Friday, December 27, 2019
Why You Are Performing Heart Surgery Or Scanning Grocery...
Whether you are performing heart surgery or scanning grocery items for a living, you have a social location that pinpoints where you land on the social spectrum. A social location is the social position that an individual maintains within their society and is based on certain characteristics believed to be significant by American society. Income and position of employment is not the sole factor in determining a social location. These other factors include, but not limited to, education, job, gender, age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and of course the time period in which you are in. For me, I am a Hispanic 21-year-old male college student. This, along with my place in history, identifies my social location. The crux of a person’s existence in the political and social world can be expressed through social location. I have found where I land in the social world by realizing my social location and I wish to further improve that position. Power and privilege that a person can have access to and utilize is decided by the social location they have. If you are a 25-year-old African American woman then you are more likely to have less power and privilege than a Caucasian male of the same age. This is just one example of the many inequalities that exist in societies of the past and of today. Structural Functionalism is a paradigm based on the assumption that society is a unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures (Ferris and SteinShow MoreRelatedMarketing Principle Quiz20161 Words  | 81 Pagessuggest themâ€â€such as chili-pepper-laced chocolate candy. His only condition is that when he adds new products, his customers have the final say on whether the product is of any value. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Should Felons Be Restored The Right - 1735 Words
Although felons are a criminal who have committed a dangerous crime by rebelling against the law and have been punished by politics and government of the United States the right not to vote; as a result they were denied of voting right. However, taking away the right to vote is like appealing against the constitution of the fourteen amendments which state that every person have the right to be free from discrimination and to have the equal of the law. Therefore, felons should be given the right to vote when he or she bore an American citizen or naturalized as an American citizen; as a result no one should be denied the right from voting not when you are a citizen and have served their sentences. Felons should be restored the right to vote because the fourteen Amendment states all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. Therefore, no persons should be denied within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. However, restoring felons the right to vote will help improve the voting rate in America to increase. During the present election it claims that voting rate decrease because citizen did not vote when they are permitted the right to vote. Recent headline called Pew Research Center report claims that the voting rate got a decrease because citizen didn’t vote because he or she realizes their votes will not be checked. Second, they were busy with family issues at home, work/schoolShow MoreRelatedThe Argument For Voting Rights873 Words  | 4 Pagesand reintegration, ex-felons become part of a law-abiding society with the same privileges as others in the society, proponents for vo ting rights argue.†If they go through these things to become a part of society again, then why are they not allowed the right to vote? This must be an upsetting process for those felons that want to become a part of society again and actually care to make a difference. All that they want to do is to be granted one of the basic fundamental rights guaranteed to citizensRead MoreShould Convicted Felons Have The Right Of Vote?1291 Words  | 6 Pages Should convicted felons have the right to vote? How would you feel if one mistake caused one of your main rights as citizens to be taken away? Today, people who have paid their dues are denied their innate right to vote and to participate in decisions that governs their lives. Convicted felons who served their time have an innate right to vote and failure to allow ex-felons to vote has a disproportionate impact on my minority communities. Having the right to vote is a part ofRead More Convicted Felons Should Retain The Right to Vote Essay1613 Words  | 7 PagesIndividuals convicted of a felony should not lose their right to vote. The right to vote is a birth right for citizens born in this country. This right is taken for granted by many and is exercised by far too few. As the United States prepares for its 57th presidential election over five million of its citizens will be denied their right to participate in the electoral process. Why would such a large number of people be denied a constitutional right? They have been excluded from votingRead MoreThe Time Of Ancient Greeks And Romans1151 Words  | 5 Pagesdisenfranchisement for felons began throughout Europe and was referred to as the civil death. Disenfranchisement means to prevent from someone or an individual the right to vote do to their criminal history in the past with this happening in The United States it doesn’t give the opportunity of ex-felons to have input on any laws that being passed. For many centuries criminals lost he many rights including their right to enter into contracts, there right to own fire arms, the right to employment in certainRead MoreRestricting the Voting Rights of Felons1491 Words  | 6 Pageslike Hiser who are refused the right to vote. Republican state legislators continue to withhold this fundamental right of democracy from felons who have rejoined society as abiding citizens. Consequently, restricting the voting rights of felons has reflected a