
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Transcontinental Railroad Essay -- Transportation, Railroad Compa

The Transcontinental force could be defined as the intimately monumental change in America in the 19th century. The pressure played a significant role in westward working out and on the offshoot and development of the American economy (Gillon p.653). However, the construction of the transcontinental railroad may not have occurred if not for the generous sustenance of the federal government. The federal government provided land grants and financial subsidies to railroad companies to curb the construction. The transcontinental railroad contributed to the formation of industry and the market economy in America and forever altered the American lifestyle. The Pacific Railroad visiting card of 1862 launched the transcontinental railroad construction project. The Pacific Railroad bill apt(p) 6,400 acres of mankind lands and government loans ranging from $16,000 to $48,000 per mile of track completed to the inwardness Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad companies. ( Pacific Railroad Bill) succeeding(a) the Pacific Railroad bill a series of federal and kingdom acts between 1862 and 1871 granted more than 130 million acres of public land and supplied additional monetary loans of approximately $150 million dollars to the elaboration of the railroads. (Gillon p.652)There is no refuting that the railroad companies transformed business operations and back up industrial expansion. The raw materials required for construction of the transcontinental railroad instantly resulted in the expansion of the steel, lumber and stone industries. (Gillon p.652) The railroad stimulated growth in manufacturing and agriculture providing an efficient manner to ship raw materials and products end-to-end the country. Which in turn, increased consumerism and introduced t... ...ich developed new corporations. (Gillon p.652) Many in the railroad industry and these newly developed corporations were accused of price fixing, providing illegal kick- backs and challengi ng government regulations. (Gillon p.652-657) Thus, one could argue that the railroad industry and the titans it produced had a noncompetitive approach to business that actually challenged the free market system. In the end, the transcontinental railroad changed the American landscape both physically and culturally. It formed the macrocosm for the industrial economy, it produced new business practices and management style of large workforces. It helped schematic government regulations, taxation and support of public transportation. Above all it drastically changed the American lifestyle, changed where people lived, how they shopped, how they ate, and how they worked.

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