Saturday, August 31, 2019
An Analysis of George Orwell’s Essay Why I Write Essay
George Orwell and Joan Didion, in their essay, â€Å"Why I Write,†imply that writing has affected each author to abdicate adversity and to accept failure. Orwell and Didion support their implications by explaining how each author attempted to embrace the abstract ideas in writing, but learned to view themselves as mediocre writers, neither good nor bad, whose self-reflection in writing produced a solemn atmosphere. Their purpose is to educate the reader on relevant motives and authenticity associated with writing to help them conceive a profound piece of work through self-reflection. Both authors establish a formal but moderately depressing tone, appealing to young Americans who hope to become writers. George Orwell, in the essay, â€Å"Why I Write†utilizes the rhetorical strategy of explanation in order to effectively deliver his message to the attending audience. Orwell, at first, introduces a statement about his childhood and his ambitious goals to become an inspiring writer. Suffering from depression and solitude during his adolescent years, Orwell often constructed solemn pieces of literature in order to reflect upon his current lifestyle. This idea of self-reflection assisted Orwell in becoming an exalt writer. Through exemplification, Orwell introduced the â€Å"four great motives for writing.†Orwell reflects upon the subject of sheer egotism, arguing that writers often write to be remembered. The author further elaborates on this idea, stating that serious writers care more about personal self-reflection than making money. In the motive of aesthetic enthusiasm, Orwell views himself as a moderate writer, illustrating how writers make their writing sound and look good by appreciating the aesthetics. The author eventually provides an example for these motives, by appealing to the pathos in his Spanish-civil war poem, often concentrating on emotion and expressing remorse. Through explanation, George Orwell was able to effectively deliver his message to the attending audience. Joan didion, in the essay â€Å"Why I write,†utilizes the rhetorical strategy of explanation to appeal to her audience. Joan introduces her essay with the topic of self-reflection, by illustrating the act of saying I. In addition, Joan elaborates on this idea of self-reflection, explaining how writing allowed her to create a mind of abstract ideas. Similar to Orwell, Joan experienced several obstacles that impeded her writing. The author focuses on a particular issue, in which Didion became distracted while writing. The author reflects upon this idea, by providing an example of how her attention diverted simply to a â€Å"flowering pear outside her window†or the â€Å"lights on in the Bevatron†while writing at Berkley. Didion additionally conveys her attitude towards these distractions, often wondering why such events occur. As a result, Joan often ponders upon the abstract ideas in order to enhance her writing. Through the use of explanation, Joan didion was able to effectively deliver her message to the attending audience. George Orwell and Joan didion, in their why I write, employ the rhetorical strategy of explanation in order effectively attend to their audience. Though each author provided examples in order to support their implication, their appeals to pathos and emphasis on pondering the abstract ideas in writing further attracted their audience.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Arthur Miller Essay
Between 1949 and 1953, Arthur Miller wrote two of his most famous plays. Both plays dealt with major problems in society. The main characters of the plays were similar. Also, the supporting characters of both plays were alike. Arthur Miller’s plays Death of a Salesman and The Crucible are similar in many ways. The main purpose of both Death of a Salesman and The Crucible was to show major problems in American society. In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller was trying to show the impossibilities of the American Dream. In The Crucible, he was trying to show how society is intolerant toward others and is prone to hysteria. Both plays dealt with society defeating the average, hard-working man. Each play showed a society that was full of deceit and liars. In both of these plays, society was depicted as an evil thing that would overpower the average person and create an unjust world. The main characters of Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, Willy Loman and John Proctor, were alike in many ways. Both of these men had extramarital affairs, and in both cases, the affairs ended up destroying their lives. Both of these men were hard-working, average men who were just trying to make a good life for themselves and their families. Names were important to both men, and they both took pride in their names. In both cases, many decisions the two made were because of their family members. One large similarity between Willy and John was the fact that they both eventually died, and the death was partly their choice. Both men could have avoided death, but instead, they chose to die because they believed it was the correct thing to do. In these two plays, there were also many similarities between the supporting characters. In both plays, children had much more power than they normally do. In Death of a Salesman, Willy’s son controlled much of his life. In The Crucible, the girls, led primarily by Abigail Williams, caused many people to be hanged, and even more to be imprisoned. Also, both John and Willy had wives that were very loyal to them throughout their lives and supported them until the end. Both plays showed a figure of power, seen as Howard in one play and Judge Danforth in the other. In both plays, the main character had a friend who stood up for them at the end. Willy had Charley, who had been his best friend for a long time, and John had Reverend Hale, who tried to prevent John’s death. There are many similarities between characters in the two plays. Death of a Salesman and The Crucible are alike in many ways. Arthur Miller created similar characters in both plays. He used both to show the many things wrong in America. These two plays are both powerful pieces of literature that should be read and appreciated by all people.Sources: Death of a Salesman and The Crucible by Arthur Miller Arthur Miller Essay Can the audience be certain that Abigail is pretending when she has her fits (pages thirty nine-forty and ninety one-ninety six) In sixteen ninety two there was an outbreak of hangings for witchcraft. Arthur Miller based â€Å"The Crucible†on the events that lead to this to create an allegory of the events that took place in the nineteen fifties, when Joseph McCarthy was the head of the investigations of the senate committee on internal security. When Abigail her fit on page ninety two, Miller leaves the audience confused because of the other girls’ reaction to what Abigail does and also to Mary Warren’s accusations. When Abigail starts imitating Mary Warren the girls copy Abigail and start using it to accuse Mary Warren of â€Å"sending a shadow on them,†so Abigail used its sudden entrance into the court to stop Mary Warren from telling the truth about what happened in the woods. The way they chose to accuse her was by imitating Mary Warren. â€Å"Mary Warren (screaming out at the top of her lungs, and raising her fists): Stop it!! Girls (raising their fists): Stop it!! †Arthur Miller adds more uncertainty by making other girls leading into the fits. This happens when Betty wakes upon page thirty nine and starts a fit off by saying, â€Å"I saw Goody Howe with the Devil! †This is effective because Betty is apparently ill at the time that this happens then â€Å"As she is speaking BETTY is rising from the bed, a fever in her eyes, and picks up the chant. †Then in a fit on page ninety two, Mercy Lewis says â€Å"Mercy Lewis (pointing): It’s on the beam! Behind the rafter! †This is when the bird has appeared and Danforth asks where it was. This is an effective strategy to employ and these points in the play because it keeps the audience guessing and wanting to know what will happen next. Mary Warren is present during both the fits that Abigail has, although in the second one on page ninety two she is the one both accusing and being accused. At the end of the fit Mary Warren has a real stress induced fit â€Å"only MARY is left there, staring up at the `bird’, screaming madly. All watch her terrified by this evident fit. †The fact that Mary Warren has now joined in isn’t the only thing that makes this effective it is that she has just changed her mind after being so resolute on telling the truth, also that this implicates Proctor as being a witch because he is the one that took her to the court. In the sixteen nineties the buildings were furnished in a minimalist fashion because people couldn’t afford much more that the essentials, for example in Betty’s bedroom would have a bed a little chest of drawers for her clothes and a chair. There would also be a few windows. Therefore it would be quite shocking seeing it filled up with mainly young girls, then when all the girls suddenly start shouting it would be overwhelming and quite confusing for an audience member seeing this for the first time. However, When Mary Warren is persuaded to go to court she seems scared of Abigail as she says; â€Å"She’ll kill me for sayin’ that! †The audience also know that Abigail has lied from the beginning about what happened in the woods, as Abigail told her uncle that all they did was dance but then Betty says â€Å"you drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor! Also in the same conversation Abigail tells Mary Warren to carry on lying, â€Å"Let either of you breathe a word about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring pointy reckoning that will shudder you. †When the girls copy Abigail they never catch on straight away they always take a while to join in, such as in the court room on page ninety two Abigail has to repeat what Mary Warren says twice before the girls start repeating as well. â€Å"The Crucible†is an allegory of what was happening in America in the nineteen fifties. When Joseph McCarthy became a senator lots of people started having trouble with being accused of being a communist. It was mainly actors, actresses and writers that were accused but once you were accused there were only two things you could do to stop yourself from being blacklisted, which meant you would find it very hard to work again, you could either admit to being a communist and still be black listed or you could do the easier thing to prove you weren’t a communist which was accuse someone else. This is very similar to â€Å"The Crucible†as Abigail feels she has to accuse Tituba so that she isn’t accused of which craft. The only two differences when you were put in this situation ware that you wouldn’t be hung for being a communist you just wouldn’t be able to find work very easily. The other difference was that in Salem you had to be a witch to be hung, whereas in America you had to be a communist. There are certain similarities between Salem and today, such as today, lots of people treat Muslims differently because other people have turned Muslims into a scapegoat and projected everything wrong with the society that they live in and been blamed on a particular group of people, which in our case is Muslims. This prejudice against particular groups of people often isn’t fair. In America they projected their fears onto communists because they were that the communist uprising in Russia would spread to America, but now we are worried because a few Muslims out of millions decided to become suicide bombers and the government used them as a means to justify the war in Iraq by demonising the main faith in that country. Overall I think that the audience wouldn’t be able to whether Abigail was pretending while she was having her fits unless they had seen â€Å"The Crucible†before, because Arthur Miller uses a lot of tactics to confuse or scare the audience.
