Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Internet Marketing Communication Strategies
The hypothesis of this journal article states that internet marketing communication strategies are targeting consumers personally rather than mass interaction with consumers. Online marketing communication was established more than a decade ago and there have been changes in the methods of communication between marketers and consumers.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet Marketing Communication Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Traditionally, marketers used mass online communication strategies when interacting with consumers. The scenario today is different since marketers are focusing on interacting personally with individual consumers. Social networking online channels are also being focused by marketers to interact with customers personally (Owen, n.d.). As competition increases in the global markets, marketers are seeking better strategies of communicating with consumers and improving product image. Technological advancements have been experienced in the recent past such that marketers can reach as many consumers as possible. However, there has been concern about effectiveness of online communication marketing strategies when using mass communication or individual interaction with consumers. With emergence of global markets competition has increased and online channels have been found to be very effective in reaching a large number of consumers. The use of online communication with consumers has been said to be on the increase and many organizations have used this strategy to improve their relationship with consumers. Personal interactions between marketers and consumers have reduced with establishment of online communication marketing and there is need to improve the link between the two parties. Marketers need to know specific needs of their consumers in order to deliver products in the best way possible. Personal communication with consumers provides a better understanding and improves consumer confidence. Consumers become loyal to marketers who are able to reach them personally instead of using mass communication strategies (Owen, n.d.). Internet communication channels are increasingly being invented and more systems are predicted to evolve in the future. Online communication infrastructures are developed at all levels to achieve competitive edge to marketers. For example, online communication marketing is being used at social, political, business and other levels. Changes in online marketing communication have been experienced at the political arena and there is a direct link between political success and personal online communication. Political candidates who use mass online communication have been found to fail in their attempts to carry out their campaigns (Owen, n.d.).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Integrated Mar keting Communication (IMC) has emerged such that marketers are focusing on different strategies of communicating with their consumers through online channels (Hartley, Pickton, 1999). Other emerging issues about online communication marketing are social networking web links. Marketers are focusing on social online websites to communicate with different consumer groups. Online marketing structures have also changed in that marketers are seeking social diffusion with consumers by communicating personally with consumers. Communication channels such as Facebook, YouTube and others are being widely used by marketers to promote their products to consumers (Owen, n.d.). The hypothesis has been accepted since the author has concluded by saying that new marketing strategies have been adopted where mass communication to consumers has changed to personal interaction with consumers. Integrated Marketing Communication has been identified as a very important strategy where marketers can interact with consumers by use of different communication systems. Online social networks have been found to improve communication between marketers and consumers. Marketers using direct interaction with their consumers have been found to be more effective than marketers using mass communication strategies. The author is of the opinion that marketers should focus on personal interaction with their consumers rather than adopting mass communication marketing strategy. References Hartley, B. Pickton, D, (1999). Integrated marketing communications requires a new way of thinking. Journal of Marketing Communications, 5, 97-106. Owen, Robert (n.d.). The structure of online marketing communication channels. Journal of Management and Marketing Research. Retrieved from; This research paper on Internet Marketing Communication Strategies was written and submitted by user Cuck00 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The eNotes Blog Protest in Literature Ten Powerful Samples of People andPersuasion
Protest in Literature Ten Powerful Samples of People andPersuasion For as long as there have been uprisings, writers have voiced the emotions and motivations of the oppressed. In acknowledgment of the ongoing struggles happening around the world, we offer these lines that have powerfully expressed those feelings and may even offer some encouragement. Image via Pinterest 1. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Men who have created new fruits in the world cannot create a system whereby their fruits may be eaten. And the failure hangs over the State like a great sorrow. and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. Image via Evening Star Books 2. Resistance, Rebellion, and Death: Essays by Albert Camus It is true that freedom, when it is made up principally of privileges, insults labor and separates it from culture. But freedom is not made up principally of privileges; it is made up especially of duties. And the moment each of us tries to give freedoms duties precedence over its privileges, freedom joins together labor and culture and sets in motion the only force that can effectively serve justice. The rule of our action, the secret of our resistance can be easily stated: everything that humiliates labor also humiliates the intelligence, and vice versa. And the revolutionary struggle, the centuries-old straining toward liberation can be defined first of all as a double and constant rejection of humiliation. Image via Ellina Raisovna 3. Les Misà ©rables by Victor Hugo So long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation which, in the midst of civilization, artificially creates a hell on earth, and complicates with human fatality a destiny that is divine; so long as the three problems of the century the degradation of man by the exploitation of his labour, the ruin of women by starvation and the atrophy of childhood by physical and spiritual night are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words and from a still broader point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, there should be a need for books such as this. Image via Abe Books 4. The Crisis by Thomas Paine These are the times that try mens souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious thetriumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Image via Penguin Random House 5. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, by Fredrick Douglas If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. 6. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Image via Cannon Press 7. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison I am an invisible man.I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. Image via Amazon 8. The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, His Work, and Ideas by Mahatma Gandhi When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of italways. Image via twicemodern 9. On Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence by Leo Tolstoy I sit on a mans back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible.except by getting off his back. Image via Goodreads 10. Public Power in the Age of Empire by Arundhati Roy Colorful demonstrations and weekend marches are vital but alone are not powerful enough to stop wars. Wars will be stopped only when soldiers refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load weapons onto ships and aircraft, when people boycott the economic outposts of Empire that are strung across the globe. (Featured Image by Jerry Kiesewetter on Unsplash)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in Essay
Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in open systems.Compare and account of this shared interest - Essay Example For example there are the so-called "time-based media" of film, performance, dance and theatre which demand a particular kind of investment from the viewer, both in concentration and in the amount of time that is needed to experience them. However, as one study showed, the average amount of time that a viewer spends in front of a painting is about four seconds. Can this brief exposure to the work of art be compared to, for example the four hours that it takes to view The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Also, different kinds of Art involve contrasting investments of time from the artist. Thus a painting is an essentially solitary creation that may take many hours, days or even months to complete - all for that four seconds viewing time. The artist in this case is distilling a particular experience of vision of the world into a picture that will only be seen for a few seconds. Paintings outside of museums will obviously be seen by their owners more often than this four seconds, but an image on wall becomes a part of their life, floating in and out of perception as the person goes about their life from day to day. Such a painting is constant work of art within the context of the viewer as compared to the temporary work found in the museum painting or even the longest film. One major question is whether the discrepancies of our experiences of time can be put down solely to the shortcomings of perception or whether it is the common, but incorrect, assumption that time is measurable that is the source of the confusion. Thomas Hirschhorn has been a leader in exploring the relationship between time, perception and space within the work of art. Within the group of artists called Grapus he was concerned with politics and culture, displaying what were essentially impromptu posters, paintings and collages on the streets using both the form and language of advertising. This was Art that was not tied to a particular place, and thus which did not demand to be "looked at" in the way that a traditional painting is. His early works could (and often were) seen by people who were just casually walking down the street, not expecting to indulge in the heightened expectations of Art. This was art as a commonplace part of the environment, designed to take it away from the rarefied atmosphere of the art gallery or museum. Leaving Grapus he moved to the hyper-saturated installations that he is known for today. These use a variety of common materials such as cardboard, duct tape, foil and plastic wrap. The use of common materials within art is hardly unique to Hirschhorn of course, but he manner in which he places his works of art outside of the gallery, making them site-specific implies a kind of double removal from the normal "time" and "place" of art. These works of art are thus open systems that are limited by neither time nor space. He has commented upon his work in the following manner: I do not want to invite or oblige viewers to become interactive with what I do; I do not want to activate the public. I want to give of myself to such a degree that viewers confronted with the work can take part and become involved, but not as actors. (Buchloh, 2004) He has also stated his
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reviewing for Les Miserables Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reviewing for Les Miserables - Movie Review Example e, listening to the basic songs of the main characters of the play is a profound understanding of the essence of the Parisian underworld, where dwellers are full of courage, dignity and bravery. The actions of these people from the underworld sound louder than words. This song reflects daily troubles of the poor. The singers are a foreman, workers, a girl and Fantine. They sing about their daily troubles and a secret of Fantine is revealed. She sends money to her illegally borne child and the workers are demanding her to be thrown away. The end of the day is a miserable time for poor and workers, because they think about coming death, overall hunger on the lands. They are thankful that they have an opportunity to work and to feed their children and a place to sleep. Fantine is afraid of revelation and her secret about her child becomes well-known to the rest of the workers. A girl is in a real despair and women start to fight until Valjean pacify them. Fantine tells to the women that she has a child, which lives with an innkeeper and his wife and she has to earn money and send it to her daughter. In this solo song a real despair of a woman can be heard. She wants to return back to happy times and she does not realize what happened wrong in her life and why life is so cruel with her. She dreams about another life, where men were kind and the world was an exciting song. Fantine dreams about everlasting love in a peaceful world. She dreams about returning her love though she understands that these dreams cannot come true. This song is a choral piece and the final song of Act 1. Every singer sings his own part before joining the chorus. Valjean follows the melody of "Who Am I?", Marius, Cosette and Éponine continue their song in the melody "I Dreamed a Dream". A key melody is slow and it can be heard that different characters of musical unite their voices to make the effect of the song even more tragic. We can hear different songs of the main characters and it is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Current Themes in Business Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Current Themes in Business - Dissertation Example Public relations is also another important aspect of social media for firms. Firms that are smart know how to use social media to make sure that they are able to create a positive public image that the customers can relate to. This is actually very important because as Ernest (2011) says, it will not matter whether a firm actively uses social media or, not, the firms will be affected by the issue, negative if it does not have a proper social media strategy in place.As has already been identified, social media can offer the firm with feedback from customers, whether positive or negative. Social media today is the best way for any firm to measure the temperature out there in the market and therefore know how to react to the issues in the market. The objective of this research is to identify the ways in which the social media is effective with regard to affecting business and to identify how business can use social media to advance their interest, serve their customers in a better way a nd inverse their profits. It will seek to identify the ways in which the modern business, big or small can benefit from the social media while at the same time, taming the negatives of the social media. In this regard, it will seek to identify both the opportunities and the threats that the social media platforms provide the modern business and then identify the ways in which the business can take advantage of those opportunities and at the same time neutralize the threats.