negative impact on society and civil rights as this partisan law; disproportionately affects minorities and men, while it also contradicts the fifteenth amendment, and limits the complete reintegration of felons in society; therefore the millionsRead MoreShould Felons Be Allowed to Vote? Essay794 Words  | 4 PagesShould Felons be Allowed to Vote? About 5.26 million people with a felony conviction are not allowed to vote in elections. Each state has its own laws on disenfranchisement. Nine states in America permanently restrict felons from voting while Vermont and Maine allow felons to vote while in prison. Proponents of felon re-enfranchisement believe felons who have paid their debt to society by completing their sentences should have all of their rights and privileges restored. They argue that effortsRead MoreFelons and Gun Control3277 Words  | 14 PagesCapstone Not All Convicted Felons Should Lose Their Right to Vote or Possess a Firearm Reed Flierl A felony is a conviction of a crime punishable in the United States by imprisonment of more than a year. Once you are convicted of a felony you lose certain rights, regardless of whether it’s a violent crime such as, murder, or if you were convicted of a non-violent crime such as, felony possession. The loss of certain citizenship rights, due to criminal activity, goes back asRead MoreEssay about Felon Disenfranchisement1043 Words  | 5 PagesThe root of Felon Disenfranchisement can be traced back to Greek and Roman laws. Where any person convicted of an infamous crime would lose his or her right to participate in polis. In Rome they would lose their right to participate in suffrage and to serve in the Roman legions. With the founding of the United States of America, the US Constitution gave the right to establish voting laws to the states. From 1776 - 1821 eleven states included felony disenfranchisement in their laws (Voter RegistrationRead MoreFelons Deserve Their Righ ts Back1298 Words  | 6 PagesFelons Deserve Their Rights Back Every individual deserves the right to vote despite color or gender even if they are a convicted felon. This country was founded off of freedom from declaring itself independent. Even though individuals have committed certain crimes they should at least have a way to earn their freedom back in some type of way. The first step in this process would be making it automatic in every state ,after the process of rehabilitation felons should have their rights reinstatedRead MoreA False Democracy : The Presidential Election1434 Words  | 6 Pagesconvicted felons’ votes are stolen by the government because of their criminal behavior. Each of the fifty states in the U.S. recognize numerous specific and confusing laws on whether or not felons deserve the right to vote after they complete their sentences, which leads to one fifth of all criminals losing their voting privileges once incarcerated. Despite the severity of disenfranchisement, the federal government has yet to release any national regulations clarifying this injustice. Felons should be
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Situational Analysis Business Performances Analysis
Question: Describe about the Report for Situational Analysis of Business Performances Analysis. Answer: Introduction Bottle Mart is one of the popular liquor companies of Australia; this organization has been delivering wine, spirit and beer etc throughout the nation for a long period of time. It was established in the year of 1977 and from that time the company has been able to make 700 distributors in different parts of Australia. In the year of 2010, the company was awarded for the best liquor service company (Evens, 2005). After having organizational report, it could be said that Bottle Mart has been following a beneficial CSR policy. The management donates a fix percentage of profit to the Cancer Treatment care. The paper is mainly describing the situational analysis of the respective company. Various techniques and issues have been highlighted in the paper like external analysis and internal analysis. Situational Analysis Situational analysis is one of the essential and important aspects for the business process. Each of the business organization does this thing for measuring the strength and opportunities of the respective business organization. It is the utmost duty of the managers to observe the situation of the business organization so that it can expand its services and opportunities. Situational analysis is comprised of multiple aspects and elements (Fine, 2009). If management of any organization wants to do situational analysis then they must have to focus on the external and internal factors of the business process. The overall paper is mainly focusing on the Bottle Mart Company of Australia. In a small overview, it could be said that Australian market is suitable for this type of beer and wine business. In this case situational analysis has been done for the respective company and through this process overall growth and environment of the business could be observed. External Analysis At the time of making situational analysis for any organization, external factors must have to be considered. External analysis is comprised of several elements which need to be focused by managers. Managers of Bottle-mart private limited also need to focus on these issues so that they can get sustainability in the market. Different aspects of external factors have been considered below, Industry analysis Bottle-Mart private limited belongs to the Liquor industry and it has been observed through analysis that wine market has huge opportunity and scopes in the Australia. Many small and medium organizations have gained benefits from this market. Bottle-Mart is one of the leading giants among them. It has been observed that liquor industry has been facing challenges since last five years. Rising health consciousness among people declined the overall alcohol