Young People in Society
Explain how political, economic and social constructs can be used to categories society. Look at how Irish society stratifies according to social class and gender. Sociologists develop theories and concepts to help reveal the structure of social life and they engage in numerous different forms of empirical Investigation to test and develop these theories. They are Interested In how people communicate and create meaning and understanding, but they are also interested in questions of power and inequality.They use a variety of sources such as historical documents, observations, river research to help develop reliable information about how society operates. Define social stratification Social stratification is a system where people are ranked hierarchically which leads to groups of people being classified into layers and strata (class, caste, slavery and estate).Class – social class system Is a system of stratification that results from unequal distribution of wealth, power and pr estige. Caste -? this is a fixed arrangement of strata from the most to the least privileged. Estate – this consist three different strata or layers – aristocracy, clergy and commoners. Slavery – this is the oldest and most extreme form of stratification or inequality in which some people are literally owned by others as property.All social stratification systems share four basic principles each reflecting how these systems cause inequalities based on class, gender, ethnicity, age, religious affiliation and consequences at an Individual and at a collective level In society, no one social stratification system Is unique, each system Is a characteristic of the society It relates to and it is not simply a reflection of differences at an individual level, nor is it a new incept as afore mentioned but it is a system that has and will persist over generations and although stratification systems may not be an exact replica In each society, fundamentally stratification systems are universal albeit widely variable, they also incorporate ideological beliefs while also engendering shared identities (Macaroni et a', 2005). Do all societies stratify? If so, in what way? Virtually all societies have some form of stratification or structured inequalities that are organized and that persist over time. It Is universal but variable and seems to be found everywhere. At the same time, what is unequal and how unequal it is varies from one society to another.For example, I) Social stratification persist over generation – in all societies, parents confer their social positions on their children, so that patterns of inequality stay much the same from generation to generation. (Monoclonal et a', 2005). II) Some Individuals do also experience social mobility -? It may be downward or upward. Society celebrate the achievements of those who rose to people are regarded as more important than others, more worthy of respect or seen as more useful than others in ce rtain situations. It is also evident that people could move downward as a result of illness, unemployment, economic break-down, business setback etc.However, social standing of most people remain unchanged for a life time – like the Royal Family in England. What system of stratification is in operation in Ireland? Is it an open or close system of stratification? The social stratification in Ireland today is undefined. However, the class system seem to be in operation in Ireland and it is considered a close system. A closed system does not afford a person the same opportunity, and as a result a person's position in fife is solely determined by the family group they are born into. Identity and belonging dominate the social class in modern Ireland. This can be to the majority of people defined by two categories: the first being wealth (Middle class).If you are wealthy you have a lot more opportunities in education, professionals or higher managerial e. G. Senior government worke rs, doctors, farmers, company directors etc. And; secondly being poor (Lower class). – these are people in lower scale in the society e. G. School teachers, driver, machine operator, bar-worker waitress, cleaner, call- centre worker etc. The rate of lower class status rocketed since recession. (Hyde et al, 2007:65-66) Describe the system of stratification found in Ireland. How is it broken down? (include tables and diagrams here if relevant) During the Celtic Tiger it was perceived that Ireland as a whole was very wealthy and many people were classed as Wealthy or ‘upper class'.However since the recession hit the social status regarding the wealth of the country has deteriorated. Today, a larger number of the population are working or middle class. The growing unemployment rate has forced many people, including well educated individuals to rely on state benefits. This has been a huge factor in the rapid decrease in the social status of the country. Social mobility in Ir eland appears to be going in the wrong direction. Not only is the social stratification in Ireland defined by its economic status, but also by a number of other factors; for example; a person's religion. In the past the influence the Catholic Church had on people determined the way they lived there life.Catholic priests were understood to be very well respected figures in society and anyone of the catholic religion were accepted as part of the community however individuals of a different faith were viewed as outsiders. Nowadays a person's faith does not have as big an influence on their social status and many people from different religious backgrounds are accepted in Irish communities. Does class/socio- economic position, impact on your health? Please provide evidence, statistics to There are differences among people in the amount of access they have to the resources of wealth and prestige in most societies. Such differences among people in terms of income and status are usually re ferred to as social class differences. The categories that people have been assigned to by virtue of their occupation have been marred with patterns of illness in society.The lower your place in the social class scale, the worse is likely to be your health status and visa-versa (Hyde et al, 2007). Although race, gender, age etc have influenced socio-economic status, classification by occupation tends to be more common; hence in Ireland, a person's social class is measured according to his or her occupation while social class of children is determined by parents' occupation (Denote and Cannon, 2003). According to Denote and Cannon, there are huge inequalities between the classes in the distribution of wealth in the country. It is estimated that 10 per cent of the population own nearly half the wealth in the country, therefore 90 per cent of the population share the other half, but not equally. Ibid:71 in McDonald B, 2009) Health inequalities are often observed along a social rise. Th is means that the more favorable your social circumstances such as income or education, the better your chance of enjoying good health and a longer life. While there is a significant gap between the wealthy and the poor, the relationship between social circumstances in health is in fact a graded one. Source of data ‘Inequalities in Mortality 1989-1998' A series of studies by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (PIP) found that the number of people living with a chronic condition is expected to increase dramatically by 2020 and that disproportionately more of these people will belong to the older population.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Essay about baraka movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
About baraka movie - Essay Example And there are film makers who bring these real life environment without any pre written script, capturing the real life happenings as it is. These novels attempts by the film makers comes loaded with fetes and critics, giving different perspectives. And this paper will look at the real life captured visual film, Baraka captured or picturized by Ron Fricke, by analyzing in what ways does this film support its meaning of blessing, and how the the title is actually realistic and not ironic. Baraka, directed and ‘canned’ by Ron Fricke is a purely cinematic visual film shot in high definition wide screen format. Being a visual film, it has no verbal sounds with only music for accompaniment. Shot in 24 countries, it contains footage of people from different countries, in places, where there is mass conglomeration. That is, the visuals are mainly composed of people en masse doing some kind of activity in different locations of the world. The different locations include various landscapes, urban places, places of religious importance, in total mostly natural locations. The camera was used like a person’s eye, capturing every movement of humanity as they are indulging in their day to day activities like a father riding his son in a bicycle in India to a Indonesian women working in a cigarette factory . The film apart from showcasing the beautiful side of the natural and artificial elements featured in it, also focuses on the locations with darker side lik e Auschwitz in Poland. The naturalness and authenticity of the film is further optimized by the addition of natural sounds like the onsite recordings of The Monks Of The Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery, which flows along with the background score. So, Baraka is a film, which presents visually stunning and thought provoking images of natural elements, conveying to us how we are ‘blessed’ to have these natural settings, and thereby supporting the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Regions of Europe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Regions of Europe - Research Paper Example The diversified nature of the Vojvodina can be well grasped with the presence of well over 26 ethnic groups within the region that has left the region with no other option but to give a total of six languages the status of the official language. If Vojvodina is an autonomous province within Serbia then Kosovo moves even a step further. Kosovo is an all together disputed territory after the break up of Yugoslavia. It claims itself as Republic of Kosovo yet has managed only partial recognition till date. Serbia claims it a region under UN control and does not confer the republican status to Kosovo. Both these places of Serbia (leaving the ambiguity of past and present aside), namely Vojvodina and Kosovo attracts attention owing to their unique existence. The present paper will highlight both these places in terms of their location, geography, history demography, major cities and economy; starting with Vojvodina. Vojvodina Location: Vojvodina is placed at the northern part of Serbia. To be precise it is in the famous Pannonian Plain of Central Europe. The total area of the region is 21,506 kilometers that accounts for one fourth of the total Serbian territory. Vojvodina has common boundaries with Hungary (North), Romania (East), Croatia (West) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (South West). (Bogunovic) Map of Vojvodina (ADAGIO) Geography: Before explaining the topography of the region, it is important to highlight the reasons behind such topography. As mentioned earlier that the region is a part of the Pannonin plain, hence it shares mostly a flat landscape with fertile soil well suited for cultivation. Again Danube, Sava and Tisza the three main rivers that run through the region have divided it into three geographical regions, namely Backa, Banat and Syrmia. Though it has been mentioned earlier that the region demonstrates a predominantly flat landscape but owing to the presence of Fruska Gora Mountain in Syrmia region and Vrsacke Planine Mountain at South East Banat, topography of both the regions differs from that of Vojvodina in general. (Bogunovic) One of the distinctive features of the place is the presence of a wet land amidst the region. Gornje Podunavlje which was designated as a wetland around four years back in 2007 has an area of 224.8 square kilometres and is the largest in Serbia. A much smaller wet land with 9.76 square kilometres of area Slano Kopovo also is in Vojvodina. (Serbia) Vojvodina’s climate is shaped by the air from northern and western Europe that results in a continental climate all over the place. The annual average temperature is 11.0 degree centre grade. In January it is lowest at -0.7 degree centre grade and in July it is highest at 21.3 degree centre grade. Annual precipitation is 602.0 mm with a relative humidity of 75%. Evaporation at the mentioned place is 738 mm on an average. It is worth mentioning that the above cited climate related statistics is an average of 50 years (1949-1999) over 12 places. (ADA GIO) History: The area shares a rich history and from ancient times it has been handed over from one monarchy to the other. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was last of the monarchs who were in charge of Vojvodina. After the collapse of the Empire at the end of First World War the region became a part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Later (1929-1941) it became known as
