Monday, September 30, 2019
My Dog Skip
English 101 09/17/2012 Gonzalo Garcia My dog skip When my english professor said to me that we was going to see â€Å"My dog Skip†, sincerely, I thought the film would be very boring. â€Å"the typical family film†I said. The only fact that glad me was that we went going to miss class. The praises that the professor said about the movie was useless, I thought that the movie would be boring. So, I started to see the movie. Soon I realized that the movie is not the comedy film, it is different.Little by little it begins to engage you until you cannot stop seeing the film. This movie does not look for too funny with a simple story line, easily jokes, and characters without evolution. My dog skip go far away showing a very good story line, an excellent soundtrack, and a excellent characters The story is set in 1942, town of Yazoo City, Mississippi during World War II. The story explores a family of three, Jack, Ellen, and Willie Morris. Willie is a shy boy. Ellen decides to go against father's orders and purchase Willie a faithful companion of his own for his birthday: a puppy.Although Jack firmly opposes this gift, his wife convinces him Willie is old enough to take care of a dog. Willie names his new friend Skip. The dog will become very well-known and popular among locals, and assist children to have higher self-confidence causing Willie make their first friends. The story line although it may seem simple in its approach is very deep and emotive. The story is about things like the value of friendship. For example, can be seen as the beginning of a child movie Willie is sad, lonely and left mauling by his classmates.But this situation is changing when he gives his dog skip and start having friends becoming someone much happier and self-confident. Another subject on which the film is about is the difficulty of integration that can have a young child due to continuing taunts that he receives from their peers. Causing great uncertainty in himself tha t prevents that he tries to relate to other children. At the beginning of the movie can be seen as Willie always is alone and with his head down due to its insecurity. This not only causes sadness in himself, also in their parents who feel the sadness of your child as much as the.Also another issue that the movie is about is that of a young man who gets involved in the war. In the film can be seen as both man that going to war and their loved ones and friends suffer by the uncertainty of whether he will return. This can be seen especially in the scene in which the bus returning from the army but they do not see the guy that they are expecting what causes them great sorrow. The best part of the movie is the final. When Willie is already elder and tells us the story of skip, is as Skip was our dog. It is very emotive. Is very difficult do not get excited with it.It is one of the best finals that I have never seen. Overall â€Å"My Dog Skip†has an excellent soundtrack. Always p erfectly accompanies the action. Generally is very quiet and leisurely helping to get involved more and more in the story line. This soundtrack gives as result some moments very emotional. For example when some men hit skip with a shovel and let him unconscious. Is likely to cry with this part. Other moment that stands out is when his mother gives Skip to Willie for first time and his father takes it away. In this part you feel sadness after they had seen the face of joy Willie and his later disappointment.Also must be emphasized the end of the movie already discussed above. In all these moments the soundtrack accompany action perfectly making us feel part of the movie. Finally, also must be emphasized that he characters also are very good. In general all characters are good, but in my opinion there are three characters that highlight over the rest: Jack is the heartbroken father who lost his leg in war years ago. Ellen is the simple minded housewife doing more manual labors than wo men usually complete. Willie, the protagonist with skip, is their lonely son-maybe ten years of age.He has no local friends, is poor at sports and teased at school. His best acquaintance is in his mid-twenties, a mechanic named Dink (Luke Wilson), who is called for battle not too long into the picture, leaving Willie all alone. Willie is the best character. He achieves get excited with his starring. For example, when he sees how one man hit Skip with one shovel. This scene is so hard that is almost impossible do not cry. Willie transmits his feelings very good, when he issad we are sad and when he is happy we are happy. This is the magic of this film. Moreover, we cannot forget Skip. He is only a dog, but I do not how I love him.May be, because I also had a dog, when I was younger and I fell identified with Willie and Skip. In conclusion, My dog Skyp is a very good film. Although at the beginning it seem a typical comedy film soon it engages you thanks to beautiful story, the good c haracters, and the emotive soundtrack. Every thing in the movie works good, there are not something that lower the lever. May be the only negative thing is that history is predictable. You know that something bad will happen to skip and that the finale will be sad. But the movie will remain in your memory during a lot of time, specially his fantastic finale.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Intercultural Communication in Social Networking Sites Essay
The contemporary society is characterized by influx of various high-end technological devices. Products that offer convenience to people are developed and invented for the benefit of humankind. By the turn of the decade, web browsing or web surfing has been popular and has become the latest trend in gaining and acquiring information. One of the benefits of computers and internet is the inception of fast and convenient form of communication. People communicate to express their feelings and ideas. Communication is defined as the process of transmitting messages and information in an attempt to achieve understanding. The whole process of communication requires various skills such as speaking, listening, analyzing, and evaluating the message. Communication has been a part of the human lifestyle since the early years and takes place communication in various places such as in school, community and in workplace environment. As such, communication is an integral part of the human lifestyle as almost all of human activities require communication. Communication indeed plays a vital role in the society in terms of achieving understanding, harmony, collaboration and cooperation among people (Bergeson, n. d. ). The popularity of computers and internet has allowed various sites to emerge. Different sites that provide different services can be searched in the World Wide Web. One of which is the social networking sites (SNS). Social networking sites play a big role in communication utilizing the computer and the internet. Social networking sites are becoming so popular, especially to students. Almost every student has their personal accounts in various social networking sites in order to connect with their friends. Social networking sites affect the relationships of people as it allows convenient and constant communication with our peers. Social networking sites are so vast and diverse, thus allowing people to meet friends locally and internationally. As such, international students make use of social networking sites to gain more friends back at home and in their present location. In this line, the paper aims to probe into the utilization and influence and of social networking among international students in terms of their acculturation and intercultural communication. This paper will examine how international students make use of social networking sites as a form adaptation to the culture of their host country. Social Networking Sites (SNS) Social Networking entails forming of individuals into specific groups, like in the neighborhood and the cliques in school. However, social networking is also popular online. Unlike the school and the neighborhood which are consisted of only few individuals, the internet is populated with millions of people worldwide who are looking for other internet users to develop friendship and relationship, to acquire first-hand information or to find professional opportunities (What is Social Networking. com, 2009). Social networking sites are so popular in today’s society, thus resulting to the formation of websites serving as an online community of internet users. Depending on the nature of the social networking site, many of these online communities share some commonality such as political views, religion or hobbies. Once a person is granted a personal account in a SNS, he or she can begin to socialize. The socialization in these sites allows a person to view other members’ profile and contact them (What is Social Networking. com, 2009). Some of the most popular social networking sites today are Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, Hi5 and Bebo. These sites encourage students to join the online community chat with their friends, organizing outside meetings and acquire information (Thelwall, 2008). Social networking sites have been proven to be an effective way in self-expression and making relationships with other people. The features of the social networking websites allow members to share pictures, files and clips to other members of the online community. The social networking sites help people to find old and new friends and connect with them. One of the benefits of social networking sites is that it updates people about their friends and relatives located in distant places and those whom they have not seen for a long time. It also enables individuals to meet people that share the same interest like theirs (â€Å"Social Networking Sites Commonly Used†, 2009). The diversity of people in the online community allows a person to make friends with people from different country with different ethnicity. The socialization with foreign users will help people to learn few things about the culture and traditions of other people (What is Social Networking. om, 2009). The demand on the social networking sites make these types of sites to grow in numbers. There are also some social networking sites that employ open membership and do not have a specific commonality among their members. This kind of website allows anyone to become a member, regardless of their hobbies, beliefs and views (What is Social Networking. com, 2009). Despite the advantages rendered by the SNS to its members, it also poses some disadvantages. Data phishing, wherein people can obtain personal and important information from another person, is one of the dangers within online communities. In addition, computer viruses can spread through these online communities. Thus, extreme caution is needed in engaging in social networking sites. Security is an important aspect in a social networking site and one of the qualities that the user should find in an online community. SNS should be able to provide options in terms of the security and privacy of the users. They should also provide the service of reporting or blocking of nuisance users. Moreover, a social networking site must be able provide a searching tool for people to find friends and expand relationships (TopTenREVIEWS, 2009). International Students and SNS Many students seek quality and international higher education to foreign countries. The number of non-U. S. students enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States during the 2007-2008 academic year jumped by seven percent with a total of 623,805 students. In today’s competitive global environment, international education has become the latest trend in the society to acquire global competence. According to the data presented by Open Doors, the United States is still the premier destination for international students (Thomas, 2008). In a short span of time, social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace have become popular by accumulating tens of millions of members that are mostly composed of teenagers, specifically students. International students are also the members of social networking sites. However, international students make use of these sites significantly. One of the uses of social networking sites to international students is to contact friends and relatives from their country of origin and to make new friends in their host