consumption. In these inconveniences also, respective industry has a target to expand its profitability margin by delivering quality value. Mainly the industry is focusing on the premium value for the premium customers policy ( 2016). Liquor board of Australia has assumed that annual profit might be increased 3.3% in forthcoming financial years. Increasing the premium beverage demand of the customer can lead the revenue growth up to 3.1%. According to the management of Liquor board, this industry plays a vital role on the economic value of Australia. Market Analysis After studying different reports it could be said that liquor industry has huge prospect and value in the Australian market. Due to this reason, Bottle-Mart has been able to sustain in this market with good profit margin. Through the above mentioned graph revenue generation from different industry could be observed. From the figure it could be said that Catering service provides highest revenue to Australian economy. Second position is hold by Liquor industry. In the financial year of 2012-2013, this industry delivered around the 1.911 value. Through this analysis it could be said that Australian market is suitable for wine companies like Bottle-Mart. A nation wise comparison also has been made in this paper. From the above mentioned analysis it could be said that Australia is placed where people pay high amount of money in alcohol consumption. Through this evidence it could be said that Australian market is wide and beneficial for wine companies. Competitor analysis There are many other organizations present those have been dealing in liquor industry. Australian liquor market has influenced many investors to invest their money in the Liquor industry. According to the report these competitor organizations have huge strength and scopes in the liquor market. Some of the companies have mentioned below; Armadale cellars Just wines My cellars The Vine press These are the famous and popular wine merchants of Australia. Report stated that these organizations have been able to deliver premium service to the customers. On the basis of this it could be said that Bottlemart need to work hard for getting priority position in the market. Customer Analysis In Australia people love to consume alcohol for their relaxation or any other occasional purpose. Before doing situational analysis mangers must have to analyze the customer for getting the advantages. Customers of Australian wine market are very choosy about their preferences. The above picture is the evidence of that statement. From the picture it could be said that among beer, wine and spirits per capita beer consumption is high. For this reason management of Bottlemart must have to focus on beer selling. Macro environment analysis Political factors Economic factors Social factors Technological factors After having analysis it has been found that Australian government has enforced different beneficial rules and legislations for the liquor brands and industry. Through this observation it could be said that government supports this industry. Economically this business process is suitable for Australia. As discussed earlier the sector has taken second place for generating revenue for the nation. Tax rates and other norms have been implemented on the favour of this industry. Social values and elements must have to be judged for getting a suitable outcome in the business process. Australian people love to have these types of drinks. From the mentioned customer analysis graph overall understanding of the matter could be done very easily. At this present moment each business industry implements technological tools and techniques for the betterment of the process. Liquor industry also implemented different technological tools for providing safety and reducing hygienic quotients from the drinks. Internal Analysis Internal analysis of an organization also needs to be judged at the time of doing any kind of situational analysis. The paper is focusing on the organization Bottlemart. Different aspects of the organization have been mentioned below, Operational analysis Like other organizations, Bottlemart focuses on its operational activities in an efficient and appropriate manner. The organization has over 700 branches in different parts of Australia. The organization also follows a significant protocol for managing all the activities (Yates, 2008). Suppliers: significant suppliers are there for providing raw materials and other elements. Inventory: A significant inventory is also maintained where bottles are kept and packaged. Distributors: distributors have the duty to pick the product from inventory and send it to appropriate destinations. Retail heads: retails heads are there to satisfy customers by delivering service. Buyers: Buyers are the normal customers or any other small wine shops. Employees and staffs: dedicated and efficient people are hired by the management for handling all the operations. The organization also operates their business through online mode. People can visit in the website and check their products and services. Terms and conditions are there which must have to be followed by the visitors. Financial Analysis After having the overall analysis it could be said that respective organization is in suitable position in the market. The company has been running their services properly. The above picture showcases the financial growth of the respective organization Bottle-mart private limited. On the basis of forecasted value it could be said that the organization can reach the peak of success. Product analysis Prime products of Bottlemart are wine, spirit and beer. Different types of wines and beers are there in the shops. People love the products and services due to the variety and quality. The organization wants to focus on their current situation for making future plans. Through the above mentioned graph current situation of the Bottlemart