Friday, November 15, 2019
One Is Not Born A Woman
One Is Not Born A Woman A single, short expression that poses the central feminist question about sex difference is the following: Mamas baby, papas maybe. Biology has granted women a right to genetic parenthood that no man is privileged to share. However, this expression is subject to inversion in the text, The Color Purple, which I have chosen to discuss in the light of womanism rather than feminism because the former is more inclusive than the latter. Moreover, the traditional concept of man- woman relationship/ dependency physically and ideologically is put to severe blow by Monique Wittigs concept of lesbianism in her controversial yet most famous essay, One is not born a woman. This paper aims to show the bonding between Celie and Shug through the theories put forward by Wittig. The meaning of love, companionship and sexual pleasure finds an altered form in the chosen text and proves that woman does not need a man to complete her. Keywords: intertextuality, womanism, black identity PAPER Monique Wittig is a well-known French feminist writer. In 1992, The Straight Mind and Other Essays, a compilation of essays on a variety of feminist and lesbian issues, stormed the world with its declaration of lesbians as opposed to the category of woman. The result was a book of nine essays in which she outlines her position on such issues as the category of sex, the heterosexism inherent in language and the social contract. It cajoles one to think about ones natural assumptions about gender and sexuality. According to Wittigs preface, the first half of the collection is concerned with materialist lesbianism in which she describes heterosexuality not as an institution but as a political regime which rests on the submission and the appropriation of women (p. xiii). In One Is Not Born a Woman, one of the essays in the book that I have chosen to read, is an attempt to establish a link between women fighting for women as a class, against the idea of woman as an essentialist concept. Wittig being a contemporary proponent of feminist and gay/lesbian rights, takes constructionist viewpoints of the likes of Simone de Beauvoir, that One is not born a woman, but becomes a woman. No biological, psychological, or economic fate determines the figure that the human female presents in society: it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature, intermediate between male and eunuch, which is described as feminine. (p.1) The advantage of womanism as a theory is that it, unlike the feminist movement, brings to bear upon the woman question more than a white womans perspective in its effort at ridding the society of sexual inequality (Aldridge 127). Womanism also acknowledges the existence of the male counterpart, seeing him as an equal victim with the woman. However, it is pertinent to mention here that black women were victimized thrice in terms of racism, sexism, and economic exploitation though the womanists combat the question of racism first before the gender issue. The emphasis varies from female- empowerment to race-empowerment and Womens Liberation Movement to Black Freedom Movement (Aldridge 133, 135). Toni Cade in her 1970 anthology The Black Woman elaborates: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] Over the years, things have sort of been cooled out. But I have yet to hear a coolheaded analysis of just what any particular groups stand is on the question. Invariably, I hear from some dude that Black women must be supportive and patient so that Black men can regain their manhood. The notion of womanhood they argue and only if pressed to address themselves to the notion do they think of it or argue- is dependent on his defining his manhood (Cade). The categories of sex (woman and man) essentially appropriates that one having capacity to give birth (biologically) is a woman and that it is the only creative act that determines her existence and her identity proclaiming her naturalized slavery to man as master/ oppressor. Wittig defines woman in terms of her relationship with man which takes the form of a forced residence, domestic corvee, conjugal duties, unlimited production of children etc. This applies to Celie, the protagonist of Walkers The Color Purple who contents herself with a purposeless life and is oblivious of the orgasmic pleasure until she meets Shug Avery. Essentially the patriarchal society, as Wittig asserts, strengthens the form of oppression through imaginary formation of physical features. A black is perceived as a black, therefore, s/he is a black; similarly, a woman is perceived or seen as a woman, therefore she is a woman. However, it is not because she is born that way, but because she is made to be so. Walker swept the world with her crude yet realistic portrayal of strong women characters and equally repulsive men characters in her Pulitzer winning novel, The Color Purple. Her clarion call for Black Womanism had just begun. She could not accept the idea of the White feminism speaking for women of color because she correctly witnessed the alienation of the black experience and further marginalization of texts by black feminists in the mainstream academic tradition. Her ideology of womanism first appeared in her book In Search of Our Mothers Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983), in which she attributes the words origin to the black folk expression of mothers to female children, You acting womanish, i.e. like a woman à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ usually referring to outrageous, audacious, courageous, or willful behavior à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [A womanist is also] a woman who loves other women sexually and/or nonsexually appreciates and prefers womens culture, womens emotional flexibility (values tears as natural counterbalance of laughter), and womens strength. Sometimes loves individual men, sexually and/or non-sexually. Committed to survival and wholeness of entire