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analysis of Economic Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis of Economic Articles - Essay Example 2. If chemical companies set their plants in the U.S., the more than production and marketing costs could be minimized, especially if the target market is within the U.S. or nearby countries. In so doing, there is a possibility that trade relationships between the U.S. and EU with regards to shale gas or other alternative energy sources would be minimized. Looking at this perspective, it would be more beneficial to the U.S. since shale prices would be significantly minimized; while this would be detrimental to the EU for diminishing trade and export to US markets. 3. The boom of production of natural gas in the US is seen to negatively impact EU, especially those countries identified to previous export shale gas to the US market. With more chemical companies opting to explore the potentials in the US, the EU economy could be foreseen to worsen due to the negative impact of lesser exports and potential reliance or dependence on the Russians as a supplier of natural gas (Torello). 1. The current status of the U.S. economy significantly affects global trade in terms of contributing to increases in exports or imports, as continually affected by external forces. As such, it was evident in the article that the U.S. economy is not the contributory steering force that shapes the global economy, but rather, economic developments in both China and South Korea could be the dominant influencing factor. 2. The role of the Federal Bank in the U.S. in enhancing economic growth and allowing country developments remains paramount through the provision of financial support that is instrumental for global trade.Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
Medical School Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Medical School Essays - Essay Example This has entailed preparing activities that would help them deal with critical juvenile issues such as drugs, peer pressure and violence. Another would be my membership the Chicanos in Health Education, in which I helped organize the annual Raza Health Fair; this allowed me to develop leadership skills and at the same time reinforce my interest in the healthcare profession. My membership to the Center for Science Excellence has given me the opportunity to share my knowledge in Chemistry and microbiology to fellow students through tutoring sessions. My volunteer experience with the American Red Cross Bloodmobile has allowed me to interact with a multicultural community, and to use my proficiency in the Spanish language in helping patients comprehend instructions or clarify their issues. These have helped strengthen my resolve of pursuing a medical degree. 2) Among the service activities that you listed on your AMCAS application, in which activity did you feel that you truly made an impact on someone else? What was the impact on you? This short question is limited to 1000 characters only, including spaces. – characters with spaces – 908 I have worked as a tutor-mentor at the Making Changes Freedom School, which is a completely volunteer-run, grassroots movement of community members who sincerely want to make an authentic, positive difference in lives of elementary and high school students. This opportunity has allowed me to interact with a diverse, multicultural group, and be passionately involved in helping these youths bravely confront the challenges of their day, including drugs, peer pressure, violence and alcohol. Apart from academic excellence, I have independently designed activities that helped instill in them the values of assertiveness, responsibility, and a can-do attitude. I take profound pride in seeing that I have imparted to them the importance of academic excellence and of making value-driven decisions; I
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Report on The British Museum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Report on The British Museum - Assignment Example The purpose of writing this report is to analyze information pertaining to the British museum. Therefore, I looked into details on the in each and every aspect of the British museum. This was to make sure that the audience or the targeted readers will have a clear and vivid image of the museum and catch the glimpse of what goes around the museum. As a result, one will be in a position to make conclusions on the different aspect of the British museum. The tour was very useful particularly on my academic side, and it also gave me the chance to see the Iraqi artifacts, which farcinate me. I felt very proud to see the artifacts as I was able to relate to them and they were not things I had just heard about now as I got the chance to see them first hand. The tour provided me with an out seeing experience which is vital in the learning process. The lessons we had opened up my mind providing me with a clear and well elaborate knowledge on the museum’s specimens, objects and other crucial activities conducted in ensuring smooth running of the museum. Though the trip was beneficial, it had few challenges and faced some level of inefficiency. To begin with, the time allocated for the trip was not sufficient for conducting of all intended activities in an effective way. Most topics and subjects relating to the British museum were not fully scrutinized. This was because of the time limit challenge. The organization of the students during the tour and the study was not also efficient. For IFM/PMC to be efficient, various improvements will be expected from the top management and the students in general. The organizers and the top administration will have to give adequate time for preparation and for the entire process of travelling and engaging in the field trip study. This will assist on ensuring that the study and the accompanying tutors are well prepared and get information in details and in a satisfying way. In conclusion, will I appreciate students, teachers and all
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Disaster Plan Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Disaster Plan Assignment - Research Paper Example The stress test examines the stability of the system on while handling many simultaneous functions and processes. Stress testing is far beyond normal operations as it can be categorized in to application stress testing and hardware stress testing. The strict security measures, both in terms of physical and software security. Biometric identification system and encryption techniques can be implemented to minimize database security. Moreover, the third step would be to replicate the core services that are running on a specific server or workstation. This will facilitate the employees to entertain the patients, whenever a primary server goes down. Plans and Changes In order to minimize system failure for future, risk analysis is required that will identify all the critical systems on the network. It will also demonstrate the factors that may disrupt the critical system on the network. Moreover, it also includes the implementation of adequate controls in order to prevent system failures. Daily backups are required on daily basis and a mechanism is required that will check the integrity of the backup at the same time, if the backup is corrupt, new backup can be requested at the same time. It is essential to prevent the backup database also by applying adequate security measures, as database contents are highly classified. In case of a natural disaster, data must be relocated on a separate data center situated far away geographically. Furthermore, to eliminate power issues, ‘PoE’ can be implemented to minimize electric outage as it contains its own separate electric channel for the workstation and network devices. Root Cause Analysis The major impact that contributed to the system failure problem is the instability of Tech Med system as well as the application that creates database backup. However, primary source of power was restored instantly and replaced by the secondary link. The impact of Tech Med system resulted in halting all the operations associ ated with Jones Regional Medical Center (JRMC). Moreover, the impact of corrupt database backup resulted in a major halt in system operations of the medical center. Manual entries were conducted, as full database recovery is required from journal articles to transactions. Likewise, when the system is not operational, the staff at the medical center has noted all the operational processes manually so that they can be entered, when the system becomes operational. Disaster Recovery Plan The disaster recovery plan covering all the issues and counter measures is demonstrated below (Sandhu, 2002): Threats Counter Measures Power Failure Alternate power distribution link Database Failure Backing up data on 3 different locations at the same time by disk mirroring, ciphering, DLT or manual backup on daily basis. System Failure Alternate system to replace the affected system Theft Lock Cabinets IP cameras, biometric fingerprint identification, Vandalism Hard steel box for Servers and Databases Flood Relocating or replicating the network room Create a duplicate or replica of crucial data servers that are geographically located away Fire water sprinklers, Fire extinguishers Earthquake Relocating data with data centers that are geographically located away Determining the Amount The initial step is to identity the information assets on the network along with the services associated with it. The next
Friday, August 23, 2019
What causes lead to the statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What causes lead to the statistics - Essay Example Chile records high growth in developments in the agricultural sector; the level and number of industries have since grown in Chile. The high economic growth creates opportunity for most citizens improving the income. Education is also a sector in which the Chilean government is keen on. Gender equality is scoring low despite having had a female president; the women get fewer opportunities in job markets and leadership positions. The women fail to take up competitive opportunities like in science and engineering ending up on low salaries. Life expectancy in Mexico sets at 77.5 percent below the OECD standards, and it’s below the level in most countries. The level is dependent on the rate of government commitment to quality health. The Mexican government commits 6.2 percent of the GDP on health services. The standard of obesity and other chronic diseases is at 32.4 percent affecting the Life expectancy levels (World Bank publication 2014 11). Rate of substance abuse is also a contributor. Mexico is one of the largest economies with the purchasing power higher. Mexico has over time invested in industrialization with high diversity, large numbers of manufacturing firms and increases in the level of exports. The high industrialization has improved the gross income rate per individuals because of increased employments. The balance in the educational sector in urban and rural areas shows much parity (Lara 121-132). The government allocations in the education sector have since improved the area. Gender equality has since improved, but there are still high levels of imbalance in leadership, pay gap disparities and levels of domestic violence. Life expectancy is far below the world standard set levels due to the low standards of health service provision in the country. The number of health service facilities available for the population is small. Most rural people have difficulty in accessing health
Thursday, August 22, 2019
READING ANALUZES FOR ETHICS CLASS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