country. International students in the United States face a number of challenges in relation to the adjustment to their new cultural environment. They are more likely to experience stress during the process of cross-cultural adaptation, which is referred to as acculturative stress. In a study conducted within a group Chinese international students in a university in the United States, it is found out that students who experienced less acculturative stress are reported to be receiving higher amounts of emotional and informational support from online ethnic social groups. Moreover, international students who have less interpersonal social network tend to receive more emotional and informational support from online groups (Ye, 2004). Online social networking helps international students to cope with their present environment and to make things and situations more tolerable. International students find support and help from other international student members of the online community. Moreover, some international students find friends in their host country to help them adapt more easily in their present cultural environment. This particular action of people is described in a theory in intercultural communication, specifically the cross-cultural adaptation. This theory was developed by Young Kim in 1977. The theory states that â€Å"immigrants and aliens in foreign countries who participated in networks of the host country would be more likely to become acculturated than immigrants who were involved only in immigrant communication networks†(â€Å"Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory†, 2001). This means that international students that participate in the social networking sites and having more friends from their host country are more likely to adapt easily in their environment. Moreover, online communication and interaction with the friends in the host country will help one to learn more about the culture, traditions and language of the cultural environment. The theory further stresses that the immigrants will be more likely to become accustomed to the culture of the host country if they engage or participate in the communication networks rather than not engaging in the networks of the country (â€Å"Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory†, 2001). Communication networks pertain to mass media in the host country. Internet is a form of mass media. If an alien in the country participate in the social networks and interact with people from the host country, they are more likely to acculturate than those who did not choose to engage in such communication networks. Moreover, social networking sites have become the new trend in communication among friends in the country. Thus, interacting and communicating with friends from the host country constantly will help more in using and practicing mastery of their language. Learning the language is one of the difficulties experienced by the international students and because they have difficulty in using the language, they manage poorly in their subjects. Constant communication will help to adapt on the language utilized in one’s present cultural environment. Conclusion Today’s digital society is characterized with the extensive use of computers and the internet. The popularity of internet and web browsing brought about the emergence of various websites offering various information and services. Most significantly, it brought the emergence of the social networking sites that are popular among the youngsters and students. In a short span of time, the demand for social networking site has significantly increased. Students are the main users of social networking sites which provide them with different features that enable students to send and share pictures with other online members. In addition, this has also become the new trend in online communication. International students are constantly arriving at the country in search of higher quality education. The number of international students is increasing in various universities and colleges in the United States. Thus, international students make use of social networking sites significantly in order to allow them to communicate with friends both from their country of origin and host country. Most importantly, social networking sites aid international students to acculturate or adapt more easily to the cultural environment of their host country. Moreover, it helps them to acquire facility on the language used and helps them to communicate with other people interpersonally. Constant communication and interaction with other people from their present cultural environment helps them to adapt on the culture and language of the host country. Personally, I think that social networking sites have revolutionized our relationships with other people. Through the social networking sites, we are updated and informed about our family and friends. Also, we can easily communicate with them even if they are located in distant places. Social networking sites also let people know other people from foreign countries and know about their own culture and language. I think that social networking sites are beneficial to individuals, especially to those who live in a foreign country. They can easily gain knowledge in their present cultural environment if they participate in communication networks like the social networking sites. Moreover, they gain friends and networks that will be an advantage to them as they go through their lives in a foreign land.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Economics for De-Unionization
In the entire Article, the author discusses about the increasing disparity between the upper- and lower-half of the society. The major narrator of the piece is Robert Reich who is primary illustrating the America’s social classes. The metaphor is utilized in explicating how the economy of America is fluctuating for the rich and poor. It is alluded to a boat that everyone is in whereby 1 is rapidly sinking 2 nd one sinking more gradually while the 3 rd steadily rising. The three social classes are referred to here including lower-, middle- and upper-class. The lower-class keeps going poorer due to job loss, increase automation alongside petition from other economies which are enthusiastic to work for less money. The middle-class is somewhat staying unchanged but remain still diminishing economically. This is due to machinery that is substituting employees, lower wages due to the surged social security drawn by the government from the retirees, alongside the stiff petition from immigrant searching for jobs. The upper-class does well and ascending past everyone else since they are the people who are thinking regarding selling their notions to overseas nations who could never think of them independently. The topic is anchored on the Robert Reich as both eye opener and simultaneously a cautionary for the society about the unemployment which the society shall be facing and is presently facing as a result of the lack of education and technology. It precisely enunciates that routine producers’ jobs and in-person servers have extinguished wholly as the contemporary techniques have substituted them. Reich posited that strictly individuals whose jobs remain on the upsurge are symbol analysts. The symbol analysts remain the actual problem solvers. The symbol analysts’ skills remain extremely in the demand globally since they are the people who initially examine the problem and subsequently solve the problem (Reich 15). The same unemployment problem alongside the global recession that has left workers focusing on workers not solely with skills of specialist but further a vaster array of knowledge and skills. The report remains a clear reflection of what is required by the modern day employers, but the question remains whether it is universities or learners individually that fail to cope with the needs of modern world that is marred with advancement in technology alongside critical thinking. The modern day generation alongside reasons for huge drop in employment are truly missing something critical. The opposition holds that the job losses in America is caused not by the immigrants into America but due to technological development and globalization. The opposition acknowledges that the main challenge is the employment crisis that the millennials shall be facing as a result of educational challenges, either in schools or in learners, and the similar period the ascending symbol analysts demand (Spangler 472). This is an eye-openers for millennials since the opposition has precisely illustrated all the challenges facing millennials and shall be facing in the ing years about employment. The main strength in my opponent claim is that it is true that globalization and technological advancement have greatly led to a laying off of many workers. On the other hand, the opponent fails to appreciate that as technology is advancing, many jobs are destroyed and through innovation, many new jobs are created and many firms upskill their old employees rather than retrenching which would indeed retain workers and even employ new ones. The Robert Reich Article remains wholly true. There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor. This disparity/gap is increasing blooming visibly as months turn to years. The rich are increasingly b ing richer since they are the people taking over the lower-class jobs and doing whatever they wish with them. Often, the upper-class fire all the employees and place in automatic machinery since it is increasingly effective and cost really less. The upper-class have further put a surge on immigrants over the previous ten years and it is still ascending today. The immigrants e to America and require jobs to support both families and themselves. This is the reason there is increasing jobs less in the US. If the American economy keeps up with this declining trend, there will people trapped in absolute poverty and those who are filthy rich. Accordingly many of the rich individuals shall refute to assist the poor, even where they are increasingly capable of helping the poor.    Based on my claim, the millennials’ future is analyzed with respect to unemployment problems the millennials will face as a result of globalization. The advancement in technology and entire world â€Å"going global†remains significant. Unlike my claim, that I hold also contributes to the American job losses, I see sense in the opponent claim that attributes the job loss to the shift of jobs from the developed to developing economies established by the huge recession in the developed-economies to have triggered by the advancement in technology and globalization.  It is true that both claims remain cognizant that the main challenge is the unemployment. Whereas I attributed the lack of employment among the Americans to the petition arising from the immigrants who seek the same jobs to support themselves and families, I am in agreement with my opponent’s claim that globalization and advancement in technology have also played a significant role (Stiglitz 133). It is true that advancement in technology has made workers stay in touch with the entire globe with the assistance of certain optical wires alongside satellites and hence began hiring employees who were willing and ready to work for the lower salaries. In the same manner, introduction of novel labor-saving machineries like ATMs and robotized vending accounts for job losses. Both opposing claims have a sense in arguments and hence there is a mon ground. Both technological advancement and globalization have indeed led to job loses while at the same time Americans have lost jobs due to influx of immigrants. Reich, Robert B. "Why the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer." The way class works: Readings on school, family, and the economy (2008): 13-24. Spangler, Eve. "When Good Jobs Go Bad: Globalization, De-Unionization, and Declining Job Quality in the North American Auto Industry." (2017): 471-473. Stiglitz, Joseph E. "The overselling of globalization." Business Economics 52.3 (2017): 129-137.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Affection of Music towards Emotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Affection of Music towards Emotion - Essay Example n of our alarm clocks, we listen to music while driving to work to get in the high mood as well as on our way back from work to home to regain the lost energy and recharge ourselves. Since my early childhood, I have found music very interesting. The melody being played can be different while playing with distinct emotions, from my experiences. Also, throughout the continuous observation of pianist playing rhythm of music with different speed and emotion which affect the listeners’ emotion also (Hazel, 2010), I found that the link between music and emotion is absolutely captivating. Music is a very important feature in all sorts of industries ranging from film industry to advertising and marketing. Its power to cause emotional effect and enhance viewer arousal makes it widely useable. Previous research that has attempted to study the effect of music on behavior and emotions has generated mixed results. Music emanating from any source has the power to give us chills and make us cheer up or cry. Music not only affects our mood, but the emotional appeal produced by music is so overpowering that it also affects the way we see visual images. In an experiment done by Joydeep Bhattacharya and Nidhya Logeswaran from the University of London, 30 people were exposed to a series of sad or happy musical excerpts (Changizi 2009). After they had listened to the snippets, the research participants were shown a face’s photograph. Some research participants were given the photograph depicting the smiling face of a person whereas other research participants were provided with a photograph depicting a neutral or sad face. When asked to rate the face’s emotional content upon a 7-point Likert scale in which 1 stood for ‘extremely sad’ and 7 stood for ‘extremely happy’, the researchers found strong impact of the excerpts listened to previously upon the faces†™ emotional ratings by the research participants. Happy music exaggerated the happy appeal of the face in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Personal letter of reference for scholarship Essay