people, male and female. Not a separatist, except periodically, for health. Traditionally universalistà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Loves music. Loves dance. Loves the moon. Loves the Spirit. Loves love and food and roundness. Loves struggle. Loves the Folk. Loves herself. Regardless. And Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender. (p. xi-xii) Feminism as a movement is exclusively for women and has as its agenda the repudiation of male hegemony. The meaning of female denotes the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes. Thus, biology can use the term female rather than girl and woman. Femininity, on the other hand, is a group of traits that have culturally become associated with women, but they do not make a woman. The patriarchy views woman as an incomplete man, the second sex, the other. But in refusing to become a woman does not imply that one adorns the role of a man since as Wittig puts it- For becoming a man would demand from a woman not only a mans external appearance but his consciousness as wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ one feature of lesbian oppression consists precisely of making women out of reach for us, since women belong to men. Thus a lesbian has to be something else, a not-woman, a not-man, a product of society, not a product of nature, for there is no nature in society. (p.4) She elaborates her argument further asserting that- The refusal to become (or to remain) heterosexual always meant to refuse to become a man or a woman, consciously or not. For a lesbian this goes further than the refusal of the role woman. It is the refusal of the economic, ideological, and political power of man. (p.4 ) The term gender was coined by Greek philosopher, Protagoras. Greek nouns were divided into three different classes which attributed its existence to a word meaning class or kind- masculine, feminine, and neuter (Cameron, p.89). The masculine, Jakob Grimm, a German philologist explained, means the earlier, larger, firmer, more inflexible, swift, active, mobile, productive; the feminine the later, smaller, smoother, the more still, suffering, receptive (Cameron, p.92). However, the category of woman is neither biological nor grammatical. It is a cultural construct. Womanism, on the other hand, considers the society as a collective whole and acknowledges the inter-linked fate of the black women with their men in the community. Rather than supporting separatism, Womanism promotes universalism. Womanism, like Black Feminism, provides a space for Black women and women of color to create dialogue in a non-dominative and a non-threatening environment. Womanism is not a new idea by any means; in fact there is evidence of its origins in the sacred texts of ancient Africa, especially the Husia of Egypt and the Odu Ifa of ancient Yorubaland. Concepts from the Husia such as the Divine inclusiveness of male and female principles, woman and man as the image of God and the concept of human customarily written with male and female characters in hieroglyphs indicate the belief that woman and man were equal by nature and divinely and must operate as such (Karenga 324). Wittig thus, busts the myth of woman (created by men) by questioning and agreeing to Beauvoir, that the concept of woman is wonderful, underlining women having the best of features is a judgment men have compartmentalized according to their own perception. To save one self being entrapped in such a purview is the aim of the lesbian- feminists who strive for a sexless society. In this light then the concerns of feminism too is subjected to scrutiny. Feminism contains the word femme meaning woman, fighting for women as a class or, the removal of this class. If it is so, then the movement took precedence from the acceptance of the notion that women shared common features as a result of oppression; But for them these features were natural and biological rather than social. Wittig takes upon her the daunting task of establishing the idea of lesbians as opposed to the class of woman/man in materialist terms. It does not imply that men as species should be led to extinction but to suppress men as a class through political struggle. Once this category of class disappears, says Wittig, the natural and historical division between man and woman too will vanish, for there are no slaves without masters. The political formation of class can be traced back to the ideology of Marxism which states individuals to be product of society, and that only their consciousness can be alienated not the individual herself/ himself until the class that dominates ceases to produce the ideas itself that alienates them from the class that they oppress. For instance in order to achieve a sexless society, the visible division between the bourgeois and the proletariat has to be removed first and then only can there be no-man and no-woman, but all humans society. As Wittig puts- This real necessity for everyone to exist as an individual, as well as a member of a class, is perhaps the first condition for the accomplishment of a revolution, without which there can be no real fight or transformation. But the opposite is also true; without class and class consciousness there are no real subjects, only alienated individuals.