READING ANALUZES FOR ETHICS CLASS - Essay Example Instead, one must strengthen its ability to discern morally which can be developed through a regular and thoughtful deliberation of any ethical issue. Education is a pre requisite to be able to discern what could be morally appropriate in a given situation. This was demonstrated in the dialogue between Steed and Paxmore in the book â€Å"The Responsible Administrator†where Steed wondered how could the Watergate scandal happened. Paxmore explained that it is because â€Å"men without character . . . never comprehend the awful downward course they’re on†. Paxmore attributed this to lack of education where they went to â€Å"chrome and mirror schools where procedures are taught but not the principles†. Thus, they cannot contemplate about a moral problem in â€Å"the abstract where character is formed†. Having a grounded and educated moral compass within is necessary especially in public service where the interest of diverse groups collide that it would be difficult to discern what is ethically appropriate. Unlike in the early stages of the Republic where governance was truly intended to serve the greater good of society, governance today is already murky and peppered with self-interest after the adoption of spoil system. Thus, it becomes difficult what could be right or wrong and this pervades in all spheres of our public life. We need not look far for example how lack of ethics could be damaging. The recent financial crisis that made everybody’s life difficult where millions lost their jobs and thousands more lost their homes can be attributed directly for people lack of ethics or willful disregard for any concept of ethics. The financial scandals that rocked America from Enron, Worldcom to mortgage crisis all redound to greed which is a byproduct of lack of any sense of any ethical consideration. Worst, the crisis was not solely a financial crisis but also a crisis of
Fallacious Statements Essay Example for Free
Fallacious Statements Essay In fairy tales we often read how the Princess is rescued by her knight in shining armor. The knight comes racing in to save her from anything that can harm her and take her away to live happily ever after. It sounds like the perfect ending to a love story. Is it right? In Princess’s Di story that was not what happened. It seemed she was in trouble, but her knight in shining armor must have been out of town. There were many speculations about what happened on the night Princess Di was killed. It would appear that during that night out the Princess was chased by the ever famous paparazzi and the driver lost control of the car and crashed. This crash killed Di and her companion. Is this the end of the story? Not according to the website dedicated to trying to uncover the conspiracy plot against Di. Was the crash really an accident, or was it a planned assassination of the Princess. Many people suppose that she was murdered. The question that comes to mind is why anyone would want princess assassinated. Some say it was because of her alleged relationship with Dodi Fayed. His father has launched a campaign to discover what really happened that night. Other speculations have been mentioned such as the rumor that she was pregnant with Dodis child and that would crush the royal family. One glance at the site of www. dianamurder. com would make any reasonable person begin to question the validity of the crash theory. This site informs the reader that on April 7th ,2008 coroner’s jury ruled Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed through the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997`. Should this make the questions stop? It seems that many people continue to question the truth of how Princess Di was killed. Many questions have been left unanswered and they should be answered before the Princess can really be rest in peace.. To conclude I would like to submit few questions others have posed to make you begin wonder. According to www. dianamurder. com some questions left unanswered are: why were the photographers chasing her on motorcycles, if the driver was experienced? Why did the motorcycles over take a Mercedes? The one that really made me think was: why was the driver allowed to drive her if he was really drunk? If these questions have left you wondering then you are like many other people, who want to know the rest of the story. References: The murder of Princess Diana. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 09, 2009 from http://www. dianamurder. com/ENG 2001 aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" WEEK 3 Peer Critique Evaluation Checklist (4 being the best) 1. Paper evidences clear understanding and 4 3 2 1appropriate use of Avoiding Fallacious Statements or Using Argument by Authority 2. Paper provides a clear position statement in an 4 3 2 1 Introduction that arouses reader’s interest 3. Paper provides a clear focus throughout 4 3 2 1 4. Reasons for position clearly stated and backed by 4 3 2 1 relevant evidence in the form of examples, quotes, etc. There are little quotesin the paper, the evidence is not very clear, those are mostly questions and assumptions that support the author’s position 5. Paper is written from an appropriate perspective 4 3 2 1 6. Ideas in paper are ordered logically with appropriate 4 3 2 1 connections within and between paragraphs The order of paragraphs is broken.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Good practice: adults
Good practice: adults Good Practice: Adults This assignment will focus on a case from practice, demonstrating the challenges in promoting independence specifically in vulnerable elderly adults while balancing risk and autonomy. Furthermore, this work will demonstrate problem solving skills, drawing on legislation, research and principles of good practice in the context of Adult Services from an inter-professional perspective. The Department Of Health defines a vulnerable person as: Someone who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself against significant harm or exploitation. (DOH 1999). Background of case: Mrs A is eighty two years old, has mild learning difficulties and lives alone in her own home since the death of her husband one year ago. She has a daughter who visits occasionally due to their difficult relationship. Mrs A was referred by her GP as she had been feeling unwell for some time; she has diabetes and sometimes forgets to take her medication. Mrs A has refused help in the past by various care services due to lack of trust and sees their involvement as an intrusion in her private life. Working within the field of the elderly in adult social services is described as Gerontological Social Work (Nathanson and Tirrito 1998). There are specifics needs that older people experience, the more informed a social worker is about the elderly and their requirements the better chances are that the social worker will provide the right services.It is essential to gain a clear understanding of economic, social and cultural factors and life perspective followed by an understanding of the need for service. The Valuing People policy is the first White Paper in almost forty years since Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped (1971).The aim then was to close large institutions and to integrate people into the community ( Valuing People aimed to transform the lives of adults and children with learning disabilities through a person-centred approach and to enable people to become empowered in order for them to be included in society. This policy is one in a series of policies that are an example of the political driver of change such as the White Paper, Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A New Direction for Community Services (2006) that are aiming to transform social care and to give service users more choice and to make the system more personalised (Johnson Williams, 2007). The 1989 White Paper, Caring for People states the duties of local health authorities to assess people needing social care and/or support. It is based on the assumption that community care is the best form of care available. The White Paper states that the proposed changes are intended to, first of all, enable people to live as normal a life as possible in their own homes or in a homely environment within the community. This is especially important in the long-term needs of the elderly, whom have long expressed their wish to be able to stay in their homes. Furthermore, local authorities must provide the right amount of care and support to enable people to achieve maximum independence and provide people with a greater say in their lives and the services they need. This is particularly significant with elderly people. Many older people are not in need of 24-hour care that a nursing home would provide they may just need a small amount of help, maybe for a couple of hours a day. Although the majority of people over the age of 65 live independently and have no major care needs, a significant minority do have some problems with physical and mental health. 1 in 10 elderly people suffer from forms of senile dementia. It can be seen that it is simple day-to-day things that most elderly people require assistance with. Their main wish is clear; they simply want to stay in their own homes or in the homes of their family. (HMSO 1989). The Social Worker requires Mrs As consent to an assessment and if eligible, a care plan, while making it clear that she has the right to refuse. When working in partnership with a service user and their family, the worker needs to take account of Trevthicks (2002) fifteen points to effective partnership working. These include explaining to the family their role and power to intervene. A clear mandate is the basis of a partnership-based intervention and sensitivity given to power imbalances involving family consultation and participation in decision-making and problem solving (Bray 2001). The whole team working with Mrs A have a duty to be aware of her individual rights to confidentiality, choice, dignity, respect, autonomy, cultural, and equity. Elderly people need to be active participants rather than active recipients. The task is not to look after, but to motivate, empower and promote self-esteem. (Hughes et al 1995). A number of vulnerable adults are oblivious to the fact that they need any help; therefore it is essential that when a concern is highlighted, it is acted upon instantly to prevent the situation deteriorating. Many adults are also too proud to ask for help and as a result recognition of their vulnerability is only identified as shown in Mrs As case by a GP. Detection of vulnerability may also be triggered by an admission to hospital or a concernedfriend or family member contacting the social services department. During a visit by the social worker, it is clear that Mrs A had been seriously neglecting her needs; she is underweight and neglecting her hygiene. The misuse of medication is in itself a risk of covert self abuse, and could have resulted in her death. Abuse can take place in many different contexts and it is important not to exploit a vulnerable persons civil rights. Mrs A has mistrust with other people becoming involved in her life. Therefore when and how to intervene builds on the concept of significant harm introduced in the Childrens Act. When making an assessment of an individual, many factors need to be considered, for example, the extent of vulnerability and risk of repeated acts that meet the criteria of the Community Care Act 1990. To ignore the assessment of older people can be an example of ageism in its own right, contributing to an elderly person feeling disempowered. Assumptions about older people include older people are poor, lonely, are ill, no longer contributing to the economy and seen as a burden. When working with older people it is important not to make these stereotypical assumptions and generalise. Not all the elderly have the same characteristics; a sixty five and a ninety year old are classed as one group. Although aging is inevitable, and people experience similar patterns and problems of aging, there are also wide-spread differences in aging patterns (Applewhite 1998:5). Acknowledging that each individual will be at a different stage in his or her life, needs and circumstances will vary, including different ethnic minority groups to avoid making ageist assumptions and avoiding all stereotypes and stigmas. To work effectively with older people, one must develop anti ageist practice. Midwinter (1993) says that old age is like having returned to a second childhood where others will make decisions for you. Working in partnership, the Social Worker and the GP/nurse may encourage Mrs A to engage respite care (enablement) for up to six weeks to avoid being admitted to hospital. During respite care an assessment of her needs will evaluate the level of support that will be required (if any) when Mrs A returns to her home. Mrs As daughter may request that her mother be put into a care home, while Mrs A is adamant that she can care for herself at home with some support. Within the risk assessment process family members may worry about the social workers ability to recognize potential risk for their relatives, therefore a balance between extending barriers in some areas of risk and