Personal letter of reference for scholarship - Essay Example One of Sahar’s strengths is her dedication to education and lifelong learning which she models by her constant attention to research, analysis and literacy. Her many achievements include qualifying as the youngest Ontario certified fitness instructor in 1998, a Nationally certified gymnastics and trampoline coach, and an Ontario certified teacher with a Masters in the philosophy of education. She pursued these qualifications with her goal in mind to be an advocate for education as a solution to global problems and problems with humanity. Consequently Sahar’s aims fit perfectly with the Cambridge mission to contribute to society through education. She embarked on her path to give back to society very early in life when at the age of 19 she began attending the University of Toronto both as a student and as a teacher of fitness classes there. Sahar is an incredibly well-rounded individual who does not limit herself in the areas of her pursuits. She displays expertise in poetry, athleticism, art, and mathematics. She is a very creative, emotionally intelligent, physically fit, and logically astute individual. She has won the Sir John A MacDonald Fitness Award, the Environmental Art Award, and volunteers for Amnesty International to promote human rights and political activism. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle became one of her practices that students aspire to. In addition, she was a very vocal and recognized feminist, trying to bring awareness and understanding to this often misunderstood term. Her varied, eclectic, and unique passions and perspectives bring new insight to any educational discussion she engages in. Sahar’s passion and creativity are not confined to the cognitive aspects of education. She also contributes to the social aspects of any environment she works in. While working at A.Y. Jackson, concerned by the fact that there wasn’t any celebration commemorating the Persian New Year, especially considering the huge Persian
Art and Fashion - Surrealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Art and Fashion - Surrealism - Essay Example The essay "Art and Fashion - Surrealism" concerns the surrealism in art and fashion. Schiaparelli together with Salvador Dali engaged in a symbiotic and collaborative partnership, in late 1930s. Schiaparelli’s Innovative surrealist dresses and accessories influenced by Dali’s paintings and sculptures. Schiaparelli experimented with the notion of clothing that dominates the human form, which compelled viewers to confront the primacy of fashion-as-art and the subordination of the female body. Indeed, Schiaparelli did not only transform the fashion industry but also smashed its foundations. Schiaparelli’s attraction to modernism in late 1920s and 1930s mirror in her predominant utilization of accessories, which played a critical function in her collection right from the beginning and she preferred to create a whole ensemble including jewelry, gloves, hats, and shoes. The innovations by Schiaparelli were a considerable liberation for women and attended by the introdu ction of vibrant and strong colors (exuberance and decoration), as well as themes in a collection. Schiaparelli effectively translated dominant Surrealism principles such as, an object never realizing the same function as its name or its image, into imaginative and provocative designs. In so doing, Schiaparelli generated â€Å"hard chic†fashions for unconventional-looking women. Surrealists were self-respecting artists in their own way and their works were at the center of challenging the patriarchal tradition of Surrealism. The female body was a vital tool for women Surrealists to generate a broad and varied expression of their sexuality, which cannot be limited to a single artistic medium. The Surrealists alluded to the notion of female sexuality laden with playfulness and humor.4 The contribution of Elsa Schiaparelli to the Surrealism movement is pertinent and rich as she was able to challenge conventional representations of femininity via playfulness.5 Elsa Schiaparelli was able to overcome the notion of women as objects of male consumption, and transformed the female body into a self-governing entity enriched by elegant sexual display. Elsa Schiaparelli’s designs based on key aspects such as sexuality, gender and fetish demonstrate that she generated garments, which were feminine and functional while at the same time preserving the Surrealist theme of the female anatomy as fetish.6 Discussion Schiaparelli combined the notion of classic design from the Romans and Greeks with the overriding need for freedom of movement. It was in the 1930s, which fashions designs started to be flamboyant as shoulders started to be a critical focus during the decade. During the 1930s, shoulders started to be a critical focus as heavily padded jackets for both men and women started to gain prominence. Schiaparelli can be regarded as a trendsetter in the 1930s and enjoyed a natural sensitivity towards fashion styling. Schiaparelli's legacy remains for her audaci ous improvisations that perfectly fitted with the surrealistic art dominating the period.7 Elsa Schiaparelli is well-known for her iconoclastic bravado and unlimited originality of her work. Schiaparelli contravened topical conventions within the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cyber Attacks on Financial and Energy Sector Thesis
Cyber Attacks on Financial and Energy Sector - Thesis Example As it is with most cases the views on the risks of cyber attacks, both perceived and real, vary between two groups of expert opinions. While some experts opine that cyber attacks are not only inevitable but imminent and could bring all sectors of the US economy to a standstill, others say that the threat of cyber risks have been blown out of proportion, as critical structures of the country are well protected. According to Richard Clarke (White House cyberspace advisor till 2003), as quoted in the Washington Monthly, 2002, companies know that they will lose a certain amount of revenue from cyber attack and since cyber attack is not considered to be an important threat, the amount spent on cyber security is even less than the amount spend on coffee in the office. Financial institutions, which not only include banks and other depositories but also investment companies, insurers, security dealers, etc, comprise the critical financial sector of the US economy. As more and more of the financial sector is getting dependent on information technology, the risk of cyber attacks has become very real. In the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection of 1996 and 1997, analysts clearly predicted the growing risk that the financial sector would be facing due to systems vulnerability. Almost every sector today works with data that is on the system rather than being physically on paper. This has not only increased the vulnerability of the sector but also made it more system-dependent. Cyber attacks are taking various forms such as theft of credit cards, misuse of private information, and stealing of intellectual property; the estimated costs by way of financial loss was found to be approximately USD 200 billion in 2004. The Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) reported 80,000 cases of cyber attacks on the financial, defense, aerospace and computing industries, among others, in March 2007. Here is an example to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The western Way of War2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The western Way of War2 - Essay Example The technologies they used were adopted from the eastern countries. Hence most of the technologies were not Western innovations. Any new inventions were followed by almost all the other countries. Western countries were not ready to accept and follow the new technology. (Geoffrey 2005). They remained hesitant to experiment any sort of technology. Technology was not the only criteria that decide the success of war. Instead other factors like economic power and war plans were the important aspect that decides the war’s success. The next principle of Western way of war was to maintain proper discipline among the soldiers in the army. Discipline was given more prominence than religion. The soldiers were trained to co-operate and work as a team. The military was formed with the people who resided in the same area(book). The leaders for such military teams were the leaders from their area. During the sixteenth century rally were carried out to recruit people for the military. In countries like Greece the normal people like farmers were also a part of the military regimen. Though army people were more disciplined, it was not secured. Technology and discipline alone did not decide the fate of the war. The war had to possess a vision which helped them to fight against their enemy. Religious constraints were not the deciding factor and it did not interfere in the success of the war. Success was decided only when the enemy was totally defeated. (Geoffrey 2005).This was not practiced in the other countries. The main aims of this war were to collect people who were used as slaves. These slaves were used to procure goods from the harbor and to assist them in other local work. Most of the countries relied on discipline and technological aspects. Western countries differed from them in this principle. They had the ability to change and preserve the practices they have followed. Countries in the West had the power to adapt to these changes. This
Monday, September 23, 2019
Strategic Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Strategic Decision Making - Assignment Example The future prospective of the company has been assessed in this paper based on the current position of the company and structure of the industry. It highlights the prospective directions that the company can move based on its current infrastructure and the future scenario of the market. The strategic analysis of a firm regarding its future position is depends on several factors. The future analysis can only be done, when the researcher has all the information about the present, which includes industrial data, level of competitiveness in the industry, market demand, environmental influences which includes political, social, economic, technological and legal factors, etc. The existing organizational mission along with the current environmental factors is also responsible in determining the future of a company (Best, Market-based management). Moreover, the internal environment, including the strength and weakness of a company along with the position of the stakeholders also needs to be considered to analyze the future position of the company. This paper is based on the assessment of the current and future position of Securetech. The company is situated in Abu Dhabi and it offers products and services related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) domain and to physical and cyber security. The company has been operating for more than 14 years and its business partners include Dell, Microsoft, Bosch, VM ware, Sony and several other well established firms (Securetech. "CEO Message†). This paper includes the analysis of current market and financial position of Securetech, which includes its existing strategies, structural and operational plans and the detailed assessment of the competitive forces in the industry in which it operates. The data gathered from these analyses has been used to make forecasts about the company’s future