products could be observed. Different products and their shares have been mentioned in the above picture. SWOT/TOWS To make sense of the future steps that is necessary for the organization bottle mart to succeed in the market and remain prosperous there is need for a SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis to be conducted (Fine, 2009). This will give the organization better insight into the ideas about how to plan for the future steps so that the company can overcome any difficulty in future. The TOWS matrix align the strength of the company with weaknesses and so forth to make the planning easier by pointing out where the strength of the company can be used to overcome the threats to the company. SWOT analysis This analysis outlines the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the company so the management can easily get an idea about the current condition of the company and its market positioning (Fine, 2009). Strengths: the main strength of the company is the reputation of the company and the company since starting in the 70s has grown rapidly and gained renown in all over the Australia. The company is well likes by the customer for their ambience of the bars, the quality of food and service, the hospitality towards the customers and most importantly the taste and quality of the premium brew of different varieties (, 2016). Weaknesses: the company has several weaknesses like their dependence on the alcoholic drinks and catering to customers of one category. They are more focused and the theme of their bars is similar which is not always hospitable for young people of age. Opportunities: there are several opportunities in the market that can be used by the company to ensure growth of the company which has been quite steady since the conception of the company in 1977. The companys marketing needs to change and their bars need to focus on the local populace and their needs to provide the environment at their shop so the majority of the customers feel at ease. Threats: the threat comes from the competitors who are locally popular but not part of any large chain. These bars provide the suitable environment for the local populace. The students and office goers definitely would not prefer the same environment as the older people out for a drink and some socializing. Therefore, the local threats are a barrier to the growth of the company (, 2016). TOWS analysis The TOWS analysis goes beyond the SWOT to provide development options be using the strengths to overcome the weaknesses and take the opportunities presented (Jackson, Reid and Croft, 1982). Weakness Strengths Threats The threats of the local Bars more suited to the need of the majority of the local populace are the threat for the company. This has to be overcome by the specialization based on the location of the shop. The bar is nationally awarded and has more than 700 members so their strength of resources is capable of overcoming the threats of the local bars by providing different environment in different locations across the country based on the local population. opportunities The dependence on alcoholic drink is a weakness that gives them the opportunity to make change to include more food items and non alcoholic drinks so the customers can enjoy the environment and thus raise the customer base of the company. The company has gained the popularity as one of the best liquor producers in the country so their position in the market as specialists is secure and they are free to explore other options without jeopardising their success. References Evens, T. (2005). Some Ontological Implications of Situational Analysis. Social Analysis, 49(3). HUANG, Z. and SU, Y. (2013). Network security situational assessment based on link performance analysis. Journal of Computer Applications, 33(11), pp.3224-3227. Nielsen, J. (2010). The Outburst: Climate Change, Gender Relations, and Situational Analysis. Social Analysis, 54(3). OZDEMIR, T. (2015). A Situational Analysis of Educational Supervision in the Turkish Educational System. EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 4(1-2), pp.56-70. Reproductive Morbidity in Rajasthan: A Situational Analysis. (2016). IJSR, 5(2), pp.801-803. Strauch, R. (1985). C2 situational training. Defense Analysis, 1(2), pp.139-141. Tinui, W. (2008). Situational Analysis of Leishmaniases Research in Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences, 13(1). White, R. (1984). R. W. Connell: Situational Analysis and Populist Strategies. Thesis Eleven, 9(1), pp.97-107. Wuehler, S., Hess, S. and Brown, K. (2011). Situational analysis of infant and young child nutrition activities in the Sahel - executive summary. Maternal Child Nutrition, 7, pp.1-5. Yates, P. (2008). Estimating Situational Effects on OPS. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 4(2). (2016).About Us | Bottle Shops Liquor Stores Australia-Wide | Bottlemart. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Fine, L. (2009).The SWOT analysis. [Place of publication not identified]: Kick It. Jackson, P., Reid, N. and Croft, C. (1982).SWOT. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Marketing Plan for All4Skills