minimizing risk in others areas needs to be made. Using a utilitarian approach, it is the social workers job to assess the whole situation and work for a solution in the best interests of all concerned. (Banks 2001:28). The Social Workers ultimate aim is to support Mrs As rights to control her life and make informed choices about the services that she receives (GSCC 1.1). Good practice dictates working in partnership with service users to encourage greater trust and empowerment of clients. In turn, they are likely to feel more confident in talking about their fears, and worries and possible abuse. Health and Social care agencies working together is only a part of an overall strategy to protect vulnerable adults from abuse. Enabling service users to recognise abuse and knowing how to alert others to this is another strategy. It also ensures an agreed approach that all involved are aware of and can monitor. Protection is provided by the clarity of the situation. It is important that health and care social workers act as good role models in terms of worker-user relationships as this helps the service user to recognise when the relationship is abusive. In addition, it is important for professionals to enable service users to know how to protect themselves, such as building positive self-esteem through knowing their rights and knowing how to complain. (Pub lic Interest Disclosure Act 1998). An Adult Protection policy will identify and help support Mrs As decisions for her care and help her to understand risks and the services available to her. The social worker has to constantly question their own judgement and ensure they listen to the service users view while assessing if Mrs A is capable of making an informed choice taking into account her rights and the needs of her family. It is a requirement to assess if Mrs A has the capacity to make her own decisions and if she is incapable by reason, for instance, of mental illness under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the decision will be made for her. If it is deemed that Mrs A has capacity she has the right to live in whatever way she chooses; should her choice includes staying at home without help from services her health could be at risk and she may enter a revolving door policy in and out of health care provision. Providing support to Mrs A does not eliminate her susceptibility. If an individual is living alone and receiving services to support their needs, they still have a level of vulnerability. Elderly people at home are more at risk from abuse by strangers than if they were living in supported accommodation. They are at risk from people calling and gaining access through force or intimidation, who either steal from them or charge very expensive rates for minor repairs. They are also at risk from physical and sexual abuse as there is no one there to stop the perpetrator. Mrs A has health and social care needs and is seen to be at risk from self-neglect and possibly neglect by others, including services if insufficient or inappropriate support is provided to adequately support her well being. (Pritchard, J 2008). Home may be Mrs As choice, however the assessment will consider balancing risk and autonomy. The social worker can identify Mrs As strengths and skills and identify ways in which these can be improved upon. There are services available that can supply security systems to protect from theft, and physical abuse, and other environmental variables, these are implemented with clear guidelines and the coordination of multi agency workers, working together to deliver a programme of care in the best interest of Mrs As needs and individual choices. Parsloe (1999) stresses that there is a strong presumption that older people should exercise choice and be given opportunities to take risks towards maintaining their independence and self-determination unless or until their capacity to do so is seriously impaired. This notion is acceptable, but as seen with Mrs A there is also a high risk of illness due to poor self medication; this is sometimes overlooked as the risk-taking model is more promoted than risk minimisation. People are allowed to take a well-informed risk so long as they do not endanger themselves or others GSCC (2002). A presumption in this case is that Mrs A has capacity: the challenge here is to recognise that service users have the right to take risks and helping them to identify and manage potential and actual risks to themselves and others; (GSCC 4.1). The provision of the practice setting is governed by law which consists of primary and secondary legislation together with government guidance which must be followed by all local authorities. Section 46 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act (1990) sets out community care plans and lists the available services which include laundry services, meals on wheels, social work support and residential care. This act places a duty under section 47 on social workers to conduct a needs-led assessment if it is apparent that a person might need community care service. Once a community care assessment is carried out, the care manager will make a decision about whether to provide support or not to the service user. Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) provides an eligibility framework for adult social care to identify whether or not the duty to provide services is triggered. Should the criteria be met, a multi disciplinary team approach working together to ensure Mrs As choice to stay at home is paramount with regard to her rehabilitation and care plan. The team have a duty to provide a network of support that promotes independence and to monitor Mrs As ability to care for herself in the community. Multi-agency working of care planning and the single assessment process has encouraged greater inter-agency working together, with the clients needs being central to the process. Rather than working separately, and each agency providing their own service without reference to the others, joint working encourages a sharing of approach and less replication of services. A pilot of Individual Budgets was introduced for two years in 2005 to 13 local authorities. Individual Budgets is a system that brings resources together from different funding streams into a single sum that can be spent flexibly in accordance with a service users needs and preferences. Service users are free to choose the money as a direct payment or request the local authority to provide services, or even use a mixture of both A care worker can be sought from the LA or a personal assistant (PA) appointed by Mrs A , paid for with direct payments ensure that her autonomy and choice is maintained. In practice, an agreement can be made to review Mrs As care and remove the care if it not required or increase the care package should additional need be identified at a future review. Direct payment stems from the four principles of Valuing People that are rights, inclusion, choice and independence. The Governments vision was that the uptake of direct payments would give people more choice in how they choose to live their lives. However, the uptake of direct payments since the introduction of the Community Care (Direct Payments) Act (1997) had been slow, mainly due to a lack of awareness and people, including professionals, can be very wary of change and taking on the unknown.The government therefore introduced new legislation in 2003 to make it a duty for local authorities to offer direct payments (, but figures (2006) reveal that out of a possible million people only around 46,000 had taken up direct payments ( It raised issues that service users experienced and set out eleven objectives which included people facing lack of choice and control, social isolation, housing, health, and poor partnership between professional agen cies, voluntary groups and families. The main stakeholders from the implementation of Valuing People are people with learning disabilities themselves and their families/carers, as they were instrumental in pushing the government to push through the policy.The government is clearly one of the main stakeholders and it could be argued that this was an economic driver of change. Latest figures from the Individual Budgets Pilot study reveal that the costs of people using budgets compared to commissioned services is not much different, but long-term, costs will be reduced as people become more independent and their support hours are reduced ( The introduction of Putting People First, published by the DH in December 2007is a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social care over a period of three years. Key elements are: prevention, early intervention and re-enablement, personalisation, information, advice and advocacy. This presents change for people who receive services and importantly for social care workers that will need to implement these changes in their work. The changes in social care that have been taking place since the policy have meant that the role of the social worker is changing and the publication of the Local Authority Circular Transforming Social Care (2008:4) described the role of the social worker as being focused on advocacy and brokerage, rather than assessment and gate keeping. This involves improved skills in listening, working in partnership with service users, families and other professionals and empowering people to take control of their lives. The changes are proving chall enging because it means a shift in the balance of power and allowing people to take more risks. A person-centred approach to supporting Mrs A is the method used within this case study, before direct payments this had been more about supporting people in the community. The principles ofrights, inclusion, choice and independence set out as the vision in Valuing People have clearly been achieved in some peoples lives, and is effective for service users such as Mrs A who prefer to maintain their privacy at home and choice of care through direct payment. It can be seen to transform service users lives in that they are living independently and feel included in society.There are many people living in residential care; they spend most of their hours in centres and lead very oppressive lives.McCabe,M. (2006:12) describes the failings of institutional care as having inflexible routine, lack of choice, dependence on others and lack of privacy and community care creating maximum dependency.However, care needs to be taken so that people are still supported when they do live independently, specifically service users who have spent years in residential care and not prepared them to live in their own homes; adequate risk assessments are needed to address any area s that could leave them vulnerable. References Applewhite, S. (1998) Elders and the Twenty-First Century. Issues andChallenges for Culturally Competent Research and Practice.New York: Haworth. Banks, S. (2001). Ethics and Values in Social Work 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Publishers. Department of Health (2001) Valuing People. London: Department of Health. Department of Health (2001) National service framework for older people. London: Department of Health General Social Care Council (2002) Codes of Practice General Social Care Council HMSO (1989) Caring for People: Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond. London, HMSO Johnson, K. Williams, I. (2007). Managing Change and Uncertainty in Social Work and social care. Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing Ltd. Jones. R. (2005) Mental Capacity Act. Manual, Sweet Maxwell cited in Pritchard, J (2008) Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults: London, Jessica Kingsley. McCabe,M.(2006) Depression among older people: prevalence and detection. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 21(7) Thomas, A. (2008) Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care Heinemann Midwinter, E (1993) Encore: Guide to Planning a Celebration of Your Life: Southampton, Third Age Press Nathanson, I. Tirrito, T. (1998) Theory into Practice. Gerontological Social Work. New York: Springer. National Assistance Act 1948 London, HMSO. National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 London, HMSO. Parsloe P. (1999) Risk Assessment in Social Care and Social Work. London, Jessica Kingsley. Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 London, HMSO Shakespeare, T. (2000). Help. Birmingham: Venture Press Trevithick, P (2002) Social Work Skills a practice handbook, Buckingham, Open University Press
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Performance Appraisal Systems Performance