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday Essay Example for Free
Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday Essay Bill Crow’s Jazz Anecdotes is a thought-provoking, often amusing collection of stories from within jazz’s inner circles, told by and about some of the genre’s leading figures. While not a history of jazz, it gives readers some insights to how jazz artists worked, lived, bonded, and coped with an America in which many were still outsiders. The book’s forty-three chapters (expanded from the original 1990 edition) describe the life jazz musicians shared, offering insights into a rather exclusive, unconventional circle of performing artists. The numerous anecdotes are categorized by chapters, gathering related tales and moving from a general overview of jazz life to anecdotes about individuals, like Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, and Benny Goodman. Essentially, Crow creates a context in which jazz musicians lived, and then places individual musicians within it, giving readers a better understanding of how they functioned in this rarified climate. For example, the volume opens with â€Å"Wild Scenes,†which Crow says describes how â€Å"the individuality of jazz musicians combines with the capricious world in which they try to make a living†(Crow 3). The brief chapter sets the stage for the rest of the book, giving glimpses of the unconventional world jazz musicians inhabited (which explains to some degree their relationship to society at large). â€Å"The Word ‘Jazz’†contains attempts to explain the origins of the genre’s name, and â€Å"Inventions†offers accounts of how certain innovations occurred (such as Dizzy Gillespie’s distinctive bent trumpet), giving the reader a sense of history though the work is not an orthodox history per se. Many of the stories contained in Jazz Anecdotes convey the musicians’ camaraderie and warmth toward each other, as well as each other’s idiosyncrasies. Others convey how difficult and often arbitrary the jazz lifestyle often was. â€Å"Hiring and Firing†demonstrates how unstable many musicians’ careers were, rife with disputes over money or dismissals for their personal quirks. (For example, Count Basie fired Lester Young for refusing to participate in recording sessions occurring on the 13th of any month. ) â€Å"Managers, Agents, and Bosses†offers a glimpse into the seamier underside of jazz, where dishonest managers and mobsters often trapped jazz performers in unfair contracts or worse. Though jazz musicians appear to inhabit a special world, Crow does not discuss jazz in a social vacuum, tying it to social phenomena like race relations. In â€Å"Prejudice,†the tales take a more serious tone by showing how black jazz artists faced abundant racism, particularly in the South. However, Crow notes that â€Å"Jazz helped to start the erosion of racial prejudice in America . . . [because] it drew whites and blacks together into a common experience†(Crow 148). Jazz artists dealt with racism in various ways – Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday stood up to it while Zutty Singleton accepted it. Meanwhile, even white musicians like Stan Smith angered both races – whites for performing with blacks, and blacks for â€Å"intruding on their music†(Crow 152). The final chapters focus on individual artists, illustrating the greats’ personalities. Louis Armstrong emerges as earthy and good-hearted; Bessie Smith as strong and willful but ultimately self-destructive; Fats Waller is an impish pleasure-seeker given to excellent music but poor business decisions; and Benny Goodman as gifted but tight-fisted and controlling. Taken as a whole, Jazz Anecdotes offers a look at jazz’s human side, including its foibles, genius, camaraderie, crookedness, and connection to an American society from which it sometimes stood apart. Its legendary figures are depicted as gifted, devoted artists who enjoyed hedonism, companionship, and particularly independence. If any single thing stands out in this book, it is the latter; for the figures in this work, jazz meant creativity and freedom, which they pursued with equal vigor and vitality. Crow, Bill. Jazz Anecdotes. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Intelligence Test Use Bias Education Essay
Intelligence Test Use Bias Education Essay Bias in test use occurs when deficiencies in the test itself or the manner in which it is used result in different meanings for scores earned by members of different identifiable subgroups (American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education, 1999, p. 74). Bias in testing has been of interest since the origin of testing. Students referred for an assessment to determine special education eligibility are given standardized cognitive and achievement tests administered by a school psychologist or educational diagnostician. These tests are part of a comprehensive assessment which includes measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement. Data from these tests are important in determining eligibility for special education placement. This paper will review the literature that addresses the test bias associated with intelligence test use as it is used to assess special education students for initial and continued eligibility for services. This literature review will examine race, culture and gender as it relates to test bias. In addition, it will briefly review the literature surrounding the significant litigation pertaining to test bias in intelligence testing of special education students. The literature dealing with standardized testing is broad and includes some issues of testing non-disabled students because many issues are relevant to all students. Far from being a neutral practice, intelligence testing perpetuates and intensifies educational inequities in two ways: through the misuse of test scores; and because test bias works against the interests of students from low-income groups, racial and ethnic minorities, girls and young women, and students with disabilities (Froese-Germain, 1999). The goal of this research is to identify the major theories and opinions related to intelligence test bias and issues relating to the use of these tests with respect to overrepresentation in special education. Intelligence Test Use Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, mandated free and appropriate public education for children, ranging in age between 3 and 21, who have disabilities (Mercer, 1991) and identified eleven qualifying categories. In 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) included two more categories in the definition of disabilities for a total of thirteen. As these disabilities are categorized, testing, classification, and placement in special education programs are unavoidable (de la Cruz, 1996). The primary criterion in identifying students with learning disabilities is the discrepancy between achievement and intelligence (Mercer, 1991). Siegel (1989) disagreed with this fact and stated that IQ tests are inaccurate and irrelevant in the qualification of learning disabilities. The use of IQ tests for the purpose of qualifying students for special education placement is at the forefront of the test bias controversy. Despite this fact, IQ tests continue to be used to identify students for special education. Racial Bias Jensen (1980) has published what may be the most comprehensive review of racial bias in psychometric tests. His review, with others (Brown, Reynolds, Whitaker, 1999; Cole, 1981) concluded that there was little or no evidence of bias against minority students in intelligence tests. Gutkin Reynolds (1981) agree that there is no evidence of bias with respect to ethnic background when interpreting IQ scores. Rock Stenner (2005) measured intelligence tests as a predictor for achievement test and came to the same conclusion. They found no evidence of racial bias. Brown, et al, further concluded that the major constructs underlying intelligence tests are comparable across ethnic groups. Weiss, Prifitera, and Roid (1993) researched the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991). They concluded that WISC-III scores predicted grades and achievement test scores for samples of Hispanic-American and African-American students as well as they did for White students. Critical surveys and critical analyses of available studies have failed to support the hypothesis that ability tests are less valid for African-Americans than for Whites in predicting educational performance and similar results have been obtained for Hispanic-Americans (Anastasi, 1998, p. 197.) Assessment bias in special education is part of the larger debates about race, intelligence, and inequality in society (Herrnstein Murray, 1994; Mensh Mensh, 1991; Snyderman Rothman, 1988). In the Journal of Black Psychology, Onwuegbuzie Daley (2001) claimed that Herrnstein Murray subscribed to the hereditarian or classicist theory of intelligence. They further elaborated on the eight premises linked to this theory. Suzuki Valencia (1997) stated that although hereditarians claim that African American and Hispanic students are classified as special education due to genetics, evidence suggests that environmental factors such as racism and poverty are to blame. Shephard (1987) argued that item response theory explained a small but significant portion of the variance in Black-White test score discrepancies. Blanton (2000) determined that there was race and class bias in intelligence testing with respect to Mexican Americans and African Americans when compared to white students. However, some of the bias is attributed to the unintentional racism of the testers themselves. Cultural Some of the literature addressed the issues of test bias with respect to race and ethnicity as cultural. However, Curran, Elkerton Steinberg (1996) studied the use of intelligence testing with American Indian children. In this study, they used two different intelligence tests in an attempt to identify test bias in the most widely-used measure of intelligence, the WISC-III. Their study did not determine a significant difference. Therefore, no test bias was identified in the use of these tests for determining intervention needs. As the United States population becomes more diverse and multicultural, more controversy regarding assessment bias in special education is expected (de la Cruz, 1996). The results of studies regarding the cultural bias of standardized tests have not had unanimous outcomes. Valencia Aburto (1993) studied the use of intelligence testing with respect to Chicano students. They found that this testing played a role in ability-level grouping and tracking in elementary and secondary schools. However, no test bias was found between Chicano and white students with respect to construct validity (terms tend to be more familiar to one group than another.) This is consistent with Reynolds Gutkin (1979) study of Anglo and Chicanos students referred for psychological assessment. Gender Stone Jeffrey (1991) studied the use of intelligence tests to predict achievement for males and females. Their study concluded that intelligence tests predicted achievement equally for each sex. In addition, they found the intelligence tests were not biased and not responsible for the disproportionate number of male students in special education. Maller (2001) studied differential item functioning (DIF) with respect to males and females. Although one-third of the items she studied presented DIF, she reported that the WISC-III did not exhibit test bias. Hale Potok studied the sexual bias in the WISC-R with respect to the overrepresentation of boys in special education classes. They found that girls scored five points higher than boys. Although the results were statistically significant, they were not practically significant. Interestingly, the sample was entirely white children of lower to middle socioeconomic status from a rural area. Litigation Surrounding Testing Bias The direction of special education has been influenced by the court decisions on test bias. Test bias concern, coupled with overrepresentation in special education led to court cases concerning minority disproportionality. The California Department of Education agreed in Diana v. State Board of Education (1970), to (a) test bilingual children in both English and their primary language; (b) delete unfair verbal items from the tests; (c) reevaluate all Mexican-American and Chinese students enrolled in classes for individuals with educable mental retardation, using nonverbal items and testing them in their native language; and (d) make IQ tests that incorporate Mexican-American culture and are standardized only on the Mexican-American population (Salvia Ysseldyke, 1995). Many of the facts pointed out in Diana v. State Board of Education found their way into P.L. 