(p.10) Thus, lesbianism is the only concept that provides for a chance to create such a social form where humankind can live freely. Celies realization of herself as a woman capable of living independently without the necessity of a man in her life, springs from the unconditional love she receives from Shug Avery, another woman for The Color Purple establishes itself as a story of women by a woman. It moves away from the categories of woman and man because a lesbian is neither a man nor a woman, either economically, or politically, or ideologically. Here, Wittigs text offers some positive contributions to feminist and queer theory, in particular her deconstruction of the term woman and her focus on the power of language. As she clarifies- There is no possible fight for someone deprived of an identity, no internal motivation for fighting, since, although I can fight only with others, first I fight for myself. (p.7) In the The Color Purple the women are doubly marginalized, first as a black, seen as the other by the white, and, secondly, as a subordinate group by the men. Celie is so used to the oppression by the men around her that when her step- son Harpo complains of his wifes disobedience to him, she advises him to beat her: an alternative for her does not exist. Nettie, on the other hand, refuses to give in to the whims and fancies of the male order. She fights and carves an identity and life for her with her marriage to Samuel, a missionary. It is Shug Avery, a Blues singer, who reveals to Celie the value of independence and the assertion of a womans identity. Through the conversations and the relationship thus enforced between Shug and Celie, one can find clinching evidence of subversive textuality wherein the traditional text is undermined and hetereosexuality is challenged. The realization brings about a metamorphosis in Celie. She forgives the men in her life who viewed her as nothing more than a mule of the world. She emerges like the autobiographical Walker as a butterfly whose fiercely strong willpower makes the society and world at large celebrate her identity and individuality. As Toni Morrison maintains in Beloved, Definitions belong to the definers not the defined. Self naming and self defining is crucial. (Morrison 1987). So too, womanists like Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Patricia Hills Collins, Clenora Hudson- Weems assert authoritatively their political identity to the world, amidst the frequent conflation with the Black Feminists.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Interpretation Project
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him†(Lucas, New Kings James Version). Jesus shares Insight for humanity prior to HIS return, In efforts that mankind may be prepared to receive the Lord and not be deceived. If people use consideration when interpreting God's meaning and not personal interpretations, the true message can be revealed. According to Journey into God's Word, â€Å"We believe that the way to approach the Bible (I. E. , the way we listen to God) should match how God gives us the Bible (I. E. , chose to speaks' (Devalue & Hayes, 2008, p. 0). This short story ay be viewed as Jesus being Like a thief and coming at an unexpected time; discovered. Jesus provides all humanity with the necessary preparations for the end times. Jesus reveals His love and concern for humanity by revealing signs of the tribulation. â€Å"Nation will rise against nation†¦ There will be famines and earthquakes†¦ †(Ma tt. 24:7). These are given in efforts to bring awareness that until these pass, the end is not here. Jesus will be returning at an unknown day, hour, and season. His return is not even known to â€Å"†¦ Angels, nor the Son, only the Father†(Matt. 4:36). He includes warnings and precautions. Jesus warns against false teachings, and prophets that will arise and claim to be the messiah. Man is to be cautious that he is not lead astray by the â€Å"thief†that will come to deceive. Jesus uses the parable of the thief and the master of the house. If mankind knows when His return will be, man would most likely live in darkness until the time approached. Then deception would be avoided by waiting for the very day and hour of His return and many may not accept Him until the last minute and not spread the Gospel until the end times.As stories are mentioned, people read the parable regarding the fig tree and fleet on the prophecy spoken in Daniel; these are pieces of the a rmor of God to keep the â€Å"elect†from being deceived by the true deceiver. â€Å"So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation'†¦ †(Matt. 24:15,). People who know God will know this is the â€Å"thief†that has come to steal salvation. As many become like the parable of the fig tree, they become fruitless and the Word of God will have been spoken and not heard. This is when the time to watch that The Lord will be arriving soon after these things has been fulfilled.He then shares with us the story of Noah. This story is included to reveal the swiftness of His return. Any who have lived an ungodly life â€Å"as determined by the Son of Man†will be cast among the hypocrites (Matt. 24:51). Jesus desires humanity to accept the gift of salvation and live unto Him; only by adhering to these warnings can mankind be prepared for the Lord's return.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Benefits and Costs of Investing in China Essay
In terms of economic performance, China has been performing impressively compared to its neighbouring countries in Asia and can compete at par with top developed countries like United States and United Kingdom in terms of volume of trade and sources of competitive advantages. Likewise, due to its large population sixe and high disposable income of every Chinese household due to its impressive economic development for the past years, China offers great potential market to many multinational companies seeking for large number of customers. This will provide multinational companies high sales and profit from operating in China. Alongside with the influx of foreign direct investment in China, Chinese share of trade on their GDP continuous to increase every year as multinational firms increases the international trading transactions of China to the rest of the world. Furthermore, due to China’s large population, it has been able to offer cheaper laborers and large potential market which are both attractive to foreign investors leading to the improvement of their foreign direct investments for the past years since the late 1990’s. Without this component, it is impossible for China to attain its present state and achievements. Since 1999, the GDP growth rate of China has been performing