Monday, May 25, 2020
How Hurricanes Form in the Sahara Desert
In the United States, the eastern and Gulf coasts are in danger of being slammed by hurricanes from June through November because the waters in the North Atlantic Ocean are typically at their warmest while the Sahara is at its hottest during the same time period. A hurricane is a complex weather system that can be simply explained as a funnel of warm, wet air. It is a non-frontal system whose air has a distinct circular flow. One starts forming for the United States when hot air over the Sahara is released into the North Atlantic. The Sahara The Sahara, whose land mass is almost that of the continental United States, is the largest â€Å"hot†desert in the world. It is also the second largest desert overall and covers 10 percent of the African continent. (Antarctica is the largest desert in the world and is classified as a â€Å"cold†desert.) In the Sahara, the day-night-day temperatures can swing 30 degrees in a few hours. Great swirling winds over the Sahara carry sand over the Mediterranean, bringing storms into England, and drop sand on the beaches of eastern Florida. The Sahara-Hurricane Connection The temperatures of the land mass of western North Africa grows hot, and the air over this area rises to create the African easterly jet. A column of hot air swirls upward three miles and spreads as it races to the continents west coast, where it dips toward the ocean. The air picks up moisture from the warm water and continues its race westward. The flow of the ocean and the spin of Earth combined with the dry winds of the desert and the warm, moist air off the Atlantic horse latitudes make this desert-born weather grow. As a weather system travels across the Atlantic, it spins and flies over the water and can grow in intensity as it picks up moisture, especially when it arrives in the area of Central America and the warm Eastern Pacific waters. Tropical Storms vs. Hurricanes When wind speeds in the weather system are less than 39 miles per hour, it is classified as a tropical depression. At 39 to 73 miles per hour, it is a tropical storm, if its winds are rotating. This is the point where the World Meteorological Association gives the storm a name, on a predetermined schedule that refreshes names every six years, alternating male and female names in alphabetical order. Next up the storm intensity scale after tropical storms are hurricanes. The lowest category of hurricanes happens at 74 miles per hour, category 1. Sometimes tropical storms and hurricanes spend their life out over the open ocean, never reaching landfall. When they do hit land, tropical storms and hurricanes can do great damage through spawning thunderstorms that cause flooding and tornadoes. When a hurricane was big enough to cause a lot of damage, then the name is retired and a new name replaces it on the list. Contributed by Associate Writer Sharon Tomlinson
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Objective Of This Project Is To Find An End User...
The Objective of this project is to find an End User Experience Tool (EUX) to monitor our client’s devices to better diagnose current issues and prevent future ones. There were many instances where our executives were out of town and their devices stopped working and there weren’t any tools to prevent something like this to happen before hand or diagnose the reasons. With a EUX tool, we will be able to monitor and diagnose any occurrences, track, and report any trend issues and prevent issues like this from happening as often. Phase 1 – Planning On the initial phase, all planning will be assed. Time, budget, and project implementation will be discussed and accordingly planned for the entire project. Major milestones will be documented†¦show more content†¦The pilot machines will be monitored and worked for a few days until we feel comfortable and assured we are familiar with the program and it is working properly as we planned and expected. Phase 4 – Deployment Deployment will start once all testing if finalized. A deploy package will be built by the team and all deploy systems will be gathered ahead of time to be included in the package. The installation will be a silent install, client will be pushed to the select devices with no interference to the users. Once deployment is completed, a report will be generated by the program with the completion and failure status. Phase 5 – Final Presentation and Closing After all reporting comes back positive, software is up and running, reporting, and executing as is supposed to, a final meeting presentation will take place to give a final report status and close the project process. A meeting with stakeholders will be scheduled, a final presentation will give them a project status, execution, results, and completion. A 99.9% ration acceptance will be needed to finalize and complete the project. Once that is completed, all documents, steps, logs, and processes will be archived for future use and auditing purposes. Project will be closed once all these tasks are performed and the final and next phase will take place. Phase 6 – Go Live Once project is appropriately approved and closed, the system will go live and system reporting will begin HardwareShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of The Instructional Solution1589 Words  | 7 PagesEDTC 6332: Practicum in Educational Technology Brad Lampton Lessons Learned Overview of Practicum Project Creating this training project really was a great lesson learned for me. The steps that I took to create my capstone project was to first design, delivery, and evaluation of an instructional package. 