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975) according to MacMillan, et al, 1988. Zurcher, 1998 states that the regulations arising out of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (IDEA; the reauthorization of P.L. 94-142) state that testing and evaluation materials and procedures used for the purposes of evaluation and placement of children with disabilities must be selected and administered so as to not be racially or culturally discriminatory (section 300.530). The case of Larry P. v. Riles (1972, 1974, 1979, 1984) brought attention to test bias. In this case, six African-American students in the San Francisco Unified School District complained about the unconstitutional number of African-American students that were identified with educable mental retardation and placed in special education classes. The presiding judge in Larry P. v. Riles (1972/1974/1979/1984) agreed with this concern. Thus a court order banned the use of standardized IQ tests in California stating that they disproportionately assign Black and other minority children to special education programs. Additionally, Larry P. v. Riles brought the stigma associated with classification as a predictor of educational failure. Reschly (1980) stated that the banning of IQ tests may prevent single factor discrimination, but would negatively impact the economically disadvantaged minorities who may require a disproportionately greater share of special education services. Therefore, this decision may help some students, but may also hinder the opportunities of other students. In PASE (Parents in Action on Special Education) v. Hannon (1980), the ruling was that one item on the Stanford-Binet and a total of eight items on the WISC [Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; Wechsler, 1949] and WISC-R [Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; Wechsler, 1974] were culturally biased against African-American students, the use of those items does not render the tests unfair, and would not significantly affect the score of an individual taking the tests (as cited in Rothstein, 1995, p. 102). This case did not see the same results as Larry P. v. Riles because they were not the only bases for classification beca use multifaceted testing was also used (Turnbull, 1993). Additionally, the evaluation procedures section of the IDEA regulations outline specific procedures to address difficulties that culturally diverse students may have with language on tests: States and other evaluation agencies shall insure, at a minimum, that: tests and other evaluation materials are provided and administered in the childs native language or other mode of communication, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so (section 300.532). MacMillan and Balow (1991) focused on inconsistencies with the state of Californias protocol for testing African-American students which led to their conclusion that the Larry P. v. Riles case does not apply to students of other backgrounds. In addition, MacMillan, Hendrick, and Watkins (1988) determined that the Diana v. State Board of Education and Larry P. v. Riles cases did not serve in the best interest of minority students in spite of being favorable rulings. Larry P. v. Riles was revisited in 1993. The issue at that time was the discrimination against African-American students because the use of IQ tests had been previously prohibited. One of the main determinants for students being qualified as learning disabled is a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement. Without the use of an IQ test to determine ability, African-American students were not able to meet the criteria for learning disabilities. The judge allowed the administration of intelligence tests to Afri can-American students (Salvia Ysseldyke, 1995). Standardization with Respect to Testing Traub (1994, p. 5) states that Standardization means that the scores of all students tested can be fairly compared, one against the other à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the essential requirements are that the conditions of administration and scoring be the same for all the students who are tested so that their scores can be compared. There is a great deal of research to support the flaws in standardized tests. FairTest (the National Center for Fair Open Testing in Massachusetts) states that a standardized test (all students take the same test under the same conditions) consistently under-predicts the performance of women, African-Americans, people whose first language isnt English and generally anyone whos not a good test-taker. This group would clearly include those individuals receiving special education services. Froese-Germain (1999) contends that there are eight consistently identifiable reasons that standardized tests are inadequate for assessing student learning and development: (1) Many ty pes of student ability are not captured by a standardized test; (2) Tests may be standardized, but students are not; (3) Standardized tests designed for large numbers of students are of necessity very general in nature; (4) Standardized tests typically measure lower-order recall of facts and skills, and penalize higher-order thinking; (5) Because standardized tests are designed to sort individuals into groups, test questions are chosen on the basis of how well they contribute to spreading out the scores, not on their centrality to the curriculum or their predictive validity; (6) Test performance is shaped by individual characteristics not related to content knowledge; (7) Test preparation and administration take up valuable classroom time that could be used for teaching; and (8) Teachers are induced to teach to the tests rather than for learning with the result that curriculum is becoming increasingly test-driven (Meaghan Casas, 1995). Additional factors identified by Meaghan Casa s (1995) include costs, inability to identify and improve ineffective school programs, and the shifting of responsibility over curriculum to the government and the testing industry. All of these factors involve bias at some level toward the test taker. Overrepresentation in Special Education In 1980, Reschly reported that a great deal of attention has been devoted to enhancing the usefulness and fairness of assessment in classification/placement decisions in recent years. In 1981, Reschly stated that IQ tests were only a small part of the problem of overrepresentation in special education. In 1984, Reschly reported that although the literature stated that overrepresentation was due to bias in tests and possibly even racism, a very small percentage of minority or majority students had been placed in educable mentally retarded programs. Additionally, no significant disproportionality exists with more severe handicaps with respect to race, social status, or gender (Reschly, 1981.) He further reported that overall, IQ test use protects many students of all races, social statuses, and genders from erroneous and inappropriate classification. Conclusion All tests and/or testing/evaluation procedures have limited value with reference to certain individuals or certain groups within the overall population. This is true particularly regarding economically deprived and/or minority group children, and when age/grade norms are used, with male children as well. (Magliocca Rinaldi, 1982). This argument goes to the credibility of using multiple assessments to determine special education qualification, not simply standardized tests. To address the influx of current buzzwords pertaining to multi-factored assessment with regard to current evaluation and placement procedures, Magliocca Rinaldi state that there is simply a greater need to implement procedural safeguards to prevent possible discriminatory practices in this process. This would, in turn, reduce test bias concerns. Snyderman and Rothman (1987) found that the school psychologists and education specialists they surveyed believed that intelligence and standardized tests appropriately measure the significance of success in society. However, although Snyderman and Rothman believed these tests held significance, they also viewed the tests as racially and socioeconomically biased. These viewpoints substantiate how some tests simply do not measure what they are being used to measure. Tests do not tell us anything; their data always require interpretation in the case of an individual child (Mearig, 1981). In summation, Standardized test scores are becoming the mechanism that facilitates a number of questionable education practices that contribute to education inequity. (Froese-Germain, 1999). The misuse of standardized testing is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦moving us away from a more inclusive model of education. (Meaghan Casas, 1995). Additionally, it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦accounts in large part for the disparity in achievement observed between American White students and those from minority groups, as well as between students from higher- and lower-income groups (Darling-Hammond, 1991). Oakes (1985) concluded that misuse of standardized testing hurts low-income and minority group children, and that it not only reflects but perpetuates class and racial inequalities in the larger society. Using a method of testing already biased against certain groups of studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦only adds insult to injury. Gardner (1983) stated that only if we expand and reformulate our view of what counts as human intell igence will we be able to devise more appropriate ways of assessing it and more effective ways of educating it (p.4).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Economic Development Of Ghana Essay -- essays research papers
The Economic Development of Ghana Ghana is an African country located on the western side of Africa. Its neighbors are Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the south, and Cote D'Ivoire to the west. It has a population of 18,100, 703 and a population density of 197 people per square mile. Ghana is 92,098 square miles and English is its official language. The capital city of Accra has around 1, 673,000 people residing in it. There are the physical statistics, now onto the more interesting part. The country's greatest strengths lie in its natural resources. In those terms, it is very rich. Cocoa, its biggest export, accounts for 15% of the world's supply. Also its gold production, in recent years, it's exported as many as one million fine ounces. Ghana also has a good supply of bauxite, diamonds, coffee, rice, cassava, timber and rubber. Moreover, since 1983, the economy has steadily grown. With economic recovery policies intact, the economy has raised 5% a year since 1983. Tourism also is growing within Ghana. Tourist rates are increasing also. With all these cash crops, costly goods, and economic restructuring, one would wonder why they need assistance at all. Ghana's weaknesses though, almost outweigh the strengths. Like most countries in Africa, Ghana is in heavy debt since its independence in 1957. It also suffers from high budget deficits. All of the foreign investors that come in only invest in the gold fields. The richest business, Ghana i...