The Performance Appraisal Systems Performance The research explores the effect of performance appraisal on performance of employees and in turn on companies as well. The purpose considers the operation of Shell in UK and Pakistan to enhance its employee performance. Furthermore, the academic requirement, the research aim and question are specified in literature available on performance appraisal system. Also with the supporting of related theory available by book s, journals, articles and surveys, the critical review of literature is made in all the aspects of topic and concept of performance appraisal system and its relationship to drive performance. The self administered questionnaire is distributed among the selected sample, like Shell UK and Shell Pakistan staff members, also a telephonic interview from the top mangers helped in collection of the required data. Than data is analyzed through different ways of comparison and contrasts. Finally the general recommendation of research findings is made on the current performance appraisal system and main driver of employee performance which company and employee wants. The study seeks to examine Analyze performance appraisal system and its impact on employees performance working in different working environments a case study of Royal Dutch Shell retail specific to operation in UK and PAKISTAN. In the 1980s Western world observed the achievement of Japanese organizations. The main factor identified for this success was the recognition and proper utilization of their work force. This has subjective the key practitioners and writers of western countries and they also start considering the significance of proper management of their work force, they name this management, Human Resource Management or HRM. Most the organization is no longer rely on the fixed resource of capital and technology to achieve competitive advantage in fast changing and highly competitive environment(sparrow et ,1994).its mainly on the hiring and skilled retention, devoted and motivated employees that will give an organization a competitive edge. To improve the effectiveness of their employees organization are more focusing on the management of their human resources. According to Boxall and Purcell (2003) when the human resource practices are aligned to an organization business strategy it become more effective. Furthermore, McCourt and Eldridge (2003) propose the integration of individual human resource practices so that they balance each other.Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) and Collins and Porras (2004) highlight organizations which have successfully aligned their human resource practices with business strategy. Unfortunately, for many organizations the effective human resources management is still problematic. Therefore Bratton and Gold (1999), state that performance appraisal (pa) in organization is a continuous and problematic process which is not liked by both mangers and employees. According to Latham and Wexley (1994) performance appraisal is like a seatbelt which still necessary, is unpopular. Lawler et (1995) suggest that since it is noticed that performance appraisal fulfilled the needs of organization and the individual, which are different, performance appraisal will always be characterised by differences in purpose, miscommunications and ineffectiveness. Fletcher (2004) states that many organization move away with the effective performance appraisal. The term performance appraisal will be used in this study to consign to the appraisal practice. Different organization called this on different names such as performance evaluation, performance review, performance rating ,employee evaluation and employee appraisal (ivancevich ,1995).after finding that employee performance can affect largely on productivity of organization ,they continue to endeavour to find out the most effective way of managing its human resources. Performance appraisal is human resource practice used by organization for the development of their employee to best output potential and overall enhancement of an organizations performance and efficiency. Shell is known for exploring and producing oil and natural gas products and also famous for retail stations. Shell transport and trade oil and gas product for heavy industrial uses includes fuel and lubricant for ships and planes. Many other activities includes wind power, electricity production, and making solar panels, producing petrochemicals which are used for coatings,plastics and detergents, and build up new technology for hydrogen vehicles .More importantly, approximately 3% of the worlds oil and approximately 3.5% of the worlds gas is produced by Shell companies, similar to other major private oil and gas companies (Shell, 2005). Using royal Dutch shell plc for research study is because it is international group of energy and petrochemicals companies, operating in more than 145 countries and employing approximately 119,000 people (shell, 2005). They are one of the biggest in the oil sector is known to be listed in the top 50 companies on number one in the world. (Fortune ,Global 500 ,2009).This research is going to look at the concept of HRM, draw up a unified work to examine its role on profitability and growth of businesses, and finally, investigate the current business context with regards to performance appraisal system of Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Literature review 2.1 Performance appraisal Performance appraisal is one of the important practices of human resource management started early in 1813 in United states of America ,(Bellows and Estep 1954m cited in wise and Buckley ,1998)so there is increasing interest in and uses of performance appraisal system in the last three decades stated by Murphy and Cleveland ,(1995).therefore extensive literature available on this subject. in spite of this success ,many organization still struggling to make and implement effective performance appraisal system. all the thought given to process ,many of flaws still willful (wise and Buckley ,1998).performance management is a bigger picture in which performance appraisal is located (piggot ,Irvine ,2003),performance management focuses on providing a framework for guiding employee performance towards achieving organizational goals(Torrington et ,2002)performance management is therefore anxious with improving the performance of teams and individual to ensuring the optimal environment is av ailable for their employees to enhance their performance (Armstrong ,2003). Wilson and westrn, (2003), and Cattell, (1999) argued that performance appraisal is looked in the broader term and that its begin in management by objectives, performance management is a continues repeated process of decisive performance expectation, supporting performance, appraising performance and, managing performance standards (Analoui and Fell, 2002). Performance appraisal generally means the annual interview between the manger and employee to discuss the individuals job performance during the previous 12 months the result of action plans to encourage enhanced performance (Wilson and western, 2001). Armstrong and Barron (2003) stated that it is easier to achieve the desired goals and objectives when the manger and subordinates clearly know what is expected of them. According to Fletcher (2004), performance appraisal provides a prospect for a manger and for subordinates to discuss the previous performance work on agreed objectives and standards to reach an agreement on how the appraise can enhance job performance. Performance appraisal is spread in organization since 1960s for employee evaluation, for organization planning purposes, and it is becoming the important element for maximizing the effectiveness of all part of the organization ,from management staffing and development to production and customer services (Creamer and jonosik, 2000).it was used before in this century by larger organization mostly for the administrative purposes (peter and Liang ,2007). 2.2 Why performance appraisal? Performance appraisal is one of the important among the HRM practices ,many organization is able to measure the development of their employee posture and behavior through the use of appraisal system.teh information which is get by this approach is used for the changing in the selection and training practices to chose and develop employees with the require behavior and attitude. The effectiveness of skilled employee is not in favor unless they are properly motivated to perfume their job (Singh K, 2004). Wan et al (2002) explored that there is encouraging relationship between performance appraisal and employee performance or organizational performance. The basic object of performance appraisal is how productive and employee is and verify the way in which employee productivity can be improved. 2.2 .1 Benefits of performance appraisal to employee Generally, performance appraisals serve an important purpose in the management of workforce and in achieving the organization objective. From employee perspective, performance appraisal give direction to employee that what exactly their way of required to do the job, also to motivate them to achieve their target and help them to improve their work performance. According to Brown and Heywood, (2005) performance appraisal is formalized way of monitoring the work force and it is proposed to be a management tool to enhance the performance and productivity of worker. Performance appraisal also improves the commitment of employee (Brown and Benson.2003).The Organization needs an appraisal system in order to put their managers in charge of relation to the performance of organization because when employees are given their job responsibilities and duties, then they are liable for these responsibilities. Also Fletcher (2004) suggested that performance appraisal provide a platform for employees to look forward their tough goals and objectives, which leads them in successful completion of their job. The positive feedback receive from the mangers in appraisal interview will motivate employees in improving their performance likely. Martin and Jackson, (2000) appraisal is also a method of enhancing employee training and development as it provide information about the strength and weaknesses in performance, which create a debate how to improve the performance of employee. In the end it helps the employees to understand their overall contribution in achieving organization goals (Martin and Jackson, 2000). 2.2 .2 Benefits of Performance apprisal to organization In most of the organization performance appraisal are used to take meaningful decision regarding salary increases, promotion and transfer. Performance appraisal is also the known to be best for the training and consultation of individual employees by their superiors to improve job performance (Wan D et al 2002, Sels L 2003: Singh K, 2004).the performance related pay processes can also be used in integration with appraisal system. There are many ways by which organization will enhance the performance of their employees. They use performance based compensation to give rewards on successful completion on specific organization goals and objectives. Further research has given evidence that compensation to employees help in improving their performance (Gomez -Mejia wellbourn,1988 ., Milkovich Boudreau 1998). Another system is the bonus system which can also be used for motivating employee to work towards their achievement of the company (Pfeffer 1994).Empirical studies done and found tha t there is positive relationship between performance-related pay and overall company performance. 2.3 Problem with performance Appraisal Deming (2000) stated that performance appraisal is considered to be one of the seven deadly diseases of management practice. He argued that rating employee on individual based was not a suitable way of measuring performance since the working environment is controlled by manager contributes to and affects the way of employee performance. Many problems arise during performance appraisals, some arise from manger side and some from employee, and also some arise from other factors. 2.3 .1 Employee and mangers perception about PA Mostly employees dislike performance appraisal interview for the fear of uncertainty in handling the questions, fear of criticism, concern about promotion, and also fear because their future job with organization mainly depends upon the outcome of these interviews. Employees see these interviews as validation for those decisions which are already made concerning salaries, promotion and job tenures. Poorly conducted performance appraisal system can more damage the organization environment. In organization many managers also dislike performance appraisal interviews; its difficult for them to explain employees about their poor performance they find it unpleasant and awkward. Some managers fear that performance appraisal gives employees self satisfaction and result in lower of performance. Due to these reasons, they not give any positive information to employees. Another reasons to give regular scheduled for taking appraisal interview. Some manger not involve in seriously performance appraisal they just taking it as job to be completed not a mean of exchanging or sharing suggestion and getting new ideas from their subordinates (Wells and Spinks ,1994). 