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It is built on an advanced in-memory platform, SAP HANA, and offers a personalized, consumer-grade user experience with SAP Fiori. Deployable in the cloud or on premise, SAP S/4HANA can drive instant value across all lines of business. ( SAP S/4 HANA signals a move away from the transactional system that merely records data towards giving end users active decision support in real time that is based on data from both internal and external sources. The history of digitalRead MoreQuantitative Analysis : Project Management1505 Words  | 7 Pages Project Management Anthony Redhead Grantham University Quantitative Analysis (BA 520) Introduction Project management is known as a discipline of carefully projecting or planning, organizing, motivating and controlling resources to achieve goals and meet specific success criteria. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
The Second Amendment Regarding Prisoners - 1946 Words
1 Fourth Amendment regarding Prisoners Jeury Nunez Reyes John Jay College of Criminal Justice May 18nd, 2016 2 Abstract Today our world is filled with criminals. These criminals commit their crimes, and then get caught by law enforcement agencies. They get detained, processed, and see a judge. â€Å"Guilty! I sentence you to prison for x amount of years†. After a judge says that phrase to an offender, at that very moment you end up having limited rights. After one is convicted of a crime/ offense, one’s constitutional rights are taken away. One of the most controversial amendments that aren’t applied to prisoners is the fourth Amendment of the U.S. constitution.The fourth amendment to the United States†¦show more content†¦Just like there is a side that supports the fact that there rights are limited, there is always and opposite side to an issue.The fourth amendment is one of the most controversial amendments where there is always an uprising conflict surrounding it. There have significant cases that have had an impact on how the correctional system imposes the fourth a mendment in jails and prisons. Hudson v Palmer is a famous Supreme Court case where a prison guard conducted a pat down on Russel Thomas Palmer at an inmate state penitentiary. Palmer has expressed that the officer had conducted the search and seizure as harassment towards him and that there wasn’t an intended reason to be searched at all. It could’ve been true, since correction officers since they have the power and the authority, they do as pleased. Palmer’s attorney claimed that because searches and seizures to harass are unreasonable, a prisoner has reasonable expectation of privacy not to have his cell, locker, personal effects, person invaded for such a purpose.†He then added that a shakedown search (such as was administered by Hudson) was an intentional and unreasonable action by a state officer. Palmer asserted that the officer didn’t have a valuable reason to search his cell and also that he issued a false charge of destroying prison prope rty.Citing findings of the U.S. court of appeals, Palmer s attorney argued that because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultural Analysis Cultural Baggage - 1957 Words
Cultural baggage is when a person’s own behaviors or beliefs can hinder or interfere with someone else culture without them knowing it. An example is when I had an Amish patient and Amish women let the men do the talking and I would always try and talk to her forgetting about their culture because it was different than mine. Ethnocentrism is judging other cultures based on one own cultures and standards because people think there culture is better than other people’s culture. An example of this would be America. Even though we are a melting pot of many different cultures and standard’s, many Americans think that the standard of our health care and how we live are better than how other’s live in different countries . Cultural†¦show more content†¦I educated the patient on the effects of having uncontrolled blood pressure and diabetes and provided nutrient education but I had to also respect her culture also. Cultural self-assessment is a reflection on a nurse own idea’s, values and attitudes and how they were formed on the nurses journey. Nurse find their strength and there weakness along the path and they may change as the nurse grows in self-discovery through experience and furthering education. I grew up in a small country town and when I moved to a large hospital I found out that one of my weaknesses is that I do not have that much experience with foreign patients. I have never had a Russian speaking patient and I had no idea what kind of cultural things I would see like the patient wanted sausage, potatoes and rolls for breakfast with oatmeal and it was such a shock that this patient could eat so much for breakfast even though she was her for abdominal pain and she should have been on a clear diet but because of her culture that’s what she at every day for breakfast