Value of Health Care Essay -- United States Healthcare
The Value of Health Care The development of value based healthcare reimbursement systems between healthcare payers and healthcare providers is evolving from the need to provide patients with beneficial healthcare technologies under conditions of significant economic uncertainty. The concept examined centralizes on shifting the focus of the healthcare system from volume to value. Value is measured by outcomes achieved based on a full cycle of care not volume of services rendered based on each service performed. Summary of Article The article chosen for this assignment was published on December 23, 2010 in the New England Journal of Medicine (Porter, 2010). The author, Porter (2010) examines the role of value in the healthcare system in the United States. According to Porter (2010) â€Å"Value should define the framework for performance improvement in healthcare.†Porter indicates that value in healthcare should be measured by outcomes achieved not the volume of services rendered. According to Porter (2010), â€Å"The proper unit for measuring value should encompass all services or activities that jointly determine success in meeting a set of patient’s needs. Posistive and Negative Affects, Cost, Quality, Access, Trade-offs The national pay for value based system development has positive and negative aspects. System implementation will require multiple entity participation. Hospitals, physicians, outpatient centers, and clinics all will be responsible for collaboration in developing an integrated communication system which will present additional expense on the front end. Government mandates will be required; from implementation dates to specified circumstances in which assistive funding may be available. Multi provider ... ...g outcomes are important actions towards improving outcomes. True reform will require both moving toward restructuring the care delivery system and a national system of consistency, regulation and payment. References Lee, T.H. (2010). Putting the value framework to work. New England Journal of Medicine. 363:2481-2483 Porter, M.E., (2010). What is the value in healthcare? New England Journal of Medicine. 363:2477-2481 Porter, M.E., (2009) A strategy for helath care reform – Toward a value-based system. New England Journal of Medicine. 361:109-112 Carlson, J.J., Sullivan S.D., Garrison, L.P., Neumann, P.J., Veenstra, D.L. (2010). Linking payment to health outcomes: A taxonomy and examination of performance-based reimbursement schemes between healthcare payers and manufacturers. Health Policy, 96(3), 179-190. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.02.005
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The American Christian Worldview :: essays research papers
The American Christian Worldview All across the United States Christians are talking about this term called Worldview. What is it anyway? Many times, we release our guard and end up allowing society to change our thinking into what the rest of the â€Å"popular culture†thinks of our very being. As Christians, we should be giving scriptural backup for whatever conclusions one makes about this culture.      Every society has a culture. Each culture has a different method of thinking. One of the major issues each culture eventually deals with is their basic theology. If I were to ask someone who God was, the answer would vary depending on which part of the country I was in. This is where the development of worldview begins. People within that culture begin to migrate towards those who have the same beliefs in fellowship. Those people who have the same beliefs begin to form a culture. After a culture is formed, cultural studies begin taking form. In a religious community, the members of that community begin to form a standard of ethics to live by. After the individuals form a religious community, start a culture that culture begins to do cultural studies. Those cultural studies are a basis for the individuals to set boundaries of accepted ways to produce or consume culture in their community. The next step in this process deals with aesthetics. Aesthetics are the ways in which the culture communicates their beliefs and values. After all these concepts have taken their course, the individual has developed a worldview. Starting back at the very beginning of this process is the most dangerous aspect of this entire process we follow to gain a worldview. In today’s society there is a variety of versions of â€Å"God.†Depending on which God you believe in, your community and culture could be very far fetched from what the truth is. The overlying theme behind every formation that coincides with any worldview can be asked in one question. What is the purpose of my life? As Christians, we should be involved in society’s version of â€Å"popular culture.†We are called in the Bible to be the salt of the world, as the salt we shouldn’t be merely consuming the culture in which we live in, we should be part of it, adding everything we can.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Medical Billing and Coding
Medical Billing and Coding Medical billing and coding is one of today’s high paying careers. The definition for Medical – code is descriptions that physicians and the heath care providers, and facilities use to describe healthcare procedures and diagnosis into numeric or alphanumeric designations. Coding is the descriptions of diseases, injuries and procedures into numeric or alphanumeric codes, there are three basic steps in locating codes. First we locate the term in the Alphabetic Index, then verify the code number in the Tabular list, finally assign the code when it has been verified by the physician and the coder. We must locate the term in the Alphabetic Index. In coding the correct codes and to be paid by the insurance company the coder must code accurately and precisely so the first step in coding it to locate the main tern in the Alphabetic Index of the coding book. If a main term cannot be located, then try searching for sub terms, notes, or cross- reference. A coder can refer to any notes in the Alphabetic Index. When the code is located it must be verify in the Tabular list coder then will review the title of the chapter, section, and category to make sure that the correct code has been identified. The coder will read and follow instructional notes and refer to any other codes as instructed if the coder is unsure it is then discuss with the physician. Once the main term is verified the coder then will assign the code to be used for several different reasons: reporting medical necessity for services performed, identifying conditions to alert the healthcare provider, and to supply date for clinical care, research and education purposes. â€Å"The importance of consistent, complete documentation in the medical record cannot be overemphasized. Without documentation accurate coding cannot be achieved. â€
Monday, September 16, 2019
Montefiore Medical Center Essay
1- Why does Elaine Brennan need to develop a new strategy now? A great manager will be the one who is able to examine the environment, determine opportunities and threats, plan accordingly, implement the plans and evaluate the results of his planning on frequent basis to add more value to what his/her organization is built to accomplish. Elaine Brennan needs to develop a new strategy now because according to the Systems Look at Healthcare, a merger has happened between two facilities each of which provide a different level of care. Each of these facilities was 4 miles away from each other, and both of these facilities’ staff members were operating in silos. Since Montefiore agreed to operate Einstein’s patient-care facility back in 1963, its scope of coverage increased to about 1.2 million residents, 65% of which are minority populations. Montefiore had 16+ competitors in the Bronx area, a condition that led to lower scores at the national level, together with lower compensation levels for employees, unsatisfied patients, amounting to a budget deficit of about $57 million dollars in 1995. Even with the consolidation of the two health care facilities, still there are certain disadvantages that need to be taken care of. There will be fewer workforces to provide for the desired level of care after downsizing. With that on hand, more responsibilities will be granted at the expense of enjoying the usual authority level granted to staff. One final challenge that will add to the necessity of formulating a new strategy for Montefiore medical center is related to the concept of organizational change and the leadership styles needed to support that organizational change. Level| Target Parameter| Pressing Matters (Needs)| D: Environment.| 1- Competition.2- Regulations.3- Demographics.4- Payer Policies.| 1- 16+ other hospitals in the Bronx area.2- Difficult reimbursement potential from payers.| C: Infrastructure.| 1- Infrastructure.2- Leadership.| 1- Separate administrative teams.2- leadership teams adaptation to change.| B: Microsystems.| 1- Teams.2- Tools.3- Logic.| 1- Downsizing.2- More stress and turnover.3- more span of control with less authority.4- Decreased quality.5- Cultural consolidation.| A: Patient.| 1- Coverage.| 1- Provision of services to 1.2 million residents.2- 65% minorities (Hispanics and African Americans).| 2- Does the GRIP strategy meet the needs of this organization? According to the Systems Thinking, Montefiore’s corporate strategy should be most influenced by the four key environmental factors (competition, governmental regulations, demographics, and payer policies), yet the current GRIP business strategy which was formulated by Brennan, is supposed to be specifically addressing the Acute Care Division as a business unit, not the entire organization. On the other hand, the case doesn’t indicate which levels of management participated in the meetings Brennan conducted for planning the new strategy for the Acute Care Division. Moreover, and as we go down the organizational hierarchy, strategic goals should be more constrained by corporate level strategies, more detailed with shorter life spans according to the plans provided, and finally, more action-oriented with more specific goals. Given all of the above, I think that what Brennan managed to create was a GRIP strategy that was tailored for the whole Montefiore organization. As regards whether it met the needs of Montefiore, I think it broadly addressed some unmet environmental needs that are provided in the following table: Also, the Systems Thinking model tells us that no system is ever completely stable. Per se, the GRIP strategy is beneficial but it will not guarantee the stability of the Montefiore medical center. There is no clear space for metrics that will measure success of the operations after implementing such strategies. Also there is expected delay in the performance of the organization if metrics were not identified to measure performance at the national level. If the Balance Scorecard (BSC) section was included as a way to implement the new strategy, then I would say that the new strategy will meet the needs of the organization. 3- Why was implementing the scorecard concept by the medical staff difficult? a- The scorecard concept requires data collection because these data will later on be reported to different levels of managers. Only then that managers will be able to judge if their goals are being met or not and then act accordingly. The data collection part of performance improvement is the most tedious and time consuming task in process improvement projects. b- In order to keep the patient flow within the Montefiore medical center, some subspecialties had to be accommodated by all hospital departments in order for revenues to keep coming out for the whole health care facility, except for that due to that each unit had its own revenues and expenses, which made it hard to create a new system for monitoring patients between departments and services in order to build revenues according to overall expenses. c- It was hard to involve some physicians into the suggested scorecard process maps. Physicians usually think that what they ordinarily do is best for the patient, especially when it leads to treatment or cure from disease or condition. They can’t embrace doing something different that is addressing unusual metrics from the ones they are used to use. They also look at learning about improvement as a first step towards undermining their authority and ego. d- From a human resource point of view, Lewin’s model of organizational change, and Kubler-Ross model for overcoming organizational resistance to change, take time to get results out of them. Kubler-Ross model for overcoming organizational resistance Source: 4- What could Brennan have done better? a- Brennan could have done better to involve physicians into project teams in a more consistent and solid way. When physicians are involved in the value mapping process, they can provide valuable inputs to data gatherers, which – on the long run – can save a lot of data gathering time for the regular evaluation process. It also will increase the project team’s cohesiveness and collaboration towards attaining their goals. Otherwise, the deployment of the scorecard system into the newly designed health care centers will be much more difficult and time consuming which is not good in the face of the great competition lying ahead. b- Brennan also could have done better to spend more time on studying how the different staff members of the different care and support centers will respond to the new responsibilities in shaping improvement tools for Montefiore medical center, and then try to create feedback circuits that will both reward over-achievers and highlight reluct ant or incompetent workers. c- I think that Brennan should have done better to recommend that every department use only national-level strategies and not both national and local-level ones. Individual metrics tend to be too easy to accomplish, and its fulfillment may lead to a false belief of accomplishment, which is not good in the face of sustaining a competitive advantage. d- I don’t think that linking compensation to performance will be an obstacle in front of reducing budget deficits for the new system. I think that due to organizational change, there will be downsizing at all organizational levels, and may be some middle level active managers and medical staff will be promoted to high level or more operational-involved positions at a relatively lower salary. The bottom line is that there will be deficit reduction but at a much slower pace, together with a re-inforcing feedback for performance. e- I also think that Brennan has taken implementation of the GRIP strategy a little bit too fast. She might be tempted by the quick $15 million cost savings that she accomplished from downsizing on some managerial positions in 1996, but it is still a fact that if she wanted more solid environmental stability during the implementation of the new strategy, she has to allow time for unfreezing, moving, and freezing stages of the Lewin’s model of change.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Mass Media Sociology