Executive Summary All4Skills is a tax-exempt and non-profit making organization that provides the local community with sporting and life skill programs for youths. All4Skills offers its services to participants ranging from kindergarten, middle primary, and high school. Services provided include positive learning, life skills, and awareness programs for educating the youth on drugs and HIV/AIDS.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan for All4Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As an organization built on the fundamentals of growing an informed set of youth who will take the community to the next stage, we pride in unlocking the potentials of the young people. To carry out this task, All4Skills intends to place itself as a premier provider of affordable sports experiences and to make these experiences available for all youths. To meet its goals, All4Skills will design a series of strategic partner ships with both governmental and non-governmental organizations with similar aspirations. Fundraising activities are our core form of outsourcing funds to navigate through our set goals. To carry out this strategy, it shall set up a Fund Foundation (FF) and formidable fund management approaches. Since its start in 2008, All4Skills has made tremendous progress in many ways. Firstly, the number of participating youths rose by 75% from 2008 to realize 2000 actively involved youths. Secondly, school progress reports indicate that youths have improved their personality and behavior. The organization has put in place mechanisms to for quality and integrity of its programs. In evaluating the impact of the program, community surveys conducted show that school deviance in schools has much reduced. Additionally, literacy levels for both school going and non-schooled children have risen in the last two years of its service. Scholarship programs because of improved talent in sports, and general skills have been imperative steps in achieving progress. Currently, major challenges face All4Skills and future presents overwhelming tasks. These include the influence of alternative programs, lack of adequate volunteers, constrained educational and training resources, changes in property tax policies, and facility requirements. Although the challenges are inevitable, the management board, staff, and the volunteers continue to give quality experiences to the youth in an efficient way. Situation Analysis Youths need to get access to affordable programs that benefit them socially, mentally, and spiritually. In utilizing these services, youths can gain from attributes developed afterwards. Numerous studies reveal that youth involvement in active sports positively develops them physically and mentally. Engagement in active physical activities cushions a person against diseases such as obesity and hypertension.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Many studies show a significant correlation between physical fitness and reduced juvenile crimes, drug use among other defiant behaviors. Research is abundant with evidence that investment in the lives of children in a constructive way reduces the social and law administration costs. This significant evidence continues to prove the importance our activities. Market Summary U4sillks offers relevant social and team experiences to community youths in private, public, and home-schools. The experiences provide quality recreation and improvement of sporting skills, health and fitness. Furthermore, we offer programs that develop teamwork, fair play, and leadership. One of the intangible benefits accessible to its participants is gaining self-confidence and esteem (Godwin, 1998). Marketing Strategy All4Skills focuses on three basic areas in achieving success with the available resources to our program. All4Skills provi des an equal opportunity for all youth to take part in the program. U4Skills provides a value-oriented and safe atmosphere in which the participating youths gain skills in sportsmanship, teamwork, and interactive life skills. A wide variety of sports experiences to develop personal confidence and self-esteem. Strategies employed to achieve our goals include program expansion through market penetration and diversification. Program expansion through market penetration The first tactic shall involve conducting aggressive school campaigns within the target area with an intention to increase the number of users benefiting from the program (Godwin, 1998). This strategy shall increase the cash reserves and assist to improve the quality. The second tactic will involve the following action plans: All4Skills shall conduct presentations in various schools to create awareness with an aim to mobilize their participation. Facilitating sports activities by awarding talented youths. Special nee ds partial sponsorship program with support from donor funds. Diversification Strategies involved will target both current and future programs to meet organizational goals. Additionally, new users shall enroll in the process to widen our target portfolio. Future programs actions adopted by All4Skills include the following:Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan for All4Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All4Skills shall change the existing programs to improve its quality provision to participants. All4Skills shall strategically design programs with an aim of expanding the target as well as program portfolio. increase the number of persons who benefit from the services. dropping programs that are non-beneficial Strategy planning Matrix The organization will use matrix below to formulate its strategies. Derivation of the programs depends on the target populations, risk level, and costs. Cu rrent /Existing program Future program Existing Users Expanding programs to the current or same users Providing better quality services interventions through program improvement. New Users Availing benefits to new users New forms of interventions to new users Some of the growth strategies that the organization intends to use shall include market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification (Kotler Andreasen, 2003). Partnership with other organizations is fundamental in achieving our strategic goals. Generation of strategies will follow immediately after the choice of decisions. Cost-Benefit Analysis It is a technique used to decide which alternatives are likely to yield the greatest returns on more funds investment. It is also known as cost effectiveness analysis to set up the investment activities or programs which when undertaken, would give the most service outcome (Kotler Andreasen, 2003). The program strategic