
Saturday, February 9, 2019

College Football at its Best :: Essays Papers

College Football at its BestAs a writer for espn.com, Eric Neel travels around college campuses and examines the many different atmospheres on college football hazard back days. One of his many visits was to the city of Columbus to witness one of the sterling(prenominal) traditions in sports in the Ohio offer Buckeyes. His campus tour as it is called is not a competition and he does not rank the schools, but in his condition about Ohio State he voices his opinion that it is the top place to honor a football game. For many citizens of Ohio and mainly Columbus, Buckeye football is a religion and this fact impressed Eric Neel and compelled him to say that Columbus was like no other place he had ever seen. He is analyzing Columbus football atmosphere on a beautiful Saturday in which the fans ar tailgating for the game against the Spartans of Michigan State. The article is written to all college football fans and especially to Ohio State fans to credit them for being the best coll ege football fans in the nation. There are many great places to watch college football games in the nation and vainglorious one the distinction of best is a bold statement. The author supports his acquire with his experiences during his day in Columbus and gives different stories of his interactions during the day. His examples are convincing because they instal many different aspects of the experience of Ohio State football games. Each figment and example is very different, but truly shows the spirit of Buckeye followers. He starts his article with a story about three men garmented in scarlet and grey suits, which are the Ohio State colors, and tells how they are press release to a wedding. This simple story tells how important Buckeye football is to the mess of Columbus and the support that is demo from all the fans. He tells of the miles and miles of tailgaters who are fixed all around the stadium, and he even compares this situation to a pilgrims journey to Mecca. A pil grimage to Mecca is the most important part of the entire Muslim religion and being compared to this, is a strong support for the passion present during a game day in Columbus. The list goes on and on with supporting evidence and the author does not even come fold up to including all the different aspects of his topic.

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