back in Russia. I think that it’s important the health care professionals keep learning andShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis of Cultural Baggage Essay599 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Jenny Stout Professor Bowers English 1102 5 September 2014 Rhetorical Analysis In Barbara Ehrenreich’s Cultural baggage, the topic of ethnic heritage is discussed as the author is responding to an acquaintance asking her what her ethnic background is. Ehrenreich finds her purpose for writing her essay in making readers aware that no ethnic background is in fact a background. She takes on a not so common viewpoint of herself as most people pride themselves in where they came from and the traditionsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie American History X 858 Words  | 4 PagesDerrick did to land himself in jail, what their family went through as they both delved into the Neo-Nazi world and what they both participated in as part of this gang. 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Darwin s Theory Of Descent - 927 Words
Darwin’s theory of descent with modification brought about a new revolution in scientific thought. He developed this theory independently after his around the world voyage aboard the Beagle observing the flora and fauna of various parts of the world (Bowler, 2009, p.149). Darwin could not have developed his theory without working on novel concepts derived from his own observation or, equally so, from learning of the concepts of other prominent scientists of his time. Before Darwin went on his voyage aboard the Beagle, he, like many others, was captivated by the accounts of Alexander Von Humboldt’s journey to South America. Humboldt was a natural romantic who was captivated by the beauty and complexity of nature and the stories of his fantastical journey instilled those same beliefs into a young Charles Darwin (Bowler, 2009, p.120). It was Humboldt’s tales that made Darwin want to go on his own journey to faraway lands and join Fitzroy on the Beagle (Bowler, 2009, p.149). On Darwin’s exhibition, he brought with him Principles of Geography by Charles Lyell which discussed the idea of uniformitarianism (Bowler, 2009, p.150). This idea is in regards to how geography has been shaped relying on the concept of slow mechanisms of change. These mechanisms are the same mechanisms we see at work today and they have been working at a uniform rate throughout history. Darwin came to accept this theory after witnessing how an earthquake raised a coastline in Chile, coming to theShow MoreRelatedDarwin s Theory Of Biological Evolution1347 Words  | 6 Pages(Campbell, 1993). However, a lot of things can change over a period of time. The â€Å"Father of Evolution†who is known as Charles Darwin, developed the theory of biological evolution. This theory has long been debated during and after darwin s time. Biological evolution can be seen through a momentous change in organisms by changing of the genetic composition. Darwin’s theory did not only create a topic of controversy, but it was able to create a way of understanding life through biological evolutionRead MoreDarwin s Theory On Evolution1018 Words  | 5 PagesDarwin’s theory on Evolution Evolution is the belief that all living forms including humans came from ancient ancestors. Evolution is what makes life possible. It allows organisms to adapt to the environment as it changes. In Biology, theory of evolution does not tell us how life began on earth, but it helps us understand how life came into existence, diversified in many forms on earth, and fossil records. Scientists have many theories on evolution. One of the theories suggests all the healthyRead MoreCreation : God Vs. Nature1191 Words  | 5 Pagesthe creation of humanity in the Garden of Eden and the creation of all the animals was an instantaneous event of God s creation rather than a gradual process. But it seems inevitable that eventually someone would question the explanation of God for why humans, plants, and animals exist the way they do. The work of Darwin and Wallace introduced the idea of the evolutionary theory, which changed the boundaries between humans and nature by driving people to call in to question one of the fundamentalRead MoreInherit The Wind, By Charles Darwin1585 Words  | 7 Pagesinformation, could it not be concluded that all living things are, to some degree, related? Yes. To further explain, evolution is a theory that states that organisms have diversified or in other words, have changed into a more complex living thing. In the book Inherit The Wind, the townsfolk of the play disagree heavily with the theory of evolution. Common ancestry is the theory that states that all living things share a common ancestor or common descendent, which then ties into evolution. Speciation, bothRead MoreThe Question Questions On Evolutionists1397 Words  | 6 Pagesthe eye and the mousetrap. (Websites can be seen at the end of the document). When we think of descent with modification, it is essential to point out that it is tightly connected to the concept of common ancestry. In other words, both concepts help us explain the other concept of the overlapping phenomenon of natural selection. Hence, natural selection- the driving agent of evolution as specified by Darwin in his book in 1871- is