impressively as foreign direct investments stabilized major economic indicators, specifically the trade balance and domestic consumption, which are vital in determining the overall performance of a given economy. This only suggests that China can offer high return on investments to investors in the next coming years as China’s GDP growth rate continuous to increase every year. Due to the effort of the Chinese government to attract more foreign investors into their market, it has been extensively supporting the development of its communication infrastructure by providing subsidies to telephone companies. This would soon boost the business activities all over the domestic market of China. Costs Compared to communication infrastructure, physical infrastructure of China seems to develop at a slower rate thereby could impede for the fast growth of foreign investments in China. Though the Chinese government is also on the process of improving their facilities in this area, but, overall it is still lower compared to the development of their communication facilities as mentioned above. On the communist government, one of the primary factors that scare foreign investors in putting their capitals in China due to rampant corruption and insufficient laws that would protect the interest of foreign investors.  Add to this the weak economic freedom, which could draw potential investors away of China if the situation continues to exist in the next coming years. Per capita GDP in urban areas are undeniably high but considering the conditions of those households from the rural areas, overall, per capita GDP of China is not in good condition as wealth distribution is still skewed towards to the households in the urban areas.  Another cost or disadvantage in the Chinese economy is the high inflation rate which has been one of the economic problems of China that it presently faces due to its fast-paced economic growth. This could pose either as beneficial or detrimental to foreign investors depending on the type of product they will sell in the Chinese market and the size of their operation in China. In terms of infrastructure, most of the major waterways of China are on the process of gradual formation as the Chinese government wants to utilize its waterways efficiently specially the river systems in the mainland. The Chinese government is still on the process of developing its roads and highways especially those roads that would connect different provinces to major cities. It would still take a few more years before this physical infrastructure will be fully developed. References: Bodde, Derk. Introduction. Chinese Thought, Society, and Science : The Intellectual and Social Background of Science and Technology in Pre-modern China. Honolulu University of Hawaii Press, 1991. pp 3-4. Qiang, Christine Zhen-Wei. China’s Information Revolution : Managing the Economic and Social Transformation. Herndon, VA, USA: World Bank, The, 2007. p 2.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should Parents Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children
Should Parents Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children Who is guilty when teens break the law? Should parents be blamed? Read to know who should be responsible for the crimes of teens. It’s no secret that teens break the law, thinking they’re basically invincible. They engage in underage drinking, vandalism, also possession, and under the influence, of drugs. But then some young people commit much bigger crimes – felonies such as breaking and entering into a house, grand theft auto, even murder, and rape. Children of all ages are capable of breaking the law, but it can be speculated that adolescents tend to break the law more. Unfortunately, teens in American engage in some pretty risky behavior in their middle and high school years. And unfortunately, these crimes have severe consequences that last a lifetime. While these minors are often thought of as children simply making mistakes, they are still rational, mostly reasonable human beings who knowing exactly what they are doing. So, therefore, their crimes should not make their parents responsible. Should Parents Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children? Could not, for one, be responsible for the crimes of their children, because any person of sound mind is a rational being. They know when they are committing a crime and doing something wrong. It has nothing to do with their parents – unless the parents are condoning, encouraging or taking part in the crime; then, and only then, should parents be held responsible for their children’s crimes. It is rarely the parent’s fault, even if they do teach their children right from wrong. Many people attempt to commit a crime because they think they can get away with it. The same goes for teens committing a crime: They do it, most of the time because they anticipate getting away with it. This is no reflection of one’s upbringing – only the way that person views right from wrong. Even if the children are diagnosed as mentally unsound, insane, crazy, manic-depressive, it’s still not the parent’s fault. SINGLE-PARENT CHILDREN BEHAVIOUR If someone’s child commits a crime and gets caught for it, a parent should not be held responsible for the child because it is the child committing the crime, not the adult. Some may argue how a child’s sense of right and wrong derives from the way their parents raised them – which is true; however, in the case of committing crimes, a child can still steal a pretty piece of jewelry from a friend even if they were taught as a child not to steal. This has nothing to do with the parent, only the child, or teen, committing the crime. If the child commits the crime, they should be at fault and charged appropriately. If one’s child commits the crime, unless the parent directly took part in the illegal activity associated with their child, the parent should without a doubt never be held responsible – not morally, emotionally or legally – for this crime. Parents Are Not Guilty! Unless the parent assisted in helping the child commit the crime –underage drinking drug usage, for example – the adult should never be held responsible for the child’s actions. If a kid gets in trouble, it’s easy to blame the parents, attribute the mishap to how they were raised, the kind of family they were born to. But that is what is wrong with this country: no one takes responsibility for their own actions, especially if they’re minors. It’s a major problem. This way, people become adults never being accountable for anything – they just blame it on someone else. This isn’t the way to go; all it does is condition someone that they are not going to face consequences when the do wrong. Why is that detrimental? Because a person gets a pretty rough reality check as an adult when they are faced with legal charges for committing a crime. At that point, their parents surely aren’t even in the picture. Only the child/teen sho uld get penalized for committing and crime. IS GUN CONTROL AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF REDUCING CRIME In conclusion, we all make mistakes, and many of us, even on accident, commit crimes (just look at how often people send friends or family members prescription pain-relieve medication. One word: felony). And when people committing crimes are caught, they get charged. The same goes for children, mostly adolescents. They generally know when they are doing something wrong, so they should always be held responsible for their actions – and not their parents. The same, of course, applies to teenagers: when they get caught committing a crime, their parents should never be held responsible unless the parents assisted in the crime. It’s time to hold young people responsible for their actions.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ryan Buckley Essays - Neuroscience, Sleep, Biology, Insomnia
Ryan Buckley Essays - Neuroscience, Sleep, Biology, Insomnia Ryan Buckley Eng. 105 9:40-11:10 11/28/17 Sleep Deprivation of the 21 st Century In a rapidly evolving American society, people are sleeping less and less. Yet, due in part to the economic strength of the pharmaceutical industry, they are often not receiving proper treatment. And the larger cultural forces at work, crucial for understanding 21st century sleep, are rarely considered to be a causal factor. Sleep is very complex. In fact, scientist do not even understand why our bodies really need sleep. What is known is that there are many different individual and social factors that are related to the amount people sleep, including age, homeostatic traits, anxiety and depression, medical conditions, alcohol and drugs, and . While sleep deprivation and insomnia are both related to insufficient sleep, they are two qu ite different things. Increased sleep deprivation, or sleep deficit, has sometimes been described as a symptom of the recent decrease in leisure time in American society. Working hours have increased during the second-half of the 20th century, along with sharp growth in American productivity and growth. A doubling of productivity could have translated into both higher incomes and decreased working hours, yet today employees rarely have a choice between getting paid in time or money. Instead, Americans, rel ative to the past, work more, earn more, and spend more. This focus on work and consumption over leisure time has brought an increased "time squeeze." While this is especially true for the average American woman, the time squeeze cuts across gender , social class, and marital status. Moreover, the recent growth of digital media and smartphones has dramatically raised productivity expectations and blurred the line between work and personal lif e. This decrease in free time and increased pace of life and stress has brought with it reduced sleep, with real consequences for physical and mental health, performance at work, and quality of life. For example, in the 1960s, the average amount of time A mericans spent sleeping was between 7 and 8.5 hours a night, while today 50% of the population averages under 7 hours, and, according to a 2008 survey, 1 out of 3 Americans say they get a good night's sleep only a few nights a month or less. Research sho ws that negative consequences of sleep deprivation include increased risk of physical problems such as diabetes, infection, and cardiovascular disease; excessive daytime sleepiness; microsleep episodes during waking hours; lapses in concentration, attentio n, memory, and judgment; reduced creativity and mental flexibility; increased irritability; and decreased motivation, interest, and initiative. Additionally, automobile driving skills suffer and several major accidents have been linked to sleep deprivation , underlining the seriousness of the issue as a public safety hazard. Insomnia, as opposed to sleep deprivation, is defined by the World Health Organization as a problem in falling and/or maintaining sleep. Severity is usually determined by the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and the duration of awakenings, as well as frequency and duration of sleep difficulties. Most people, at some point or another, experience acute insomnia in life; this is normal and must be distinguished from persistent insomn ia that lasts more than a month. Hyperarousal and hypervigilance around sleep are key factors in persistent insomnia. Several psychological and quality of life symptoms appear to be caused by insomnia. These include daytime fatigue and emotional dis turbances such as irritability, anxiety, depressed mood, and helplessness. Longitudinal studies suggest that persistent insomnia may be a risk factor for developing clinical depression. Somatic complaints such as gastrointestinal and respiratory problems, headaches, and non-specific aches and pains are also linked with insomnia. Interestingly, cognitive impairments resulting from insomnia, such as those in attention, concentration, and memory, appear to be more limited than those resulting from sleep depri vation.