The mass media has become a big part of our society and its counterparts. In a time span of 50 years this medium has influenced society to an extent where it has created wonders. This immaculate tool can control almost every action we perform, from speaking to the actions that every human being performs in society. The mass media has brought upon a new era of idea's and changes in the world we live in. As we analysis media in depth we will find many aspects of media which overlap and some of the smallest factors and aspects of media, which create the biggest impact on society.Our main objective is to explore the mass media's effects on society and see how the media has affected out way of life. Not to mention, compare the life styles of the previous and current generation. These are aims all sociologists focus on. The mass media is seen as a medium of communication, as well as a way of delivering messages and valuable data to the masses within a matter of seconds. As we move into a m ore technological era we see vast differences in culture, values and the basic change in the way of life.The traditional way of life is dying; in-depth valuable heritage is no longer being followed. Many state that the media has blemished society which has created disparity within our traditional way of life. We are human beings with the power to take in unlimited amounts of information. The human brain contains functions that may never even be discovered by scientist due to its complexity. However, today the media has created a massacre of learning abilities and incoherent the emotional intelligence of human beings.As individuals say that the mass media is a valuable tool to society and can create great changes, it is seen to debauch within society and the minds of the new generation. Over all we see that the media has a colossal negative impact in comparison to a positive affect on society. Socialization and society is one of the main aspects in co-relation to the mass media. As s een in the recent generation, norms, values and way of life has changed to a great extent in comparison to the past generations. Media has distinctly created its mark in the socialization process.The mass media has social, developmental and various other forms of mental effects on children. A very important aspect of media society has embraced is the fact that it brings upon great awareness and understanding of the world around us. The media has exposed individuals of all ages to different aspects of the world that the previous generation was not aware of. This vast revelation has educated the youth thus making them more aware and ingenious about the world they live. Media has delivered messages to the world in a matter of seconds, providing us with intelligence about recent events around the world.Although media may provide society with many advantages, the negative impact can have immaculate affects on society. Promoting bad habits such as smoking is a conspicuous negative impact on society. Adolescents' smoking has become a big issue in today's time. †Almost 20 per cent of Canadian teens (aged 12-19) currently smoke (daily or occasionally†. Statistics state that the numbers of smokers have been increasing since 1990. The media has portrayed cigarettes to be a social and â€Å"cool†factor in society. Many youth state that they have smoked under peer pressure.Adolescents try to fit in by smoking so that they are not out casted. As social creatures it is our instinct to be apart of society and belong to a â€Å"social group†. Another growing concern amongst the current generation is the amount of television watched and how it is affecting developmental and psychological thinking. Television has become a big part of society. As many parents work it is found that children, who are home alone when their parents are at work, watch TV as soon as they come home from school. This influences their thinking more then the outside world does.N ot to mention that violence can be encouraged in the media. It is crucial to understand that when children are at that peek in their life, they tend to imitate what they see. A ponderous medium of media is video games in co-relation to violence. Video games encourage violent behavior in children as they are at a crucial stage of adaptation. Society as a whole has been immensely effected by the social realm. In the fashion world, it is media that creates the trends and genres of different types of clothes. This is seen as an identity. The fashion world markets their clothes to society thru the media.Using various sources such as, television, internet, newspaper and magazines. However there is a dark side to this industry. Today's society faces controversy about women's body figured. Size zero has become a behemoth fad in the modeling world. The size zero topic has caused a revolution, women around the world trying to enter the modeling industry are now harming their bodies in coun tless ways in order to achieve the â€Å"ideal†body. Women today face a lot of criticism about their appearances due to the superficial ideology created by the media. This has rought a lot of criticism from feminist around the world who state that women have died from starvation only to model. Today's world has stereotypes formed from various forms of media. Stereotypes have been created ethnicities and cultures. As growing individuals we see distinct relations between the two. When we see a certain ethnicity portrayed in a particular way we judgments tend to be formed enforce them on that particular ethnicity. Eventually many individuals tend to conform to those stereotypes, thus them following the self fulfilling prophecy.This can be dangerous as people's self esteems may be affected, not to mention this activity can be harmful to society. For example, many African American people are portrayed as criminals and therefore displayed as â€Å"harmful†people in the med ia and its various forms; many fear them as they are known for causing harm and disruption. As this stereotype changes perspective of this particular ethnicity they tend to act the way they are seen in the media as society already believes that they are that certain stereotype. Since the 20th century we have seen a sudden rise empowerment in women, especially in North America.Women all over the nation fought for their freedom of right and are till this day at war for equality. Feminist state that we are currently living in a patriarchal society, where men predominantly control society and its activities. Further more feminist quote â€Å"all knowledge learned by society is created by men, thus creating biases in favor of men and predominantly male oriented situations. The media enforces this knowledge, for one gender roles are enforced through the media to children and adolescents. Although these are promoted to adults to, there is no personality harm to adults.For example, little girls and boys are shown playing sports and with toys that are meant for them, thus enforcing a stereotype and certain gender role of the behavior that is expected from these children. Disney as we know it promotes these gender roles to a great extends, with classical story lines. This shows young children how women are powerless and the male figure rescues her. This perception is seen distinctly in different forms as the child grows up. During the Second World War women refused to go back to their original jobs after then men returned from the war.As an extreme of re-socializing women, the government sent out propaganda about how women we're suppose to work in the homes and men to work in the factories. This is an extreme case of the media being used to change the perception of society. Feminist argue that media corrupted the minds of young women. Before the revolution women we're allowed a double standard of being sex objects however suppressed in society and seen as the â€Å"se cond†sex. Women nowadays are objectified by society and seen as sexual objects in the eyes of men Culture and the commercial world play a significant role in the media world.Culture is denoted as a way of life for society. It consists of beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a social group. A valuable aspect of culture is communication as it is its central activity. Without communication there would be no society or groups as such. Communication is the core of every society and culture in the world. It can take on many forms from verbal to sign language to symbols. All these arranged in a proper manner deliver a message and contain meaning. This approach is often described as a structuralism approach, where the focus is on the analysis of the production of meaning.The term structuralism is a used to emphasize influence of society as a whole. As stated above culture and communication go hand in hand. When we compare the language used i n the 19th and 20th century we see vast difference in the language and dialect. According to researchers the internet has changed our dialect, not to mention our way of typing. The internet has introduced short forms for various words and symbols to represent certain characteristics, as time passes by these characteristics are known to change the way we think. This type of change has affected our cognition.Literature has been restricted and we are made to expresses our selves in a matter of words, twitter for example restricts the amount of words being used to expresses one's emotions and feelings. This type of change has taught society how to expresses them selves in a matter of a few powerful words. Another aspect of language is how the media has allowed people to express them selves and grow as individuals. However there is a big drawback to this, as society has started to connect to the world over the World Wide Web, there tends to be less face-to-face communication.Individuals connect over the internet thus, disrupting the socialization process. People tend to become more anti-social and keep to them selves. Youth cultures and sub-cultures are a reflection of the media; today we see many youth cultures forming sub cultures within them selves. Many of them differ in various aspects; these subcultures are formed in order to rebel against the adult culture and their way of life. When adolescents form these sub cultures they find comfort and a sense of belonging. As the media is the predominate cause of youth sub-cultures, they portray what they want to see in the current generation.The hypodermic syringe theory states that the media feeds society what they want and society accepts it without any questioning, it is a medium of message which can causes changes within a time span of a few minutes. The results can be drastic and cause massive changes in society. Not to mention, as adolescents may apply these norms and values in their adult lives. Mass media is f ast growing field, the commercial world has experiences massive amounts of development in this sector due to the rapid increasing demand. As we can see, there are many highly regarded media jobs in the commercial world today.These jobs are important to the media sector as the skills and requirements are very different in comparison to traditional jobs. Many of the core media jobs are personal relations, journalism, publishing, broadcasting, film and many more. When we look at these topics we see a significant co-relation. As the World Wide Web has rapidly increased in the recent years and has gained significance, many individuals have taken up jobs which require constant internet co-relation. Blogging is an example of an internet related job. It requires regular entries of comments, descriptions of events, or interactive media such as images or video.Blogging has brought much recognition as written experiences and articles are posted in order to guide and share information with the world around us. As we move into the commercial world there is a strong relationship between the government and mass media. Their main aim is to educate society and make sure that information about the world's events reaches the masses. We see very little government contribution in regard to the media, as it is a privately owned source. For example when we look at the American media and how it is controlled by the government, there is very little interaction between the government and the media associates.Due to the fact that the media is controlled by a predominate part of the private industry. This means that the government cannot put their views across to manipulate society in anyway to their advantage. The media is also known to create illusions/perceptions about particular situations or events. However when an individual experiences it for them selves they will see how different it is compared to how the media portrays it. For example, when someone see's how television broadcas ting takes place in reality, they realize that the media may exaggerate the event, in order to create emphasis on the situation.This is only one example of the many events or situations that are exaggerated. Furthermore the media dispelling the illusions may be one of the most important responsibilities of modern education. As media may not portray the data in the way it was, disparities about validity are created. When we look at democratic situations in society, we see a vast gap in the voting percentage and the actual population. Political campaigns spend large amounts of money on promoting their campaigns for a very small population of voters.This creates big advantages to the political campaigns, as they spent large amounts of money on promoting them selves in the media, they will eventually receive a majority of the votes. This shows us that political success increasingly depend on fundraising, usually from well-financed special interest groups, to pay for media advertising. I n the age of mass media, Americans have been made to think that democracy means having lots of consumers choices in the marketplace of products, rather than alternative choices in ideology, issues or political leadership in the marketplace of ideas.The pattern of ownership has changed in the media, thus affecting the amount of information portrayed on the television. We see that today