directly influenced by these other components previously mentioned.Read MoreCharles Darwin, A Scientist And Natural Observer Of The World1287 Words  | 6 Pagesof the world published a book named The Descent of Man, despite it contradicting the widely held religious beliefs of the time. Charles Darwin, the naturalist famous for his contributions to evolutionary theory, applies his own theories of evolution to humans in his book, The Descent of Man, and explains that the common cognitive characteristics which define humans as unique have â€Å" fundamental difference between man and the higher mammals†(34). Darwin is able to push this point forward by hypothesisingRead MoreCharles Darwins Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection Essay1027 Words  | 5 Pages Darwin is considered by other people as the creator of Evolution. Darwin was not the only man to arrive at the theory of evolution. Darwin came to his theory of evolution at the same time as an another man who goes by the name of Alfred Russell Wallace came to the same conclusion. Wallace being relatively unknown was not respected for having the same conclusion because the fact that people were so apt to listen to the theory’s of Charles Darwin. After time Darwin published a book On the OriginRead MoreDr. Charles. Darwin s Theory Of Evolution1714 Words  | 7 PagesCharles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist. He is best known for his contributions to the theory of evolution. He stated that all species have descended over time from common ancestors. With his joint publication with Alfred Russell Wallace he introduced the process called natural selection. Darwin published his theory of evolution in 1859 with a book, On the Origin of Species; many people rejected his idea of natural selection and his theory of evolution. By the 1870’s the scientificRead MoreThe Evolution of Evolution1188 Words  | 5 Pagesa time before the world did not know the theory of evolution and the theories demonstrated by Sir Charles Darwin. Before the evolution, there were people who were subjected to religious ideologies of how mankind was created, they believed that the upper class was known to be â€Å"divine creatures†. However, the introduction of evolution leads the theory to be the base of biology and changes the minds of people all over the world. Firstly, before the theory of evolution, there was the idea of humansRead MoreCharles Darwin s Theory Of Biblical Creation1028 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1831 Charles Darwin graduated from Cambridge, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, yet Darwin was far more interested in geology and biology. Taking a drastic turn in his studies, Darwin became fascinated in the scientific findings of geologist Adam Sedgwick and the naturalist John Henslow. Prior to the expedition, Darwin, along with his mentors rejected biological evolution. Darwin s mentor, Henslow, was able to secure a spot for Darwin on the H.M.S Beagle. This expedition was a 5 year journey, which
Employee’s Attitude And Management Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Employees Attitude And Management. Answer: Introduction Organizational behavior gives emphasis on the behavior of the people when they interact with the groups. The organization gives focus on this, so that the goals and objectives can be easily attained. Organizational behavior is an effective approach which is implemented on the workers who are working in the organization. In this report the main concentration is given on the employees attitude and management. The discussion is also made on job satisfaction and organizational commitment by the employees. Impact of attitude which is based on work by considering the behavior Attitude gives emphasis on the behavior pattern of the workers or employees. If it is said that the attitude of a person is based on the behavior then it is considered as a wrong statement. Attitude is taken into consideration as a belief and feelings of a person towards the situation. The person faces many problems in various situations. If we take into consideration the example that the person wants to implement decentralization in the organization but for this the permission is required from the top level management. It is analyzed that the behavior can be changed with the change in situation (Shooshtarian, Ameli and Aminilari, 2013). Attitude is increased by the behavior of the person. If the workers behave in positive way, then they will attain the outcome in a positive manner. Positive behavior attracts more good things towards the person. Attitude is also helpful to convince other person. If you are indulge in selling a product, and then if you have a good attitude then you can induce the person to buy a product. Attitude also helps to decide the things in effective manner. If a person carries a positive behavior then it can be easy for him or her to decide about things in correct way (Farooq, Payaud, Merunka and Valette-Florence, 2014). There are many situations in which the motivation level of other person is enhanced in proper manner, by seeing the work of the person. The work can also be completed easily, if the person carries a positive attitude. Mostly it is analyzed in the organization that people have the feeling of competition between