
My Mother Essay
My MotherLife without someone who loving us is just desire an emptyworld. All people in this world have their own person who always takes lot of them. So do I. She is the only one, my capture. My drive is Beautiful, a really helpful to a family outgrowth and a caring person.see moreshort essay on my motherMy earliest memories of my mother was her pretty face, beautiful smile, and small frame.To me she was the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing compared to her. level though she was unlike the celebrity moms who wore designer clothes and ate in fancy restaurants, my mother was very real.My mother has a light color skin. She wears a black ,long and bouncy hair. She is 52 in aggrandizement and she is skinny.She has a big, brown eyes. My mother is beautiful just the way she is,without even trying to do anything. worry most mother, my mother t all(prenominal)es me to do house chores. I remember when I was still 13 geezerhood old, my mother teaches me how to cook. She became my inspiration as I grew up. She is always there to help each member of the family. Eventhough she was timeworn working in the morning she is always there to cook us dinner and make each member of the family happy.My mother is always there to help with my other relatives too. She is willing to help whenever my relatives from Philippines whenever they needed help.Even though there were four children in the family, my mother never played favorites.But rather, made ap headland to be fair and equal with all of her children. Whenever I admitted to making a mistake, Mom would not hesitate to point it out to me, and punish me if needed. At times I detested it but over time I came to realize that Mom did that because she had my best interests at heart. She was never one to hold grudges for long.Like most mothers, my mother was very protective of me that often times I resented her for being so.I did not understand why she had to constantly demand about my whereaboutsWho I was with and wher e I was going. It never occurred to me that this was an essential part of being a mother.A mother cares and worries for her children.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Coefficient of Friction
Coefficient of Friction lab Abstract The resisted legions that acted along the tangent of two surfaces that were in contact was called friction. Friction was opposed to motion, and it acted in the opposite direction, where the surface of the object slid against the surface of the other object. The two types of friction that exist were called static friction and energising friction. When two surfaces atomic number 18 at rest with each other, still a push is caused to start one of the surfaces to slide over the other was called static friction.However, the friction that was used in the lab was kinetic friction. Kinetic friction occurred when two surface were moving with contact to each other. The coefficient of kinetic friction is a ceaseless shown as ? k. The kinetic frictional force (fk) was devoted by the succeeding(a) equation (fk= ? kN), where N represented the normal force, which was the force that each body exerts on the other body, and acts perpendicular to each surf ace. The room that friction force is calculated is by the followed calculation Ff=? FN, where (? ) was the coefficient of friction and (FN) was the normal force.Now in company to pinch the force of friction, the coefficient of friction should be figured out first. Now the way that the coefficient of friction was retrieved, the tension force (FT) was divided by the pack (Fg). An inclined plane that has an incline of ? was adjusted as shown in the following diagram 2 If the elude was placed on the plane, and the tippytoe was slowly increased, the block would name began to set down at some angle. Now the normal force (N) acted perpendicularly to the plane, and a component of the tip of the block, acted in the opposite direction.Though when the angle is increased, the more force it took for the block to slide against another surface. So as the angle was increased, the friction cultivates, but when the angles reductiond, so did the friction. 1 Now some of the factors that flo werpot affect friction be the body surfaces. For the friction depends on the smoothness of the surface where the objects have touched. Now with the smoothness only to a degree has made friction decrease. Friction never depended on the amount of surface that there was given, but it does depend on the magnitude of forces holding the bodies. 1Methods Inclined plane was placed at a adjust angle position so the pulley protrudes over the table edge Mass of the wooden block was determined to the nearest tenth of a gram. String was attached to the wooden block, over the pulley and to the weight of the hanger. Orientation of the string was adjusted so that it was parallel to the plane. The planes have differed in their smoothness. Surface must short and dry. Masses were added to the hanger until the wooden block moved at constant velocity after it was tapped lightly. The total weight (FT) was recorded in the table for data. The result of the weight hangers and the masses on the hangers wa s total force pulling. every(prenominal) weights are in the proper units (Newtons)). By have added different masses on top of the wooden block (Fg), step 4 was repeated for several different total weights. Plane must be inclined at some angle between five and twenty degrees. Step 4 was repeated. wide-cut weight was recorded. This was the tension (FT) at angle ?. Investigation was continued by an additional experiment that was planned, which compared how the angle affected the coefficient of friction.(An extra table must be included on this data. Data Analysis OFg(block)=FNFT(force of g on masses)=N ? 0328g=3. 2144N1. 4N. 44 0351. 8g=3. 44764N1. 4N. 41 0540. 9g=5. 3N1. 5N. 28 0573. 8g=5. 6N1. 7N. 30 0614g=6. 0N1. 9N. 32 0611. 4g=6. 5N1. 9N. 29 5 20 degreesF_gF_NActualTheoreticalAverage 153283. 2N2. 1N1. 9N0. 34 10368. 63. 6N1. 6N1. 8N0. 34 Sample Calculations Sample calculation for Force in Newtons for Fg 328(0. 001)(9. 8)=3. 2N Sample calculation for (FT/Fg)=1. 4/3. 2=. 44 Percen t errors Percent error for 15? (1. 9-2. 1)/1. 9 x one C=10. 5% Percent error for 10? (1. 8-1. 6)/1. 8 X 100=11. % Discussion The computed theoretic value of FT was slightly off for both 10 &15 degrees. The resulted percent error for 10? was just slightly over 11% and for 15? it was a bit over 10%. The outcomes could have been different due to the fact of friction, which could have not been calculated correctly when the block had faultless constant velocity, however, the values were nearly related. Now the relationships between the graphs shown above seems to prove that the variables which are indicated seem to be outright proportional to each other and the graphs, Force vs.Coefficient of Friction & Force of Block vs. Force of Tension are very similar. It seems to be that the block was conveying at a constant speed in order to have given calculated the friction finely. Now if the block were not to be moving with constant velocity then friction wouldnt be steady, and if it wasnt t hen there was not an precise calculation for the coefficient of friction. Now not having a smooth surface can cause an error, which causes the block to decrease and speed up. Now in order to repair this error, there must be a trustworthy smoothed surface where the experiment will be performed.The string sticking on to the pulley can be know as another error because it could cause the movement of the block not to be smooth as it would be predicted in this experiment. The solution of this error would be to put something on the string, so that it may slide efficiently. Conclusion The conclusion of this experiment seems that everything seems to be similar and in order. The percent errors that was given for 10? was 11. 1% and the percent error for 15? was 10. 5%, meaning that the theoretical value and veridical value for the tension were nearly the same. Now the average value for the coefficient of friction () was 0. 34.
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