
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Internet Marketing Communication Strategies

The hypothesis of this journal article states that internet marketing communication strategies are targeting consumers personally rather than mass interaction with consumers. Online marketing communication was established more than a decade ago and there have been changes in the methods of communication between marketers and consumers.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet Marketing Communication Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Traditionally, marketers used mass online communication strategies when interacting with consumers. The scenario today is different since marketers are focusing on interacting personally with individual consumers. Social networking online channels are also being focused by marketers to interact with customers personally (Owen, n.d.). As competition increases in the global markets, marketers are seeking better strategies of communicating with consumers and improving product image. Technological advancements have been experienced in the recent past such that marketers can reach as many consumers as possible. However, there has been concern about effectiveness of online communication marketing strategies when using mass communication or individual interaction with consumers. With emergence of global markets competition has increased and online channels have been found to be very effective in reaching a large number of consumers. The use of online communication with consumers has been said to be on the increase and many organizations have used this strategy to improve their relationship with consumers. Personal interactions between marketers and consumers have reduced with establishment of online communication marketing and there is need to improve the link between the two parties. Marketers need to know specific needs of their consumers in order to deliver products in the best way possible. Personal communication with consumers provides a better understanding and improves consumer confidence. Consumers become loyal to marketers who are able to reach them personally instead of using mass communication strategies (Owen, n.d.). Internet communication channels are increasingly being invented and more systems are predicted to evolve in the future. Online communication infrastructures are developed at all levels to achieve competitive edge to marketers. For example, online communication marketing is being used at social, political, business and other levels. Changes in online marketing communication have been experienced at the political arena and there is a direct link between political success and personal online communication. Political candidates who use mass online communication have been found to fail in their attempts to carry out their campaigns (Owen, n.d.).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Integrated Mar keting Communication (IMC) has emerged such that marketers are focusing on different strategies of communicating with their consumers through online channels (Hartley, Pickton, 1999). Other emerging issues about online communication marketing are social networking web links. Marketers are focusing on social online websites to communicate with different consumer groups. Online marketing structures have also changed in that marketers are seeking social diffusion with consumers by communicating personally with consumers. Communication channels such as Facebook, YouTube and others are being widely used by marketers to promote their products to consumers (Owen, n.d.). The hypothesis has been accepted since the author has concluded by saying that new marketing strategies have been adopted where mass communication to consumers has changed to personal interaction with consumers. Integrated Marketing Communication has been identified as a very important strategy where marketers can interact with consumers by use of different communication systems. Online social networks have been found to improve communication between marketers and consumers. Marketers using direct interaction with their consumers have been found to be more effective than marketers using mass communication strategies. The author is of the opinion that marketers should focus on personal interaction with their consumers rather than adopting mass communication marketing strategy. References Hartley, B. Pickton, D, (1999). Integrated marketing communications requires a new way of thinking. Journal of Marketing Communications, 5, 97-106. Owen, Robert (n.d.). The structure of online marketing communication channels. Journal of Management and Marketing Research. Retrieved from; http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/09135.pdf This research paper on Internet Marketing Communication Strategies was written and submitted by user Cuck00 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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