2.3 .2 Complexity of PA procedure Armstrong and Baron, (1998) has name performance appraisal as dishonest annual ritual because manger and staff disbelieve performance rating with the faith that performance related pay may function unfairly. Some problems with appraisal are known as complex procedure used in assessment, biased elements which bring confusion in the assessment, rewards and progress in the hand of single boss, employees have to work with their appraisers after the appraisal and idea is that performance appraisal aims to limit the collective aspects of work. There are some common problems which are faced by both appraiser and appraise such problem like paperwork; formality of the appraisal process .thats why performance appraisal has been termed as curse rather than a solution for organization (Taylor, 1998). 2.3.3 Performance appraisal to organization Grint (1993) argues that due to the subjectivity of performance appraisal is not giving the positive expected result to organization and is unlikely to assist objective appraisals. He indicates that performance appraisal is not as much acceptable to line managers as it is acceptable to human resource managers. However he admits that performance appraisal still play important role in organization. Fletcher (1997) suggests that expecting too much from performance appraisal is danger since it in unlikely solution for all performance problems. In spite of the criticism, Fletcher (2004), Murphy and Cleveland (1995) argue that performance appraisal is important for improvement performance in organization and Simmons (2002) say again that nobody give reasonable alternative for appraising perfomance.Fletcher (2004), Murphy and Cleveland (1995) suggest that the process that is followed in design and implementation of such a system prohibits effectiveness rather than only performance appraisal is not responsible. Fletcher (2004) further argues that organization spends proper money, time and willing to spend effort can achieved successful performance appraisal system. He also acknowledges though that if organization has an effective performance appraisal system they still have to monitor continuously that system to make sure that it compels all needs of its stakeholders. 2.4 Why performance appraisal fails Fletcher and Williams (1985) point out that only assessment of people is not only thing involve in appraising persons work performance. in fact there are two incompatible roles involve in appraisal- these are judge and helper. In its unclear format, foot and Hook (2002) stated that some usual appraisal schemes have been accused of being run for the profit of personnel managers or top managers, with many other people in the organization not really understanding or appreciating what the performance appraisal scheme was trying to achieve.A sample of a typical form for performance appraisal using Management by Objectives (MBO) i.e. (based on objectivity rather than subjectivity) is drawn in appendix a below, that shows that the questions are quite straight forward and seems no direct confusion in terms of understanding: 2.4 .1 Expected many results from PA Foot and Hook (2002) raised the point that why the performance appraisal fails and where we are mistaken? One major point is that too many purposes are attached to fulfil by the appraisal system. Usually, most of the appraisal schemes drop into one of three categories i.e. they are concerned with performance, potential or reward. Failure to this occurs as they dont fall into one of the three categories described, but are expected to achieve all three in general. The recognition of appraisal system downgraded due to the reason that many managers claim that they give this sort of feedback all the time informally, and if they do this well there may indeed be no need for a formal appraisal scheme. Foot and Hook, (2002) But in general, it is important to say that it is unlikely that all managers in a particular organization will appraise their staff constantly and effectively, so we do not have enough argument against the use of performance appraisal systems. There are some other flaws in the approach of performance appraisal that are mentioned by Foot and Hook (2002) as below: Lack of clarity Linking appraisal with pay Keeping information secret from the employee And Subjectivity or attacks on the appraises character As we now entered into the new millennium, so almost everything is reshaped and rethought for more effective results, so the performance appraisal as well. Mentioned by Stone (2002) that a study by William M. Mercer Consulting in 1995 suggested that 84 per cent of responding companies would continue to use the results of performance appraisals for its further improvement. So it is obvious that performance appraisals will be the keystone of performance management programmes. This studies show that majority of organizations will continue to use some version of these systems with the passage of time. 3 Methodology This research follows methodology of Saunders (2003) explain the research its in his famous research onion. The research methodology explained the overall process of implementing research which includes information about how the data will be collected, from whom, who will be included in the collection of data and how the involvement made in research (Saunders,2003).In this research the assessment in detail of findings from the primary research. This will be done through the analysis and discussion of the result obtained through the unstructured interviews and questionnaire which was conduct with various personnel of the shell Pakistan, and Shell UK .The analysis and findings from the primary research, relates to the objective of the research mentioned in the literature review. The primary research findings will be discussed in detail in order to draw conclusions and recommendations, which will discuss in the organizational findings and discussion. In the research a total of 70 questi onnaires spread among the targeted sample of shell Pakistan. A total of 28 completed and returned, showing the participation average rate as 47%, which is still a good response rate for questionnaires. The feedback was expected at least 50%; the reason behind was the good management cooperation and the researchers good recognition among other employees. The management distributed and recollected the questionnaire in the time frame allotted for this activity and the management also shown their own interest due to the examination of upcoming results to find out the actual root of many problems. In addition to the overall result of the questionnaire, the telephonic interviews were also analyzed to see how it can influence the whole results. While in Shell UK the same number 70 questionnaires distributed across the selected sample, mainly these questionnaires distributed in the shell retail patrol service stations. in which 35 of them completed and returned, which is the good expected rate of feedback 50 %.the reason is the mangers corporation and organization culture ,which always welcomes these research for the result which gives useful amount of information to the organization to help them in their organization development. 4 Organizations findings and discussion 4.1Organizational Context: Royal-Dutch Shell Group Overview The Royal Dutch Company for the development of petroleum properly in the Netherlands East indies was registered in Hague in 1890.than in 1949 the name is changed to Royal Dutch petroleum company .Shell was first registered back in 1897 by brothers Marcus and Sam Samuel called as the shell transport and trading company, Ltd .(now it become PLC ,public limited company ).The first joint operating company Royal-Dutch /shell ,the Asiatic petroleum company was first established in 1903 and in 1907,Royal-Dutch and shell merged their operation respectively ,in 60 % Royal-Dutch ,40 % shell. Even though after merging their interests the main company remain separate: like one can buy share in Royal-Dutch or in Shell-Transport, but not in the Group as such.US oil production increase due to the Group founded the American Gasoline Company to sell gasoline along the pacific coast and also to buy oil in Oklahoma establish the Roxanna petroleum in year 1912.this growth further boost up in 2000 result ing 34 percent earnings from discovery and production and 4 percents is comes from the sales of oil products were generate in USA.(shell .com )(financial report 2009,Royal Dutch shell plc). 4.2 Largest profitable MNCs( multinational corporation) The Royal Dutch /Shell Group is one of the largest and profitable MNCs in the world (Shell plc ,Annual report 2009 ) .The Anglo -Dutch group of companies is the Royal-Dutch shell group, the two holding companies which own the group is being the shell transport and trading company Plc (UK) and Koninklijke Nederland (Royal Dutch petroleum company, Netherlands).these companies have divided share between them are 40 percent and 60 percent respectively of the following three subsidiaries, which also own them further holding companies for more operating subsidiaries: these are Shell petroleum NV (Netherland) Shell petroleum Company LTD (UK) Shell petroleum Inc.(USA) 4.3 SHELL UK 4.3 .1 from oil well to the petrol pump Shell UK is best known for its energy product and services from the oil well to petrol pump, from the pit of North Sea to the warm house throughout UK, shell delivers the energy which full fill the Britain needs. Shell makes major contribution in UK economy, Shell is not just through providing product and services to UK customer ,but also contributes through employment ,investment and tax revenues which boost up economy. Shell has around 8,600 workforces in the UK. In UK energy that is use by millions of people for heating and powering their homes Shell is the major provider of energy in UK.( 4.3.1,2 Upstream business Shell main upstream business is a leading player in the North Sea for over 30 years. In UK sector of North Sea, shell is giving interest to more than 50 fields, operated in more than 30 installation platforms, 30 subsea installations, three onshore gas plants and a marine terminal. Shell is producing approximately 15 % of UK oil and gas on behalf of its co-ventures.( 4.3.1,3 Downstream business Shell Downstream business includes 900 shell-branded service stations, operates the second largest refinery in the UK which providing products like premium fuels, chemicals for industry, and V-power patrol. The global headquarters of shell downstream supporting business functions is located on the south bank of the Thames in London. Shell technology centre Thornton, involved the largest community of scientists working on huge range of research projects, and also working on technologies associated with fuels, lubricants, additives, and engineering.( In term of oil and gas production volumes shell is the largest exploration and manufacturing companies operating in UK. Shell operates major number of its operation in UK continental with the 50:50 joint ventures with ExxonMobil. Mostly UK oil and gas production came from the North Sea .in the Atlantic margin area, shell has an interests as non-operating contributor mainly in the west Shetlands area, which cover area of Schiehallion, Clair and loyal fields. 4.3.2 Shell Pakistan Bovee, (1997) stated that today work place is completed of the people who differ in race, gender, age, culture, family structure, religion and educational background. Such cultural diversity is the second movement contributing towards the importance of ability of successful communication with people of other cultural. The business messages, how to create, planned, sent, received, and interpreted in the work place is also affected by diversity. (John v, thrill and Courtland, 1977). 4.3.2,1Shell entry in Asia The brand name Shell enjoys a 100-year history in this part of the world, dating back to 1899 when Asiatic Petroleum, the extreme eastern marketing arm of two companies: Shell Transport Company and Royal Dutch Petroleum Company began importing kerosene oil from Azerbaijan into the subcontinent. Even today, the legacy of the past is visible in a storage tank carrying the date 1898. 