generally businesses are no longer family businesses. However nowadays they would acquire special people to handle such delicate affairs. Not to mention specialized magazines and book publishing operations have been launched across the country and these usually have been feasible economic ventures due to the fact that they do not require huge investments in equipment required to produce a daily newspaper. When talking about the media and the commercial world there are various different aspects to it.As the media has suddenly become big in the past few decades we can say that the media and its dynamics have drastically changed. This is due to the sudden enhancement in technology; this has helped us advance out world. For example, the film industry has advanced to an immaculate level, where production has changed along with the mode of production. The theorist has various views on the mass media and their effects on society. Each sociological theorist has a view which they embrace. Functionalist believes that each part of society has a certain function they are to perform in rder for society to function to its fullest potential. They believe that there are particular functions society has to their maximum capacity. Functionalists believe that the mass media helps co-ordinate and correlate between various parts of society by gathering and dismissing valuable information. Our society conforms to a lot that they see in the media. This means that they enforce laws and regulations which keep order and control in society. We believe that there is a certain extent of social control which is enforced. When talking about the mass media, functionalist strongly enforce social control over society.Conformity is reinforces the norms and values of society. This taught the new generation how to fit into a society. The media enforced and teaches society the rules and regulations, not to mention they provide social situations of individuals disobeying the laws and regulations. This acts as a reinforcement to conform to society's rules. For example, cop shows provide an example of social situations where individuals of our society act out and the punishments they receive. This enforces rules and conformity in society. Another aspect is how they are an agent of socialization.As mentioned before children of todays are exposed to vast amounts of the mass media at very young ages, they learn their norms and values form theses sources thus acting as sources of socialization. The media plays a big role in cognitive child development and re-socialization as they provide individuals w ith the knowledge that they learn and use in the future to come. Finally the last and most predominate role the media provides according to functionalist is entertainment. Besides all the social control and socialization factors, in the end the media is our predominate form of entertainment.This is a source of relaxation and a momentary escape from the hectic world that we live in. Conflict theorist was founded by Karl Marx. He believes that there are two dominate classes in society. One being the Bourgeoisie, they we're the ruling class that controlled all the assets and controlled the modes of production, they owned most of the properly and land. The second class was The Proletariats, they we're considered the lower working class. This class had no power at all and worked hard labor jobs which consisted of a lot of manual labor.Conflict theorist states that functionalist have not paid attention to the social inequality that the mass media portrays, that the mass media benefits som e more then others. According to conflict theorists the mass media is controlled by only a number of highly influential people. This leads to a very important factor which is media bias. Media bias can incur to massive levels, which can affect society. As the media is controlled by very few highly qualified people, they can deliver their views to the media and create false assumptions about particular opinions.Ownership of the media is in the hands of very few, creating profitability to them as producers and various different industries are interested in putting across messages to the world approach these particular media industry individuals. As seen in Canada the recent trends of the media are starting to change. Fewer people are starting to control larger amounts of the media and what is broadcasted. This is a big disadvantage to society as only their views will be focused on creating large amounts of bias media. When the media is controlled by a small population controlled by fe w there tends to be less diversity.Deprivation of independent sources of information with non-biased opinions stated. Society is forced to accept what is provided to them. Propaganda will flood the media due to smaller amounts of individuals controlling it For example in Canada, Rogers Communication Inc owns the Toronto Blue Jays, creates sports and entertainment, broadcasts on television, carries the signal to viewers homes via cable stations and finally they sell at Rogers Video stores. The government controls what is presented in the media to a great extent.There are various cases where the government has punished certain journalist for publishing articles criticizing the government and their policies. What happened to freedom of speech is a question many are asking in today's modern world. The main biased mechanisms are flak, advertising and sourcing. Flak occurs when big corporations frequently attack journalist who write and state controversial articles in the media. This is d ue to government control and how they do not want negative views about them being distributed in the public. The other biased mechanism is advertising.Most of the revenue earned by the mass media is thru advertising over the internet, television, magazines, newspapers, radio and various other different predominant forms of media. Large corporations pay great sum's of money to advertise their messages over popular modes of media. This brings in a large sum of the media's income. Last but not least is sourcing. This method of gathering news is heavily used by news agencies for press releases, news conferences, and interviews organized by large corporations or the government. These sources usually have traces of preferences towards certain policies and regulations.Unofficial statistics are usually not are preferred as official documents due to the fact that they only provide reactions and minority viewpoints that are secondary to that official story. As seen in the data provided about the biased media and how influential it can be, we see that the conflict theorist in summary believe that economic inequality is reinforced due. Further to that, the core value of society is stratified as the media is controlled by a small amount of people creating diversity and portraying socially acceptable and government approved opinions.Interpretive approaches are micro sociology that believes the socialization of individuals' shapes how society will form and function. According to them each individual's personality carries an imprint to his unique experience along with the socially transmitted world view. These types of sociologist look into each individual and the reason for each individual's results along with the factors affecting them. Society is not judged as a whole. They believe that the mass media influences a passive public in common.Symbolic functionalist state that although conflict theorist and functionalist reinforce the fact that the mass media is mainly benefici al to the rich and powerful, not to mention that the mass media is a great reinforcement of core values follow by society. They do not enforce much on the extent to which audience members interpret media's messages in different ways. Interactionalist state that, the entailments of mass media does not simply change individuals behavior, there are various steps that are used to change societies mind.Consider this question: How much influence does the mass media actually exert over audiences? Great controversy surrounds this question The subject of what influences the mass media involves the link between persuasive media messages and indirect actual behavior. The process of ‘ two-step flow of communication' must take place. This process involves the communication between the mass media and the audience members. The first process involves respected individuals of society to evaluate media messages. These individuals tend to be highly educated or politically powerful in that commun ity.As their status contains power and authority they usually conduct independent judgment. The second step involves the leaders influence on attitudes and behavior of others around them. This way media's opinions are filtered by the leaders. This two step process limits the amount of influence on society. If individuals in a society are influenced to perform a certain action is it less predominant within their minds as it has been influenced by the leader. The media influences society to perform a certain action; however the leaders influence will determine whether society will perform that action or not.Symbolic interactionalist represents media through cultural studies. In-depth interviewing and participant observation is used to study how people in a society truly interpret media messages. Cultural studies does not only concentrate on the cultural meaning producers try to transmit, but on the way audiences filter and interpret mass media messages in the context of their own inte rest, experiences, and values. Sociologist, Stuart Halls states that, audience members take an active part in consuming the products of the mass media.However they filter and interpret the messages in the context of their own interest. In conclusion, the audience will only take in and interpret what they want to. Every individual has a different way of thinking. This implicates that the media does not fully influence individuals. Hall asserts, society takes in the mass media's information in the context of their own experiences, interests and values. Thus, any in-depth analysis of the mass media must take into the production and consumption of the data. In the initial stages the meaning intended by producers must be studied.Further to that, we also need to study how the audience consumes or evaluates media products. Audience members may interpret media messages in ways other than those intended by the producer. The critical attitude of the individuals exposed to the media reduces th e ability to identify strongly with many characters, personalities, and storylines. Age also affects how we relate to the television or various different forms of media. For instance, the senior viewers tend to be selective and focused on their television viewing. In comparison to individuals who grew up with TV cable and a remote control.Individuals in that vein often sift through channels, engage in conversation and do a multitude of things that detract attention to the supposed object of focus. The media does not impact these modes of viewing. This is an example of the media's effect on society and the extent to which it affects certain individuals. Conflict theorists' and functionalists' exaggerate the extent to which the media affects the society. All in all, internationalist filters, interpret, resist and sometimes reject messages that are often presented by the mass media.Feminists are another group of sociologists who believe that women are treated unfairly in society and ar e discriminated against in various types of male dominated theories. In co-relation to the media, feminists have strong views about how they created gender roles and stereotypes. Women are mostly seen as sexual objects and prizes rather then humans. In addition, women in the media are said to create a stereotype which is affective to many of the adolescents as they create artificial looks and body structures. The media's power as a predominant socializing agent adversely influences women into these modes of thinking.The media creates stereotypes which portray women as, â€Å"dumb and silly†. This pushes women down the stratification scale in the world as a whole; this is one of the reasons why the glass ceiling was created. The glass ceiling is an expression which states that women can see the top position; however due to gender discrimination, they cannot reach it. It is worth noting that, the media also creates a gender role for women from a very young age. For example, gir ls are shown on television shows playing with kitchen sets and boys are shown playing football.This demonstrates to children that they have certain roles to play and with this, these roles are embraced at a young age. Not only is there gender discrimination, many women experience racial gender discrimination. This occurs when women in the ethnic minorities are discriminated against due to their gender and ethnic background. Although there have been countless efforts to combat this type of discrimination, women in today's society are facing large amounts of discrimination, not to mention are being denied the top positions and discriminated in terms of wages.As we have analyzed the various aspects from society to the commercial world, we can say that media has created a distinct change in society. We can conclude by saying that, the mass media is a tool which can cause great change and impact on society largely. When the mass media is related to society as a whole, the media has affec ted adolescents and children more then any other group. We see that society's children and adolescents have changed their ways of life in an immaculate level. Researchers say that there has never been such a large amount of change in such a short span of time.Media is to blame for such a large change in society. Although the mass media has afforded society negative instances, there are various high points we can take away from the mere existence of the media. If it weren’t for the media society wouldn't bee informed about world events and the situations taking place in it. Many individuals criticize the media for it's over exaggeration and creation of false delusions. However, many forget to give the media credit for the intense and immediate broadcasting around the world.On a whole the media has created many advantages for society and has created a whole new generation and way of life, however on the other hand the media has corrupted the minds of children and adolescents. N ot to mention its role in the massive loss of culture and tradition that dates back thousands of years ago. In the end has the media benefited society or corrupted it?
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