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Activities - Essay Example However, lack of eye contact might show a real disinterest which would make the person presenting or discussing change strategies to keep their attention. A person needs to know the differences between all of these verbal and non-verbal cues to create a strategy for effective conversation or presentation. Emotional intelligence is important because it helps a person understand their own feelings and also the feelings of others. This helps the group member keep self-control and not act on their negative emotions which can be a turn off from others in the group. It also shows others in the group that you have empathy for their needs and gives you a strategy to talk on their level to gain more interest and willingness to follow. Emotions create social connection. When a person wants to be a team leader, they cannot be explosive when angry or overly excited if they want a positive follower response. In reflection, I learned a great deal about my personality. I often dismiss the words of others when I feel strongly about a certain issue or activity. This is because I have a great deal of trust in my own decision-making and I often do not like to work in groups because of this. However, I learned that active listening actually provides more diversity of solutions or quality discussion when the group leader gives people opportunities to speak their minds. This will be beneficial because people like to share in decision-making and be recognized for their own talents and knowledge. I will remember to be an active listener when in a leader role so that I gain more commitment and better social relationships with a mutual and shared focus. The most important lesson learned was about emotional intelligence. Many people have their own sets of values and principles that are unique from others. These attitudes impact behavior, discussion and the amount of conflict that can arise in the group or team. It is important to understand that people
Friday, November 1, 2019
Discrimination in the work place. Workplace Safety Research Paper
Discrimination in the work place. Workplace Safety - Research Paper Example There are high numbers of employees who lose their lives while others become physically or mentally incapacitated by the kind of work they engage in. ( cited in work place safety ) This research focuses on area of discrimination of single women in the work place. The research begins on the hypothesis that ‘Single women are discriminated in the work place’. The research will be looking at different methods of data collection in order to establish whether the hypothesis is valid or null. The research will be looking at whether single women get promoted in their places of work as compared to their married counterparts, do they receive pay rises at the same rate as their married counterparts, does the work place treat them more harshly as compared to their married counterparts?, these are some of the questions that the hypothesis will be trying to answer. The Research Process The research process is divided into various processes that may at times overlap but largely work in dependent of each other. The research process will entail doing research in a number of work places specialised in different fields of profession. It will be a sampling process that will see us sample the population size to a sample size of only 15 single mothers. The process is as follows. 1. Defining the area of research specifically; our area of research will be conducted in eight major companies whereby we will be seeking to conduct a research on the single mothers in these companies. The four companies are ‘ABC Forex’, Savannah Coffee Lounge, Barclays Bank, Mayfair Casino, Deloitte, TNT, Securex, Westgate. All the eight areas have people specialised in different fields major companies whereby 2. Developing an overview of the area of study or what we intend to achieve. This is one of the most important parts of this research. In the research, we will be seeking to find out whether the single and married women in the work place face any kind of discrimination as comp ared to the male and married counterparts. Here we will be expecting answers either in the positive or in the negative with reasons to support these answers. 3. Determine methods of data collection. In our research various methods will be used. However, sampling will be the major method of research. The research method will be supplemented by other methods such as interviews, questionnaires, observation, focus groups, and mail surveys. This methods will be necessary in coming up with all the data required in a very efficient and effective manner. 4. Determining information requirements. This is where we have to make a choice on whether we may need to adopt and survey other reports on research done by others I this area of discrimination among single women in the workplace. 5. Organization of the information. This is where we will need to organize the information collected in the study. The information will have to be organized in a systematic manner in different sections each showin g how we have been conducting the process right from the beginning of the process to the ultimate end of it. 6. Analysis and evaluation of the information. This is where we will be analysing and giving critical inferences about our research process. We will be seeking to either support or dismiss the hypothesis based on our research. This is one crucial part as it forms the main reason as to why the research was conducted in the first place.(Research Methods) The Research Process As stated earlier, the research involved a study conducted among people working in different areas of specialisation. All the women involved were single some mothers, others widowed and others still had just cleared from school and had just begun working. The research was as
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