them, so they try to demotivate other people who are in the organiz ation. There are many situations in which the people who have negative behavior change themselves and carry a positive attitude. If one employee behaves in negative manner and from inside he has a positive attitude towards other people, then it can be seen that the attitude do not impact on the behavior of the person (Zohar, 2014). Need of Attitude for an individual Attitude is considered as an essential part which is required to attain the success for an individual. The attitudes are named as a negative attitude and positive attitude. The positive attitude gives enhances the level of motivation and helps the employees or the workers to give their best towards the work. By this the company can easily attain the goals and objectives of the organization (Jehanzeb, Rasheed, and Rasheed, 2013). Negative attitude spoils the surroundings and create conflicts between the individuals. It is very important for a person to carry a positive attitude, so that the goals and objectives of the organization can be attained properly. If a person carries a positive attitude at the workplace, then it is motivating other people and also it helps to attain the objective in effective manner (Togna, 2014). Employees who have appositive attitude are considered the most and good individuals of the organization. If the person behaves in a positive way then the direct imp act will be seen on the working pattern. The working pattern is enhanced efficiently. If the managers have a positive attitude, then the employees will be happy and also give their best towards the work. The problems of the employees or the workers can be solved efficiently. Attitude is changed from person to person and also by position to position. It is very essential for every person to carry a positive attitude with themselves. It will help to attain the success in easy manner. If a person is on the higher position then it is important to have a positive attitude, then only he or she will motivate their subordinates. If the manager has a positive attitude then it can lead to success of the organization and also help to enhance the level of motivation of the employees working in the organization. For the growth of the company, it is required to carry a positive attitude (Bhalerao and Kumar, 2016). Job satisfaction or Organizational Commitment If the candidate is satisfied with the job, then the outcome will be in a positive way. Positive attitude help the organization and the employees to attain the goals and objectives of the company. If the workers are dedicated towards their work, then it can be easily analyzed that they are satisfied with the job. Job satisfaction refers to the level of satisfaction which employees have for their work. It is very essential that the candidate should be motivated towards the working pattern. If the worker working in the organization are not satisfies then it is very difficult for the organization to attain the goals and objectives in proper way. Dissatisfaction is occurred from the negative attitude. If person possess negative, then it can be seen that they are not satisfied with the working pattern (Eren and Hisar, 2016). Organizational commitment gives emphasis to involve the workers in the organization. If the employee is satisfied with the company, then he or she will be dedicated and work efficiently to complete their goals and objectives. The organizational commitment is enhanced if person is satisfied with the working pattern of the company. The characteristics that describe the organizational commitment are: Affective, Continuance and normative commitment (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013). Affective commitment is concerned with the psychological concept of the person. Another is Continuance commitment in which the connection is with the cost that is taken into consideration at the time of leaving the company. The last is concerned with normative commitment in which the obligation gives direct impact on the nature and on the company. Job satisfaction is concerned with as an important skill that discloses all the skills that an individual possess. If the employee is not satisfied with the job, th en an individual will not be committed towards the company. So motivation is also an important aspect to enhance the organizational commitment and level of satisfaction of the employees (Canrinus, Helms-Lorenz, Beijaard, Buitink, and Hofman, 2012). Duty of the manager to enhance the commitment level It is analyzed that the obligation and the satisfaction of the company is connected with each other. It is seen that now a days the technology is so updated, that half of the workload is minimized. The technology is also important but human resources play a great role in conducting the day to day activities. Technology helps to save time but the work done by the individual is not replaced. If the company motivate the employees to work in proper way, then it can be easy to attain the goals and objectives of the organization in effective manner. The manager should use motivational theory so that the work can be done in easy way (Lamba and Choudhary, 2013). If the manager takes into consideration the theories, then the productivity of the employee can be enhanced. If the employees have the