4.3.2 ,2 PAKISTAN subcontinent The known history of Royal Dutch Shell plc in Indo Pakistan subcontinent dates back to 1903 when partnership between the two big companies, The Shell Transport Trading Company and the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company struck and start supply petroleum to Asia. In 1928, to increase their distribution capabilities, the marketing interest of Royal Dutch Shell plc and the Burma Oil Company Limited in India were merged and Burma Shell Oil Storage Distribution Company of India was born. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the name was changed to the Burma Shell Oil Distribution Company of Pakistan. In 1970, when 51% of the shareholding was transferred to Pakistani investors, the name changed to Pakistan Burma Shell (PBS) Limited. The Shell and the Burma Groups retained the remaining 49% in equal propositions. In February of 1993, as economic liberalisation began to take root and the Burma divested from PBS, Shell Petroleum stepped into raise its stake to 51%. The years 2001-2 have seen the Shell Petroleum Company successively increasing its share, with the Group now having a 76% stake in Shell Pakistan Ltd (SPL) an expression of confidence. The company is among one of the best company in the country. The company provides the entire fue l products, competing with the international standards on the standard price. 5 Main findings After the organizational context the main description of differences in implementation and adaptation of HR practices with the focus on performance appraisal system for their employees while working in the two different business environment ,which is shell UK and shell Pakistan. In research finding it is clear that the present appraisal system at Shell Pakistan is conducted annually in each and every department of the organisation. Also in findings it is clear that the annual appraisal system at Shell Pakistan consists of a formal appraisal system to evaluate the employee performance. The finding also results in that a very short number of employee 15 % is fully aware of objectives of performance appraisal system, 15 % of wholly respondent fully aware of it means that makes a very weak performance appraisal knowledge base for their recommendation. However, it is clear that in Shell Pakistan there is a significant weakness in conducting of effective training and development programmes by management. As employee working in the Shell Pakistan there is need of more awareness program to let the staff fully aware and get the maximum benefits from it. While in shell UK also uses formal appraisal system and uses the scorecard for the performance appraisal, employees are rewarded individual performance and also the team achievement in put to sustainability. As comparison to Shell Pakistan, In research findings it is clear that very good percentage number of employee like 40% of wholly respondent is fully aware of performance appraisal and reward management. They know that they can assess on the number of grounds works and will get rewarded according to their individual and group performances. There is also continues training and development program running time to time for the awareness of Shell UK employees. That why employee working for Shell UK is getting much more benefits compare with the employee working for Shell in Pakistan. Although Shell Pakistan has already been practicing it, there still consist some necessary considerations to PRP (Performance Related Pay).Contingent pay covers various methods of providing additional rewards for individuals or teams. As a cost effective factor, stated by Armstrong (2002) that increments may be withheld for unacceptable performance although this is rare, and some structure have a merit bar which limits increments unless a defined level of merit has been achieved. In the table 1 of appendix has straight merit increments shown as example of merit pay. The increments percentage will depend on total merit pay budget for each performance grade, the number of employee in each performance level and finally their current level of base pay, (John Shields 2007). One of the best ways of motivation is linking pay directly to employee performance, in Shell UK finding results 70 % of the questioners respondents were strongly agree to this statement while 20% agree, 7% disagree and 3 % strongly disagree. It implies that there is need of contingent pay in the company. Even though pay for performance and contingent pay is difficult in mange, but include many methods of providing rewards for individual or team (Armstrong and Stephens, 2002). Improved team working is one of the core elements in the business strategy for the Shell Pakistan, so it is good to attach/associate individual performance pay to the performance of individual and teams. On the other hand ensuring that this scheme is distributed fairly so can meet the desired level of performance, competence, contribution or skill and thus improve organizational performance regarding team based tasks while not de-motivating those who cannot currently compete. (Armstrong M, 2002).here HR and operation manager is agree on the point that rewarding those who can meet assured targets is practicing in Shell Pakistan. To maintain these scheme is hard because of political instability in the Pakistan which influence the shell operation .these factor includes limit on production, civil unrest ,international conflicts, and due to local security concern that affect the safe operation of the shell standards in country. Here also employee keen interest in performance pays more tha n reward because the uncertainty of business environment there is fear of job loss. While UK economy is one of the best stable economies for business operation, where Shell UK deliver very affective performance appraisal system for their employees. To analyze the performance of team and individual Shell UK have very stable roots in country can focus in increase the business perfor
Monday, August 19, 2019
How To Do A Essay -- essays research papers
Do you know how to write an essay? Writing an essay could be easy or hard. Some students cannot do it well and that is why they hate it. You can find the writing as something interesting and important for your own future. If you do not know how to write an essay, there are several steps that you can follow. There are three basic steps to write an essay; discovering a topic, supporting the thesis, and editing the essay. Through these steps, you can write an effective and clear essay. Â Â Â Â Â First of all, you need to get some information and materials to discover a thesis and a topic sentence. For example, you can use prewriting, which can be freewriting, making a list, and questions. The freewriting technique is to help you write sentences or phrases without worrying about spelling or grammar mistakes. Freewriting is a good way to overcome mental blocks about writing. You can also learn the habit of thinking how to start writing a rough draft. Another helpful technique is making a list, also known as brainstorming. You start writing ideas and details that relate to your subject. Brainstorming can help you put the ideas in chronological order. Questioning is also a good method to find ideas and details. For example, questioning yourself such questions include Why? When? Who? And How? Asking these questions can be an effective way of getting yourself to think about specific topics. Â Â Â Â Â Secondly, the next step is supporting the ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Native American Genocide :: American America History
Native American Genocide b. causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c. deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d. imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e. forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. (Destexhe). In this paper, I will argue that the act of genocide as here defined, has been committed by the United States of America, upon the tribes and cultures of Native Americans, through mass indoctrination of its youths. Primary support will be drawn from Jorge Noriega's work, "American Indian Education in the United States." The paper will then culminate with my personal views on the subject, with ideas of if and how the United States might make reparations to its victims. In lieu of the well known and brutal "Indian Wars," there is a means of cultural destruction of Native Americans, which began no later than 1611. This method was one of indoctrination. Methods included the forced removal of children from their cultural milieu and enrollment of these children in "educational programs," which were intended to instill more European beliefs. As the United States was not formally a Nation, until 1776, it would not be fair to use evidence, before this year in building a case against it. The most damaging, to the United States, are parcels of evidence that are drawn from events after 1948, the year of the Convention on Genocide. Beginning in 1778, the United States Board of War, a product of the Continental Congress appropriated grants for the purpose of, "the maintenance of Indian students at Dartmouth College and the College of New Jersey..." The young people who had returned from the schools are described by Seneca leader, Cornplanter as, "...ignorant of every means of living in the Woods, unable to bear either Cold or Hunger, [they] knew neither how to build a Cabin, take a Deer, or kill an Enemy, [they] spoke our Language imperfectly, were therefore neither fit for Hunters, Warriors, nor Counselors; they were totally good for nothing" (Noriega, 376). Grants given to other schools was just the beginning. In 1820, the United States made plans for a large scale system of boarding and day schools Noriega, 377). These schools were given the mission to, "instruct its students in 'letters, labor and mechanical arts, and morals and Christianity;' 'training many Indian leaders'" Noriega, 378).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Causes and efects of Obesity Essay
Obesity is a factor that increases risk developing a number of serious and potentially life – threatening disease. At present, obesity rates are rising in several developed countries such as the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Hungary. Around a quarter of these countries’s population is overweight. This essay will look at some of the causes and effects of obesity. Firstly, energy imbalance most often causes obesity. Energy imbalance is the excess of energy in over energy out. Energy in and energy out are the amount of calories the body obtains and uses, respectively. If the amount of energy in is greater than the amount of energy out, your body contains unnecessary calories. Unecessary calories is transformed into fat. The more fat you get, the more weight you gain. Overtime, obesity is inevitable. The other major cause of obesity is lack of physical activities. Sufficiently practicing of physical activities is one of the best way help burn unnecessary calories. Therefore, lacking of volume of physical activities leads to extra calories retained. As a result, obesity happens. For intances, many people hace jobs that involve too much desk sittng and no physical activities. They do not use all the energy provided by foods they eat, and the extra calories are stored as fat instead, which causes obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for many dangerous disease. However, there are two most fatal effects of obesity. Firstly, obesity has been known as the main factor of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is literally the pressure on blood vessels caused by high workload of heart. The obese body contains fat tissue that needs oxygen and nutrients to live, which requires more blood. Therefore, the heart must pumps more blood through blood vessels, and vessels indure high pressure of blood. This causes high blood pressure. The other consequence of obesity is type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is medical condition which makes blood sugar level higher than normal. This is the result of insulin resitance. Obesity can cause resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. When obesity causes insulin resistance, the blood sugar becomes eveluated. Even moderate obesity dramatically increases the risk of diabetes, such as blindness. To summarise, obesity derives from two major causes which are energy imbalance and lack of physical activities. Its effects are numberous but the most critical ones are high blood pressure and diabetes. People who are struggling with obesity should start to do more physical activities and have a balance diet in their daily life, so that they can lose weight and avoid obesity.
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