growth shall expend its reserv es to give quality services and later yield more fees. The program prospects to cost the organization about $100,000 from its activities for the next one year. Cost elements relevant to this spending are from the strategic activities mentioned earlier. This process would in turn benefit our organization through extra fees to the tune of $65,000. We project that our partnerships and linkages with the external organizations and donor will generate about $105,000. The net expected benefits for the coming year are $70,000. However, the organization shall gain many non-quantifiable benefits, which include the following: increased satisfaction of its participants improved organizational or corporate reputation gained from its activities. increased participants’ self-worth and esteem Increased social competence and life skills Increased awareness of the community Increased service portfolio Forecasting for All4Skills It is a technique used for estimating future elements of a busin ess or operations. It is an important process since it gives a representative picture of how future operations of an organization to allow preliminary planning (Kotler Andreasen, 2003). All4Skills expect a hopeful future and it shall use forecasting techniques to gain insight of its future development. The success of any operation or organization depends on how efficient its management can forecast its future and design relevant strategies to discuss the likely future scenarios (McDonald Wilson, 2011).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this process, the organization shall make good use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to forecasting. Qualitative approaches are methods used by experts to generate forecasts especially where no historical data is present (Luther, 2011). Additionally, changes in conditions affecting business operations may give such historical data obsolete and irrelevant in making future forecasts. Under this group, All4Skills shall use the approach of scenario writing as a qualitative method. On the other hand, quantitative methods are useful in establishing future elements of a business based on analysis of historical data. Scenario Writing The forecaster begins from a set of assumptions to develop realistic situations in this method. The process will benefit from a derivation of organizational scenario based on a given set of conditions (McLeish, 2010). In this process, the forecaster shall encounter many scenarios from which decision makers will select the most likely that appli es to its operations. Time series using projection of trend The technique relies on the underlying long-term patterns of observations to arrive at future values. The growth in the number of participants is a critical element that measures the progress of All4Skills since its aim is to grow a large set of skilled youth within its area of operation. Historical data show the trend in growth over time. Based on this trend, the organization can figure with some degree of certainty how the picture would be in the future (Allison Kaye, 2005) and (McDonald Wilson, 2011). Conclusion All4Skills focuses on bettering the lives of youths through training in sportsmanship, life skills, leadership, and co-operation. The program has succeeded in many ways since 2008, and records show growth of 75% in membership. The organization attributes these successes to its strategic partnerships, highly skilled staff, government support, and community involvement. Development of youths through nurturing of talent remains the driving force of our organization. Community surveys have shown that the All4Skills has positively influenced the lives of many youths both directly and indirectly. Participating youths who have remained actively involved to the program have shown positive development in respect of self-confidence, esteem and talent growth. Behavior change among these youths is clear from progress reports maintained from foster schools attended by these youths. The organization anticipates delivering quality service for participants and diversification into many related programs, to help its target population wholesomely. Our target is to improve our service delivery and increase the number of participating youths for the next activity year. Additionally, we project to expand our service portfolio through extensive marketing with an aim of increasing fees. Our core emphasis is to differentiate our services from the rest of the market players and creating appropriate public relatio ns programs. The organization uses the cost benefit analysis to measure the real outcome against the expenses. The analysis evaluates both quantifiable and non-quantifiable benefits to both the organization and the youths. Therefore, application of quantitative and qualitative techniques assists in forecasting of the future progress. References Allison, M. J., Kaye, J. (2005). Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: a practical guide and workbook. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Godwin, T. M. (1998). Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs. New York, NY: DIANE Publishing. Kotler, P., Andreasen, A. R. (2003). Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations. New York, NY: Prentice Hall. Luther, M. W. (2011). The Marketing Plan: How to Prepare and Implement It. New York, NY: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. McDonald, M., Wilson, H. (2011). Marketing Plans: How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Mc Leish, B. J. (2010). Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations: Winning in the Age of the Elusive Donor. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. This term paper on Marketing Plan for All4Skills was written and submitted by user Marshall Phelps to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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