confidence of conducting the activities in proper way, then it can be easy to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization. The managers should offer the incentives to the employees so that the work can be conducted effectively. The morale of employee is boosted when the goals and objectives of the organization are attained. It helps the managers to accomplish their targets properly (Brunetto, Teo, Shacklock and Farr?Wharton, 2012). The manager should see that the employees who are working in the organization feel comfortable and happy. If they are happy with their job, then the level of motivation can be enhanced. The manager should give focus on enhancing the responsibility and work satisfaction. The managers should provide happy environment for the workers or the employees, so that the activities that are conducted should be done with efficiency. The directors or managers should help the employees and listen to their problems, so that employee can feel motivated and happy with their work (Dhar, 2015).It is analyzed that if the higher authority give motivation to the employees working in the organization, then it help the employees or the workers to attain the monthly target in proper manner. Motivation is considered as an essential and very important part of the organization. If the employees are not motivated then it is very difficult for the organization to attain the goals and objectives. Motivation enhanc es the profitability and knowledge of the employees who are working in the organization. By taking into consideration the level of motivation the level of commitment between the employees can be enhanced efficiently and in proper way. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Performance Management Analysis
Question: Discuss about the Performance Management. Answer: Specification of the performance standards to be attained by the applicant (KPI's) Retail crew members are responsible for creating memorable experience for the buyers. A crew member provides hospitable services to the customers and supplies them with food and drinks. They need to be swift in their work as company is known for their service. According to Mahajan 2014, a good crew member always works in conjugation with his team members and supports them with his constant assistance. Crew members have to communicate with the client thus they need to have a charismatic personality and good demeanor. Communication skill is a crucial criterion for crew member job as he has to indulge into conversation with the customers. Crew member should be dexterous in his service skills. Dress codes rules need to be strictly followed. He should know the usage of kitchen equipments (Lim and Loh 2014). Crew member should be adroit in computer skills as the service that Mc Donalds provide is fully computerized. According to Ciamarra 2012, Stamina for working is necessary as during ser vice hour member has to stand for long time. Mental capacity to work under critical situations and handling multiple orders in rush hour can win brownie points for the applicant (Royle 2016). Cleanliness and hygiene are two essential components of food centre. A crew member should know how to clean using chemicals and detergents in effective and safe way. Finally the crew member should have good organizational understanding so that they can work congenially with the other members of the company. Job Description- Mc Donalds crew members should have knowledge about customer handling, preparing food in the kitchen and cleaning procedures. The crew member should also assist the customers with their orders at the front desk and also provide service those who are having their meals at diner area of the restaurant. The retail crewmember should be fluent in at least two languages. Assuring food hygiene and sanitation is the prime concern of the crew member. Crew member should know how to handle cash registers. Greeting the guest with smile and helping them out with their order related queries is what the job requires. As a crew member the top priority will be customers and providing them with high quality service. Showing regards while talking to the team manager or the co workers is absolutely mandatory. Flexibility and strong sense of commitment is what Mc Donalds expect from the crew members. Learning while working is what Mc Donalds believes. Last but not the least the crew member should be confident and willing to confront challenges that may spurn up in a work place environment. Reference: Ciamarra, D., 2012. MCDONALD'S CORPORATION: MCDONALD'S YOU. IUST EAST OF EATON.10 Great Curricula: Lived Conversations of Progressive, Democratic Curricula in School and Society, p.73. Lim, C. and Loh, S., 2014. Gen Y consumers' perceptions of quick service restaurant and the mediating role of purchase intentions-A case study of McDonald's in Singapore.European Journal of Tourism Research,7, p.31. Mahajan, S., 2014. Competitive advantage through training and development in Mcdonald's: a case study.International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering,4(10), p.403. Royle, T., 2016. of Trade Union Organization in the European Fast-food Industry.Challenges for European Management in a Global Context: Experiences From Britain and Germany, p.189.
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